Hell's One : Breaking The Parliament

At The ICC Parliament In Hague, Netherlands

"Reporting back to you on Channel 78 News, we've got urgent news as it is said That a so called 'Colonials' group have committed to a full on attack on the ICC parliament, the members of the state party have been taken in as hostages, it has been reported that the members of the said group are devils, they have breached into the parliament directly from the main door where they completely annihilated the security guards and the main force that was protecting the parliament itself", news reporter "John Bamster" said, "its also been reported that this terrorist attack was a response to Operation : God's Judgment, it was to hinder the declaration of the war".

"Oi Sanders come and give these bastards a quick lesson!", one of the 'Colonials' said.

Sanders, a devil that was wearing black plated iron armor that was filled to the brim with AI that could approach any command given to it by Sanders himself.

Sanders slowly approaches the hostages that they captured with a rifle in his hand, "its weird ya know ?, I was watching all that bullshit that you were all spewing out your mouths but now...all of you are silent and are in complete fear, a true pity", Sanders said, "You all do realize the difference in power between humans and devils, right ?, its as obvious as comparing a lion to some deer, they're just there to be eventually eaten by the lions".

All the 'Colonials' then laugh simultaneously as they realize the 'power' that humans truly posses, not all stories end up with the hero winning at the end because in this story....there are no true heroes, just self-proclaimed ones.

While Sanders was laughing, he fires an acidic rifle at one of the members of the parliament, completely disintegrating their head and there...lies a lifeless slab of meat on the ground while the other humans cry in horror.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU COCKY SON OF A BITCH!!", Antoine Carranza said as he shouted in rage.

Sanders turns around and looks at him with a smirk, "sooo, I'm being cocky now ?", Sanders said, "who was the one that was confident in killing all the devils with just 10 countries on your side but, maybe after this incident...you'll gain more support and to be honest, I want this war to be actually interesting rather than it being a one-sided battering".

And there, Antoine Carranza lies on the ground filled with regret as he questions his whole decision, but he stuck to what he said earlier and started questioning Sanders, "who sent you here, who's the leader of the 'Colonials'?".

"And why would I answer such a pitiful question, me answering this question wouldn't destroy your pride?", Sanders said.

"JUST ANSWER ME YOU SICK BASTARD!!", Antoine Carranza said as he was enraged.

Sanders approaches Antoine Carranza and Ibanez Mindua and squats down to look at them both but suddenly, he fires his acidic rifle at Ibanez's head too, killing him in the process.

Antoine looks at Ibanez's lifeless body and screams until his vocal cords started bleeding but while Antoine was screaming in rage, Sanders whispers into Antoine's left ear, "one word...Dovmencar".

Back At The Night City In The Alternative Universe

We casually walk away from the blood bath that occurred in the alleyway but, I expected us to gain new abilities but we didn't, we weren't transported to the Hell dimension yet.

I quickly go to check on the bodies in the alleyway and they just disintegrate into bits of AI code, almost as if they were simulations controlled by a person but then, we were actually transported to the Hell dimension.

I see Satan casually leaning on a wall of dead corpses while smirking, "will you explain why I didn't gain the new abilities or not ?", I said impatiently.

"You didn't gain any new abilities because their artificial devils created by a devil through AI", Satan said, "the demonic horns that you saw were just probes that were connected to their spinal cord, the electrical current then transfers from the spinal cord to their brain, the currents then infiltrate the skull and breaks through it, causing artificial horns to pop out of their god damn heads, happy now ?".

So from the information that I just gained, the 'Colonials' in this universe are artificial devils, I can guarantee that a devil from the CDMI is doing all of this but, what if these 'Colonials' also existed in our real world in our current timeline ?

"Wait Satan, before you transport me back to the Earth dimension", I said, "do these 'Colonials' also exist in our real world, I'd assume that they do because anything is possible through the travel of alternative universes".

"Hmph, quite clever indeed, they do exist in the real world and they're up to a certain 'something' right now as we speak", Satan said with a leer face.


"I can't give you that much information all at once, time in the hell dimension is limited you know ?, now scram mortal, I've got other devils to care about", Satan said as he transported me back to the Earth dimension.

I'm back to the same setting that I was in from before the transportation.

Amelia and Hatem also come back from their transportation, "you all got the news right?", I asked.

"Yeah, devils in this alternative universe are artificial, they don't directly exist, we're being attacked by a devil who can manipulate his ability through multiple universes", Hatem said.

"We'll need to get transported back to our real world universe...but how?", Amelia said, "we might need to look for an entrance that will make us go through that hyperdrive again somehow".

"We'll need to scout out this universe and it's people, this is the future...there must be a way to travel through universes in this timeline", I said while they all just nodded back to what I said.

I'm almost certain that the CDMI is the one that's doing this and, we need to figure out what the 'Colonials' are up to in the real world universe, we'll search through advanced pieces of technology that will pave our way through these alternative universes.