An old enemy - R18




Have I gotten your attention? Good. I just wanted to say the chapter contains a r-18 scene. No, it's not with the MC or whatnot, and yes, it's relevant. At least, a little bit.

Skip this chapter if you wish.


Hao Peng sat at the edge of his bed, completely naked. His body was lean, and he was well built. In his hand, he held a glowing blue crystal, held to his ear like a phone. An angered look was on his face.

"...Fine. Of course not, Xia Gang." Hao Peng said through gritted teeth. He passively emitted an angry aura, enough that any Mortal Martial would be left shivering in their boots.

Speaking of which, one wasn't putting in enough effort.

One look from Hao Peng immediately caused the Mortal Martial cultivator that was currently sucking his cock to push herself all the way to the very base. It was a great deal of effort as well, since his little brother was by no means 'small'.

Hao Peng had met her not too long ago, a mere mortal. Hao Peng had decided to have some fun, so he took her in. He had led her to believe that the only way a mortal like her could be safe was under his protection- in return, for pleasing him, she would receive Yin currency. Of course, he had no intention to make her his Dao Partner, just a little toy to relieve stress.

Raven black hair, a round face with beautiful features, and a rather attractive body. The way her big, round eyes looked up at him as she choked on his sword would cause any lesser man to immediately release, but it only angered Hao Peng further.

``In any case, how is it going with Ao Bing and Zhao Zhelan?`` The voice calmly asked.

"Oh, them," Hao Peng continued into the crystal. His hand gripped the hair of the woman, forcefully shoving her off his member. Surprise was clear on her face as she coughed, the saliva still bridging her to Hao Peng.

"Make an effort, Qiao Min. Don't you want to become a cultivator?" Hao Peng said to the woman. She meekly nodded.

"I-I'm sorry, Master Peng..." She said, her eyes wide. "I c-couldn't fit it all, I'm sorry-" She was soon interrupted by Hao Peng grabbing her by the neck. He easily lifted her in the air, a deadpan expression on his face.

Qiao Min struggled weakly, but a mere Mortal Martial didn't even make Hao Peng budge. Hao Peng returned to his conversation, as he slowly choked the woman.

"They're currently searching the mountain. I have no doubt they'll find the manual."

``Hm. Remember, you have a time limit. If you don't accomplish my task, not only will I not help you against the Divine Dishes, but I will come and kill you myself.`` Before Hao Peng could say anything, the crystal dimmed, and the voice was gone.

Hao Peng crushed the crystal within his hands, anger visible on his handsome face. "Oh, don't worry, Xia Gang. I'll complete it. And after that, I'll kill you."

Qiao Min let out a gasp. Hao Peng gave her a dismissive look before releasing his grip, letting her drop to the floor.

She collapsed, gasping from breath and rubbing her neck.

Hao Peng stood, barely restrained anger on his face. It seemed like he would need a punching bag, too.

"Strip." He growled. "I won't kill you, that is, if you survive."

Qiao Min gave him a helpless look. Was this, in the end, really worth it for money? Her first time given to a monster like this? It didn't matter if it was the boss of the most prestigious restaurant in the First World- he looked as if he would kill her at any moment.

With a sigh, Qiao Min could only take off her plain and drab robes.

She didn't even get a second to let her body breathe before Hao Peng had already tackled her.

Her previously unblemished and supple skin would no longer be so scar-free after this.


Hao Peng stared at his handiwork.

The white bed had long since broken, leaving only a twitching Qiao Min, ass up. Hao Peng had poured his seed in without a care, leaving it dripping out of her pussy freely. Multiple marks and bruises were visible on her body. A permanently pleasurable expression was stuck on her face.

She had broken after just one round.

"A-Ah! Cummingsh..!~" She said. Her walls quivered once more, as she came again, even with Hao Peng fully disengaged.

From the start she couldn't keep up with him. In the end, she came 8 times on his cock, who was still slick with her juices. She had barely provided any pleasure for him.

And no doubt, she was permanently broken as well, her body unable to withstand a High Nirvana Gathering cultivator.

Hao Peng sighed, his anger having subsided somewhat. "...I guess this is was I get for messing around with a mortal. Though, she was more resilient than I thought. She didn't die."

The Qi in the air could barely be considered an improvement. How could one's Yin energy be so trash? Qiao Min continued to moan, occasionally mumbling a string of garbled syllables that he guessed were supposed to be a sentence.

Suddenly, the door to the room gently opened. A finely dressed middle-aged man walked into the room, his black hair long enough to tie. He too was handsome, though not to Hao Peng's extent.

He took one look at the exposed rear of Qiao Min and snorted. "Young Master, please do not demean yourself to women of these caliber. There are many strong female cultivators willing to get on your knees for you, and best yet, they do not break after one use."

"...Shi Chao, please put this one with the others." Hao Peng said, slipping into his regular robes. "I have things to do."

The butler snorted, again. "Do you want to discard the room, too?"

"Yes. I have plenty. Now, I have blood to spill." Hao Peng said, walking out of the room.

Shi Chao shook his head and turned back to the shivering mess that was Qiao Min. "Those Divine Dishes bastards have it coming..."