Hell's One : A Sinful Thought

W-wh-what's going on ??, the man looked like the devil that appeared in our books that we read in our orphanage libraries, fire gets summoned all around me all over the place, is this really hell ? why am I here ? Will I be able to go back to the orphanage ?

"Listen mortal, you thought of murder in that orphanage didnt ya? the thought of murder is just as bad as the act itself which concludes that you have committed the worst sin of all... murder, your mind was covered in the sin's overshadowing darkness", the man said while looking at me menacingly but how is this possible ? I'm in hell but I don't remember dying, " wait wait, so I'm in hell meeting with Satan himself for having to commit the greatest sin of all, okay so what the fuck are you going to do to me now ? you're going to punish me for it ?", I asked in a panicky mood, "no but something much better that can benefit both me and you, your going to sign a contract because you see, there is a law of hell's equivalent exchange, its a way of me spreading evil onto earth without me being there personally, the law states : those who sacrifice innocent lives, shall receive a certain ability or power, power of the ability depends on the amount of people sacrificed, now you can choose if you want to sign this contract or not, its all up to you Mr.Cyrus", Satan said.

"Why would I want to spread evil for you and sacrifice people just for power, that's just unjustified evil", I said, "oh you might not know this but do you know the reason Bernard's parents died ?", Satan said, "it was just a car accident, nothing more to it", I answered, "well let me break it to you Mr.naive, that so called "orphanage" plans all the children's parents deaths, they planned that car accident, they use you children because they know no one will adopt from that certian "orphanage" because it never was an "orphanage", it's just a scientific laboratory that uses the dead bodies of children to experiment on them rather than using rats for their experiments, they infuse dark matter to their bodies to build emotionless soldiers for their army, they train them so they can continue their plans on world domination, I dont know anymore than that unfortunately", Satan said with a smirk on his face.

If not for those bastard scientists, Bernard would've lived a normal life like everyone else with his parents in a peaceful neighborhood having breakfast with his family preparing for school, he wouldnt be facing depression and he wouldnt have died yet, I start to tear up and scream in denial.

That's right, it's not that some people on earth are evil, all humans have some evil in them, no matter the percentage, if you can push them far enough, you can make anyone evil, I'll end all humans on earth, I'll rain hellfire on earth's surface, devils aren't the monsters in this story, we punish the evil, I'll make you humans die the most brutal way possible!

I stand back up and slowly walk towards Satan and say " I accept this contract and I'll help with spreading evil, I'll end all humans and become the ultimate superpower, I'll put them in their righteous place", Satan gives me a big smile knowing he has provoked me.

"You'll start with a default power that all devils start off with, Fire manipulation, you can control fire and make it into any sort of weapon you want and can shoot out fire from all limbs to accelerate your speed, the power of the fire depends on the anger that is in your heart the feeling of revenge, now then, are you ready for your transformation?", Satan said, I nod my head knowing I won't be human anymore but honestly, I never was human, I never knew how humans interacted but now I'll just end them all, he draws some sort of star and starts some sort of ritual, fire breaks out from the floor and covers me completely....

I'm back at the exact same scenario, Bernard was killed and the black masked man's guards are all standing just ahead of me, I feel heat rising from my hands and in no less than a second, fire comes straight out of my hand, I direct the fire at the guards and they all burn in agony and they all burned to the ground, so this is the act of killing ? I enjoy this....

"Hey what is that on the security camera in room 2340?", one of the security guards said to the black masked man, the man with the black mask walks out of the camera room and meets me in the "orphanage field", the field was full of dead bodies of children and the guards that I massacred, "I've wiped out all your guards and you've wiped out all my friends, you humans are all scumbag bastards who live in a dirty ass world, you all think to highly of yourselves", I said in rage but all of a sudden, I feel pain in my head, it feels like my head is about to burst but then, two red horns come out of my head.

"Dark Matter overdrive", the black masked man said while building up some sort of black energy in his hand, he then appears in front of me and punches me with his dark matter which sends me through three walls of the "orphanage", if I was still human I would've died but looks like me being a devil has improved my endurance,"you think your anything special, I also accepted the contract with Satan but I started with the power of dark matter which is against most odds, you should know your place, you fucker", the black masked man said, I build up heat in my hands and blast myself with fire to increase my speed to fight the black masked man, I shall end this fight with my first victory so I can start my mission of ending all of humanity.

"In this day, in this rainy ass night, in this era of human age....

I shall become Hell's One".