Hell's One: I Hate The Weak (Past Arc)

Note: This chapter is set in the past and doesn't center on the current timeline of the story. Reading this chapter isn't mandatory for understanding the story, but it would enhance the overall experience. The choice is yours. ( Canon )

"You have heard that the ancients were told, 'You shall not commit murder' and 'Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court."-Matthew 5:21

8 Years Ago, Within Fate's Domain

"I do not protest against the fact that I shall become one with the fires of Hell, but I refuse to be nothing but a stepping stone for your malice! You're nothing but a coward that works for the dark, and you shall never experience the right to walk into the light. I wish for your obliteration and annihilation, and I wish nothing but the worst for what's to come to you! It is better if you had a large millstone hung around your neck and drowned at the bottom of the sea! You deserve fate far worse than just Hell, beyond one's simple comprehension of pain and suffering. Die and suffer; your existence is nothing but a hinderance to humanity's existence itself!" Cawii shouts, "I ask for nothing but eternal suffering for your being, you worthless bastard! ". 

The Black-Masked Man then starts clapping nonchalantly.

Right before he's dragged into the Path Of Temptation, Cawii utters, "I-I surrender..."

Cawii does nothing but cast a gaze filled with abject hopelessness towards the Black-Masked Man as he is mercilessly pulled into the Path Of Temptation, condemned to Hell for the remainder of eternity.

Hoodo, Cawii's sister, had her body cut apart back on Earth, with her limbs and other body parts sold to traders within the black market...

About 7 Months Before The Initiation Of This War, Within The Base Of CDMI...

"So, how much are you thinking to get this task done?" Sanders asks. "I figure you'd probably want a good sum, especially with it taking around 6 to 7 months."

Sanders is seated at a table, engaged in a discussion with a familiar client, a regular, so to speak.

Sanders is eager to seal this deal as it would significantly contribute to his future plans.

Sanders' client is quite hesitant to answer, and that would probably be due to the unpleasant presence of the other members of CDMI around her.

Tamara Varga is a notorious Slovakian woman specialized in dark sacrificial acts, all for a particular purpose or to accomplish tasks, specifically for money

She had never pledged her loyalty to a single leader or boss, but this particular request seemed special, even somewhat daunting.

Her attire featured linen bandages or cloth that covered her eyes and wrapped around her body, specifically centered around her chest area.

Her long, gorgeously shiny black hair framed her face beautifully.

Below, she wore a short black skirt paired with fishnet stockings that covered her legs, leading down to her crocodile-patterned boots.

She exuded a striking beauty, yet she wasn't renowned for something as seemingly irrelevant as outer beauty within the grand scheme of things.

"Cat bit your tongue?", Sanders asks. "Is it their presence that disturbs you?".

"Yes, I won't commence with our business unless they give us privacy", Tamara says.

"Of course. How can I allow something so simple to hinder my progress?" Sanders says. "Now, if you may."

The members leave.

"Once again, I've asked before, but what are you thinking in terms of compensation?" Sanders inquires. "Are you considering a hundred thousand dollars? Maybe a million? Ten million? Just tell me, and it's yours."

I don't speak of 'pay' in financial terms," Tamara replies. "Just being a part of your plan makes it worthwhile for me."

"Are you certain?" Sanders inquires. "I'm not expecting you to work for me without pay."

"I'd rather spend this time reviewing the sequence of events of this plan, it is a long term one after all", Tamara says. 

Sanders' plan revolves around Tamara performing specific rituals in New York. These rituals involve using the HemoHex—an ancient artifact discovered by archaeologists linked to the Utem Nas era—to spill blood at precise locations. This dagger's unique power activates when blood is spilled in a specific sequence, serving as the linchpin of Sanders' strategy. He orchestrates a sixth critical event, considering targeted actions against either Chugi or Belya'al at one such location. Sanders aligns past events with this crucial moment, foreseeing the formation of a blood hexagon.

"How can you be so sure that either one of those people will be murdered?", Tamara asks.

"I've seen all timelines of all possible outcomes to every act that has been implemented, and for every act that shall be implemented", Sanders says, "simply put, I've got Fate within the grasps of my hands".

All of this made sense, but there was one glaring issue within the plan.

"Okay, blood spilled by my HemoHex will contribute to the shape, but the 6th murder won't even be caused by my HemoHex at all", Tamara says.

"I knew you were going to say that," Sanders chuckles. "Let's say I persuaded our lab here to replicate your HemoHex, including its intricate ability, and then I melted it, and then I'll have it poured around Belya'al at all times. Because his Dark Energy discharge is so heavy, it will just attract or suck in that melted HemoHex, making his next murder the last murder to construct my hexagon, which just happens to be in around 7 months against a certain enemy named Chugi."

The sanction is for five murders, spaced five miles apart, over a span of five to six months. Each individual act must be spread out across a month to prevent suspicion.

"So, I've got one last question to ask. May I?", Tamara says.

"Go right ahead", Sanders says.

"What ancient weaponry do you plan on summoning with my HemoHex?", Tamara asks.

Sanders erupts with an exuberant laughter, his boisterous chortles echoing through the room with an animated fervor.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, Tamara Varga," Sanders reassures.

Back At The Aftermath Of Belya'al and Chugi's Battle (About 7 Months Later)...

Captain Elias continues to drag Alastor's unconscious body back to the main establishment of the Devil Hunters.

Both Belya'al and Chugi's deceased bodies lay side by side, then suddenly Sanders emerges from the ground, akin to a swift and unexpected motion, like dunking a cookie into milk and withdrawing it.

"I thank you, Belya'al, for your sole purpose of existence has now been fulfilled," Sanders says with a smile.

Tamara then emerges from the ground as well.

The crowds have dispersed, fleeing in every direction, leaving no viable way to impede this operation.

"Give me the HemoHex, Tamara", Sanders says.

Tamara kneels down and hands over the HemoHex to Sanders.

Sanders walks towards the deceased bodies of both Belya'al and Chugi and firmly plants the HemoHex into the ground right next to them.

A solid wall of blood emerges from the ground and takes shape, reaching a height of about 1 mile. This blood wall connects the locations of the murders that have been committed, forming a six-sided hexagon of blood.

Sanders then retrieves the HemoHex from the ground.

The clouds in the sky disperse, revealing a colossal eye forming in the sky, gazing down upon the city of New York.

"What the hell is that thing?!", Tamara asks.

"In this very moment, we see life beginning to embrace the touch of eternity while growing numb to death", Sanders muses.

"What are you talking about?!", Tamara shouts.

"I despise the ideology of weakness and death, and this is nothing but a step in opposition to that", Sanders says. "For those consumed by fear of their own existence, I see it as a kindness to relieve them of their burden".