Xian Impact

Yulong sighed, finally fixing all the wiring into place for his headset. Qianfan was already in-game with his sect, but Yulong still had yet to play because he had trouble with the wires. He finally fixed it.

The game had already been open a few minutes ago, and Yulong was behind by a big margin. He finally had set up his gaming system. The game was able to be played anytime, but the time in-game was the same as in real life.

This would eventually lure parents to buy this game for their kids and get them to study in VR.

Yulong took a breath as he slipped on the helmet, slid in the game disc, and pressed the power button.

He felt his consciousness plunged into deep darkness as he disconnected from the rest of the world. Suddenly, a blinding white light emanated from the center of his vision, making him feel deep nostalgia.

He was starting over again. He used to be on the brink of immortality, a Supreme God, one that could defy the heavens. But a true cultivator should be able to climb to the peak no matter how many times they fall.

The blinding white light suddenly vanished, and Yulong found himself standing at the peak of a cliff overlooking a grassy plain. The wind bellowed, lifting the plain robe he had on. A voice then resounded through his ears.

A holographic screen appeared before him.

Yulong smirked. "My name... Is Ao Bing!"


The scenery changed again. Yulong was now in the middle of a forest. Though, it was not new to him. This was the same place the game had teleported him before, and he knew where the best places were and the nearest cities.

'Heh, these benefits are good!" Yulong thought. He could remember techniques, but that was only if he had used them hundreds of times and studied them. That was why you couldn't just search for some powerful technique online and use it.

Ying and Yang coins were the currency of this world. 100 Ying equaled 1 Yang, and you could exchange 100 Ying for 1 Yang in the inventory.

Every player received a basic cultivation technique at the start of the game, but that was trash, so Yulong was fortunate to have remembered his Divine grade cultivation technique that was in the middle of its tier.

Finding a quiet spot wouldn't be too hard, as long as nothing bothered him. Yulong found a sizable rock that had some Qi clustered around it and started to cultivate in the lotus position.


Now it would be activated automatically whenever he sat in the lotus position.

The Qi in the air immediately moved, as cultivation in-game was faster than it was in real life.

'Heh. I can absorb 500 Qi per second.' Yulong thought, looking at these messages with a smile, as he was feeling way stronger than before as if he was bursting with power. The Mortal Martial realm was such a low realm that you couldn't even use Qi until you advanced.

Using a motion with his hands, he opened up the menu.





He headed to the Inventory tab and opened a square screen that was dominated by a grid. It held approximately 25 slots. In the bottom right corner displayed two counters, the Ying and the Yang.

In the first three slots were three items. His sword, the booklet for his fist technique, and the basic cultivation technique booklet. He slid his sword out of his inventory and closed it.

"Now, time to go hunt some snakes..." Yulong said. The forest he was in was called the Serpent Forest because of its abundance of giant snakes. They were usually First Level Mortal Martial or Second Level, but some were rarely Fifth level Mortal Martial.

His sword was basic, but it could cut, and it was durable. That was all Yulong cared about. He turned, trying to recollect the direction to turn where he once found a serpent.

After deciding, he ran North. His speed was greater than even the fastest man on earth, but it was slow for a cultivator. He continued running, leaping over rocks and dodging trees until he finally came upon a sleeping serpent in the middle of a clearing.

It was scaly green, thick, and slimy in the way it curled around itself.

Above the serpent's head read these words:

'Perfect...' Yulong thought. Not only that, but it was asleep. This was a good chance to kill it and take its beast core. Yulong dashed forward. Although the Serpent was weak, it had extremely tough scales so it had high HP.

Yulong nimbly leaped up and landed on the back of the Serpent's head. Raising his sword, he struck down with a clean and precise strike towards the back of the neck, the Serpent's vital point. He hoped he could end this without waking up the serpent because then it would just be a battle of endurance.

The blade cleanly cut through the thin scales, piercing through to the cervical spine. The back of the neck had a lot of intervertebral disks, spinal cord, nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

The snake opened its eyes and roared.