Hell's One: Devils With Cherub Masks

"Devils hide their true faces with cherub-like masks, nothing but an alias to our inhumane acts that are overshadowed by nothing but lies", "rather than being thankful for avoiding pain, we just want more of it", I say.

I hear the sound of clapping approaching us, it's Dovmencar with that bitchy smirk of his.

"Bravo bravo, I didn't expect this kind of wisdom from your sorry ass", Dovmencar says, "we're devils for fuck sake, we don't bring a gun to a knife fight, we like to witness every ounce of emotion within our enemies, to savor their painful experiences, we know one thing that's certain, people show who they are in their final moments, that's our form of pleasure…".

I clench my fist knowing that using violence would be an absolute waste of my power and energy.

My body still hasn't fully recovered from my encounter with Dovmencar.

Hatem reaches in for my hand and places his over mine and says, "don't make yourself look that obvious", he whispers, "getting enraged now would be useless and quite costly".

Hatem knew something, he's been cooking up a plan, I just don't know it yet.

"Oh yeah, a quick friendly reminder, all suspicions regarding Pillar Combustion, you don't have to worry about that anymore", Dovmencar says.


How could it be taken care of that quickly?!

"Each of the seven devils of Hell has a certain day, and each of those days last for at least a day or two unless they're defeated, and not to mention, those days are absolute which means you can't nullify them, what did you do exactly?!", Amelia says.

"I did it", Unknown says as he appears behind Dovmencar, "Pillar Combustion is absolute, indeed it is, but it could just be accelerated to its result where deaths are kept to a minimum, which means I kept the damage from getting worse".

"Ah yes, I know this may seem a bit abrupt, but he's Unknown…literally", Dovmencar says.

Unknown…an entity I've yet to witness, even at the library in the 'orphanage', I've never seen a creature quite like this one.

"Dovmencar, can you give me a minute or two, I'd like to speak with Cyrus for a bit", Unknown says.

"Of Course", Dovmencar says in an optimistic tone.

Dovmencar then turns around, but all of a sudden, he grabs Unknown's left shoulder and whispers, "reveal your true identity to him and I'll tear you limb from limb, you son of a bitch, I'll never forgive you for what you did to Sanders", "you're quite lucky to be alive, but I'll tell you this right now, get cocky once again and you know what's happening next".

Unknown is a person who doesn't usually express much emotion, but this was an exception.

He showed fear, almost as if Dovmencar's words were strangling him.

But despite this showing of violence, Dovmencar quickly switches to a smile and says, "now I'll leave you both to it, good luck".

This is exactly what I meant, devils hide behind their vengeful smiles.

"Okay, now that we're here, I've got some news to tell you…", Unknown says.

Judging from the fear on his face, I doubt that he'll be able to state what's on his mind.

"I'm…I'm..B-b...no, sorry, I'm announcing a daily reminder that the Tormenting Games will be happening soon, in 2 days to be exact", Unknown says," we'll be sending your team sheets for your selections tomorrow, based on your selections, you'll be with the members of your choice during the games, I wish you the greatest of luck…".

He doesn't look too optimistic regarding the games, unlike the other CDMI members.

I wonder if he's also a member of Dovmencar's group, it seems to me like it's forced as if there's some sort of deal between them that forces Unknown to stay within the group.

At Fate's Forbidden Domain

"I know I shouldn't be questioning your judgment, but there are so many people out there, I'm no angel…why me?", Zane asks.

"It wasn't my decision, God's word is absolute, but then again, Fate is fair, I work for Hell and Heaven, I couldn't care less for your future, I'm just a slave to my divine duty", Fate says.

"Ouch, I didn't expect Fate to be so direct, but if that's what I must do, then so be it", Zane says.

Fate then stands up and draws a teleportation circle around Zane's feet, "Fate punishes the weak, so become strong", Fate says.

Zane then finds himself within some sort of wormhole.

He just doesn't seem to stop falling, it seems endless.

While he's falling within the wormhole, a gate appears in front of him.

It was just a slight opening in the wormhole's structure.

The gate had a sign above it, it said the following: For You Have Sworn To Partake Within God's Divine Judgement.

"Judging by that fancy usage of vocabulary, that's probably the right gate", Zane says.

He also realized something, he stopped falling when the gate appeared, this ensures that this gate is the right path towards the Earth dimension.

"Earth, you shall now witness your first angel, wow that sounds awesome", Zane says as he walks towards the gate.

"Wait, does that mean that I'm an angel forever?", Zane asks himself, "hmmm….whatever, God chose me, his divine judgment can't be wrong, he just never specified what I have to do as an angel, I think I'll get a nice pizza when I get back, they'll probably give me one for free since I'd be an angel".

Zane then enters the gate.

He blinks again and he finds himself in the middle of the barren desert, this desert used to be Europe, but it's just a huge ghost town now.

"Daaaaamnnnn, did Lucifer fuck up this place that badly?", Zane asks, "wait…Emma, oh god".

In a battlefield like this, you can't expect Emma to still be alive.


Zane drops onto his knees and says, "is this what they call an internal rainfall?", "what angel am I if I have no one to protect?!".

Zane starts to tear up.

He promised himself that he would never cry again after he was chosen to be on Wyatt's team for the Devil Hunters' Organization.

"There were 5 of us, Sanders' probably dead too and there's no way Carla's coming back anytime soon, fuck sake", Zane says, "there's no hope for us".

At your darkest moments, you must have a big heart to look for your light switch.

A tornado of light appears around Zane, he doesn't seem to know what's happening to him, he just doesn't care.

He feels this indescribable sensation, almost like pressure within the depths of the ocean, but this pressure is strengthening him.

"I have sworn to partake within God's divine judgment, I've become a true angel", Zane says.

It appears that he's taken the form of an angel.

His hair goes blonde, his suit changes colors, from black to an all-white appearance, a cape appears on his back with the same red cross on Fate's cloak, and a halo summons on top of his head.

Most importantly though, a pair of wings grow on his back, puncturing through the cape.

What a holy sight!

He has become Earth's first angel, to restore hope for all of humanity…against all devils.