Hell's One: Creation Is Absolute ( Past Arc )

Note: this is a past chapter ( not filler, it's canon), it doesn't focus on the current timeline of the story, reading this chapter won't be mandatory for the understanding of the story, but I would recommend this chapter for a more preferable experience, the choice is yours

8 Years Age At Neo-Geisters' Warehouse ( Main Base )

"Shall the fires of hell reign upon its greatest perpetrators, for my soul is one which shall be feared, True Devil Form…Release!", Wyatt says.

A Satanic Pentagram made out of blood then surrounds Wyatt, the lines of blood then turn into fire.

Those flames then engulf Wyatt's limbs, turning them to nothing but bones.

Those flames then surround Wyatt's torso area, but they won't burn that area.

Those flames just lingered there.

A crown of blood then appears on Wyatt's head.

Drops of blood cover both of his eyes, but he could see all…especially one's true sensations.

And ofcoarse, he has a set of devil wings.

"I'm a devil hunter, but I contain a devil like no other", Wyatt says.

At A Protest Within The Streets Of LA

A helicopter flies over crowds of people as they storm the roads of Los Angeles, while chaos lingers over innocent lives who wish for nothing but peace.

"Today, the protests worsen, as you can see, you can't really classify this as a plain old protest…this is chaos…this is a riot", the news reporter within the helicopter says, "the government owes us an explanation regarding the sudden escalation in the usage of ASTO machinery".

The riots weren't going to quiet down at any moment, they were restless.

At The UN's Headquarters In New York ( in the meetings room )

"This is getting out of hand", Michael Roe ( President of the United Nations General Assembly ) says, "the spread of this false propaganda has reached out to many of those who seek vengeful acts, I've gained direct contact with those who you blame for the usage of ASTO-like machinery, you've got to trust me".

The UN's members have permitted its president to hold a meeting with a couple of journalists who saw this interview as an opportunity to settle this dispute, once and for all.

Almost like putting out a fire…or perhaps the opposite.

"Listen, we understand that you've gotten your sources of information, but it all sounds satire to me, no propaganda would have such a grand impact on the world, especially now that our modern society has prioritized security and overall safety", the first journalist says.

"I know that this current situation may seem unrealistic, but I need to get the public's eye towards me", Michael Roe says, "the development of ASTO machinery was developed in a laboratory, that laboratory functions under an organization, but they're quite local, so the word 'organization' seems like a bit of a stretch".

"If we know where the ASTOs originated, that could give us a couple of leads to help us figure out where all these ASTOs are being held", the first journalist says, "so, what's the 'organization's' name?".

Michael Roe felt this drop in his heart rate, he couldn't help himself from suddenly panicking, but this panicky sensation didn't hinder him from uttering out the name of this so-called 'organization'.

"They're known as the Neo-Geist-", Michael Roe says, but he gets shot by a pistol from the second journalist.

At the heat of the moment, it all ended with a simple bullet through the head.

"We could've gotten more information from him, Alastor", the first 'journalist' says, "I think you did it a bit too early".

"It was either now, or he would've gotten the world's attention towards us, Lilitu", Alastor says ( he was the second 'journalist' ).

Alastor and Lilitu are members of the Neo-Geisters.

Neo-Geisters had always prioritized keeping a low profile, especially with its reputation.

Back in the day, they hired a group of scientists who worked within a local laboratory, they're the ones who were responsible for the development of ASTO machinery, meaning that Charlotte Johansson worked for the Neo-Geisters…without ever realizing it.

Back At Neo-Geisters' Warehouse ( Main Base )

"I told you not to use that form", Aiden says as he struggles catch his breath, "it could backfire onto us".

"Never doubt absolute power, Aiden", Wyatt says.

A sword made out of blood then comes out of Wyatt's right palm.

He holds the sword perpendicularly to his face and says, "Absolute Creation".

Hendrix then starts to whisper to himself, "creation?", "he's no god to boast about such nuances, True Geister, attack him!".

The True Geister was immobilized by an uncertain sensation that was given off from Wyatt's grand presence.

The walls of the warehouse proceed to just rot away, and just beyond those walls is an absolute abyss, nothing but an empty space, but it's not so similar to the void of a devil.

This void was white, it represents an angel's true heart, this is quite ironic.

The True Geister has appeared to have vanished along with the walls too, even Aiden faced this sudden disappearance, it was nothing but a direct face-off between Wyatt and Hendrix.

Hendrix has this bizarre outer appearance.

He has a pair of fangs, he even has blue whiskers drawn on his face, and not to mention, he's got two cat-like ears that were clearly generated by an electric current, but those current weren't burning his white hair, what's truly bizarre is that these currents weren't generated from any sort of electrical source, they're natural.

Now that he wasn't behind a certain screen, he's got no one to protect him now.

"Look at you, not so high and mighty now", Wyatt says as he approaches Hendrix.

Hendrix starts to crawl away, his cowardice took over all the leftover sensations that resided within him.

"What did you do?", Hendrix asks, "I was the one who was able to manipulate the dark matter in this room, yes…yes, that must be it, you're just utilizing dark matter to create this illusion".

"You're mistaken, you fool", Wyatt says, "I created a new universe, and I transported your vile existence to it, I'll even change it to your childhood town if that'll make you happy".

Wyatt was able to create a new universe in a matter of mere seconds, just by uttering a few words.

His true powers have been displayed.

"Now, I've got a good amount of questions to ask", Wyatt says, "the first one being, how were you able to modify that abomination to have devil abilities?".

"It wasn't me who carried out these genetic modifications, it was Carla Johansson, not me, I swear", Hendrix says.

Wyatt and Aiden had two goals in mind when they first broke into the warehouse's boundaries, and that was to hinder Neo-Geisters' movement towards their ultimate goal of initiating the existence of Murphy's Law, the other goal being, to recruit more Hybrids for the Choosing.

"Listen kid, I'm not supposed to kill you, but I really don't want to recruit you, and I doubt that Aiden would choose you, so let's leave it to your precious luck", Wyatt says as he pulls out a quarter coin, "heads or tails?".

"I can't escape from your absolute power, I've got no choice but to play along, I'm going to go with heads", Hendrix says.

Wyatt then throws the quarter into the air, and it lands onto his fist.

The quarter landed on tails.

"Ding ding ding, we've got our sorry loser here", Wyatt says, "better luck next time, bud".

Wyatt then swings his index finger to barely touch Hendrix's chest, that touch was no ordinary touch whatsoever.

Almost like a water droplet dropping into a puddle of water.

That single touch results to the breaking of all the bones within Hendrix's body, not one is left unscathed or unfazed.

This…is power.