Hell’s One: Homunculus ( Past Arc )

Note: this is a past chapter, it doesn't focus on the current timeline of the story, reading this chapter won't be mandatory for the understanding of the story, but I would recommend this chapter for a more preferable experience, the choice is yours

8 Years Ago…

Wyatt grabs an AK-47 out of the bag and starts scanning the fingerprints on it with his transmitting device, "this is one precious son of a bitch", Wyatt says, "and that should do it, the scanning is complete, Elias, check the scanning results on the computer, it should've gotten us our suspects' true identities".

Elias walks up to the computer and sees the identities, "they're Zane Orion and Emma Sophia", Elias says.

"Well, we've got them now, let's find them…", Wyatt says.

Elias then walks back to Wyatt, "let's take these weapons and samples back to the organization, our researching team can track their locations with our new technology", Elias says.

Wyatt then says, "shouldn't be a problem", so they they both just leave the theater.

They both come in contact with Wu Feng again, he seems to be quite worried, "have you boys figured it out yet?", Wu asks.

"Yeah, we were able to track their locations by connecting their fingerprints to their bodies on your CCTV footage, and I'd also recommend fixing up your floor in the bathrooms, we found a whole ass bag of weapons down there", Elias says, "oh yeah, and please…contact us if you're in this kind of shenanigans once again".

Elias then gives this fake business card, it looked like it belonged to the police department, "this card gives our private numbers to you, you should be able to gain direct contact with us", Elias says.

Wu Feng then bows to the both of them, Wyatt and Elias then bow back.

This may seem like a nonchalant conclusion to this battle, but it got a lot worse in matter of seconds, Wyatt and Elias then hear the sound of sirens approaching.

"What the hell?!", Wyatt says, they never expected the police to be arriving so soon!

"No, it's impossible", Elias says "the researching team were able to calculate the amount of time it would take the CIS to get here on their own, but this…this is different, someone must've called them".

A young man and woman both simultaneously walk out of the Theater's entrance, they looked familiar.

"Yes here, here we are, we're fine, we just barely escaped the massacre", the young man says as he raises his right arm to gain the police cars' attention to the Theaters, "I think these two gentlemen are the possible persecutors of that event, please arrest them!".

Who could this young man be?!

"Hey, you son of a bitch!", Wyatt says as he approaches the man, but Elias pushes him back.

"Nothing but a false accusation, the use of violence would be pitiful from our side", Elias says as he struggles push Wyatt away from the man.

After a bit of time, the police cars arrive at the Theaters.

"Alrighty now, everyone put their arms in the air", the officer says.

"Officer please, you've got hear me out, we're not suspects, w-w-we just happened to walk by this place, nothing but a coincidence", Wyatt says.

Wyatt couldn't have said a dumber thing to an officer, but he was purposefully ignoring the man and the woman, he had suspected them to be Zane and Emma, since they match the photos that popped up on the computer, he doesn't want them to be arrested too, he'd like them to be his future recruits for The Choosing.

"Sir, I don't like repeating myself, just put your hands in the air and get down on your knees, it doesn't have to be this way", the officer says.

Elias knew that this wasn't going to go well, so he just counts how many officers there are, he was planning to kill them, knocking them out unconscious would be rendered useless.

There were six officers, he also knew that Wyatt had a certain ability, capable of ending this peculiar situation quite easily.

They both know what to do, their chemistry is on point!

They both play along with the officer's directions, so they both get on their knees with their hands on their heads, "okay good, now put your hands in the air!", the officer says.

This is it, the plan initiates now!

"Now, Wyatt!", Elias screams out.

Wyatt closes his eyes, his body then starts to miraculously float in the air, he then says, "Homunculus: Max Potential".

Once those words were released from Wyatt's mouth, all of the officers' weapons were dropped, their eyes were pitch white and their jaws were wide open…they looked like lifeless zombies.

Since this area was built amongst a series of other buildings, all the officers then start to simultaneously enter the same building.

Going up the building's staircase, they finally reach the rooftop.

"Well, Zane and Emma, these are the actions that could occur if you attempt to fight our organization", Elias says, "witness it, and bask in its glory!".

All the officers then simultaneously jump off the building, killings themselves.

Emma then starts to scream in fear…fear of what could occur to them.

"What is this!?", Zane says as he pulls a magnum pistol from his pocket, "black magic?!".

"Nothing but a gift given by Adam himself", Elias says.

Homunculus, an ability where once the word 'homunculus' is released, he can release a flow of energy, that energy being 'dark matter',whoever approaches him will face this flow of energy and they will face an uncertain death that results from suicide, this suicide depends on the opponent's/opponents' surroundings

( Dark matter is the flow of energy released by one's emotion of hate or despair )

"Look, we're not here to harm you" Wyatt says as he slowly approaches Zane and Emma.

"Fuck off!", Zane says, "I'm tired of bullshit just being thrown at me, I'm tired of having fake adults lecturing me on how to distinguish between what's good and what's bad, I simply don't care, the world's corrupted!".

Wyatt then approaches Zane and Emma once again, "I said stop, you represent the devils of the world!", Zane says.

"Everyone's got a devil within them, but we're humans, we've got a certain gift that no other creature has…it's perception", Wyatt says, "perception is being able to distinguish between what's good and what's bad, I'm sure you've asked your parents this question before, if god created all, then why did he create evil?".

"Why?", Emma asks.

"He created what's evil for humans to make the right choice, for humans to know what's truly good out there", Wyatt says, "know the world that you reside within, that's when you're truly happy, trust me".

Wyatt then suddenly breaks to tears.

"Uhhh, so basically, to summarize what my good friend actually meant, the world's a tough place, and we require tough people to make it right, so we both decided on recruiting the both of you to our devil hunting organization, we really require your 'Hybrid' aspect, and both of you are very skilled in terms of combat", Elias says as he keeps on patting on Wyatt's back, that sure was embarrassing…

"Sure, our future is as dull as the rain, but what about the countless lives that we've taken?", Zane asks, "won't we be held accountable for our previous actions?".

"Not at all, but you will face another obstacle ahead of you…The Choosing", Elias says.