Chapter 15

I kept walking. I saw the kid on the ground. I didn't put too much force, didn't want to kill him, tried not to kill him… . . . ok i killed him, but hey. I'm literally a biological warmachine. What are they gonna do, sue me. I walked until I came across a store. People were driving away wherever I went. I went inside. No on all fours i could fit inside, it was a tight fit but i could still go inside.

I went to the frozen meat aisle. I took chunks out of the freezer. The plastic was more like an annoyance than anything. I ate it whole. I heard a lot of engines out front and was thinking about going out. I decided to finish eating first. When I got full I walked back out onto the street. I saw a bunch of cop cars along with tanks, helicopters and people recording.

'If they attack me, they will die' I sat down and waited. I could tell they were getting nervous. I saw a few of them draw their weapons on me. I simply waited. A little girl came out of the crowd holding a doll. For some reason everyone decided to not hold her back. She was yelling at me for hurting her brother.

I assume her parents tried to run and grab her when the cops held them back. They muttered something along the lines of "wait, i think she knows what she is doing" 'these people are actually retarded.' (if you can't tell i'm making fun of how movies do this all the time for a bull shit reason)

She kept yelling and threw her doll at me. Obviously I couldn't let that slide. I stood up to my full height. I opened my mouth and looked down. She had already passed out. I was planning on roaring at her but nevermind. But I don't discriminate. 'So you attack me, and then try to take the easy way out?' nah. I stomped on her. Blood splattered.

The people around me stared in shock. Then the first shots rang and after that people ran screaming. The tanks started firing at me. At first I shrugged them off and charged them head on. After a while the shot started getting to me. I slammed my tail on a tank breaking it. I blocked another tank shot with it before swinging it. It hit some police cars.

From above mini guns rained down on me. I grabbed a car and threw it at one. It fell down in a ball of flames. They were pretty dedicated though because they tried to fall on me. I extended my tail grabbing it and slung it at a platoon of soldiers.

They jumped out of the way but weren't fast enough. The flames engulfed them. Jumped up as high as I could. I grabbed one of the copters out of the sky. I bit down on it, crushing it. I jumped up again trying to grab another. By now they had flown out of my range. I crouched down and opened my mouth. I spat at them. 'My saliva is acidic so boom' it shot forward like an arrow. It hit one helicopter leaving one left. The army had retreated by now. I hopped on top of a roof, and roared towards the helicopter flying away. I only let this one get away, because it was a news one, that didn't shoot at me.


We stared at the screen. The entire world watched as the thing completely destroyed an entire army, several tanks and helicopters.

We all looked towards the 0-5 council. They talked among themselves before looking towards us. "Nuke it"

"That will kill thousands of people, hundreds of thousands even" I said. "And it Can kill millions" they said with a monotone voice. I tried to argue but a security guard covered my mouth.

"The council has ordered it so it shall be done" he said. I turned around and saw the but of a gun coming towards my head. I blacked out.

(Ben POV)

I got back up. I looked at the chaos going on around me. "I didn't do this, they did. . . . Yeah they did it. THEY AtTackEd uS " I looked towards the sky screaming. I never did anything wrong.

Those people tried to kill me. I only defended myself. I- . . . We never did anything wrong. I don't have less of a right to my life then they. In fact, I have more rights.

They needlessly attacked me for existing. All of them did. 'We should just find a peaceful place'

We shook our heads. "They keep attacking me" 'so we should just leave'

"And then what, they'll just find us" 'not if we leave' "and go where" 'down'. "Are we going crazy?" We are having a literal debate with ourselves. No I. I- I - I. There is no us no we nothing.


Aight so now we got some more personality sorry personalities. Yeah I didn't think I really show cased what 5 years of isolation does. And now when ever he does something completely out of pocket. I can bull shit my way out of it.

And he kind of already started doing it like 5 chapters ago, once he killed that family and blamed it on someone else.