Hell's One: More Damage Than Intended (Past Arc)

Note: This chapter is set in the past and doesn't center on the current timeline of the story. Reading this chapter isn't mandatory for understanding the story, but it would enhance the overall experience. The choice is yours. (Canon)

"Through the sands of time, I will not sink, nor will I ever give in to your resentment"

As Lisa stands amidst the aftermath, a deafening explosion reverberates behind her, echoing from a nearby building. The forceful impact suggests something airborne crashing into the structure.

Once the settling cement dust clears, a familiar figure emerges – Akimoto Hikari, a seasoned Devil Hunter under Captain Aiden's command.

With swift determination, Lisa teleports herself to Akimoto's side, her gaze scanning the scene below for the perpetrator.

Spotting a woman swiftly climbing the building with remarkable agility, akin to a gorilla, Lisa's focus sharpens.

Reacting swiftly, Lisa transports Akimoto to safety before returning her attention to the rooftop threat.

With a commanding cry,

"Ozean der Leere! "Lisa unleashes her power.

Her katana strikes the roof, unleashing a wave of Dark-Matter that engulfs the building, causing it to collapse inward upon itself.

The scene is shrouded in a somber hush as the dust clears, exposing the scale of the devastation. Amid the scattered wreckage, the faint sirens cut through the air, heralding the approach of emergency crews to survey the aftermath of the collapsed structure.

As the ambulances approach the scene, Lisa teleports herself in front of the trucks, stopping them in the middle of a bridge.

With her arms outstretched, Lisa urgently warns the onlookers and the ambulances, "Clear the bridge! It's not safe! There's a risk of collapse due to the impending battle. Stay back until it's safe! I'll signal with a flare once the danger has passed."

The mysterious woman crashes into Lisa once more with a force reminiscent of a jet slamming into a solid barrier. The resulting impact creates a substantial breach in the bridge's structure, leaving it on the verge of collapse.

With each cry for help and desperate plea, hopelessness tightens its grip on everyone's necks, suffocating their spirits.

Lisa is drowning.

As Lisa finds herself submerged, drowning in the murky depths, a figure emerges from the water beneath the bridge, gracefully stepping onto its surface.

Amidst the chaos, all eyes turn to the newcomer, their gazes fixated on her distinctive attire—a uniform of the Neo-Geisters.

The sight of a Neo-Geister member commands more attention than the collapsing bridge itself, prompting the panicked crowds to scatter in fear.

"You think fleeing will spare you from suffering? Many slaves couldn't run from their masters, y'know?" the woman taunts, her words laced with menace.

With a gesture resembling a gun, she aims her finger at the dispersing crowds. "Goodnight," she murmurs, a foreboding aura emanating from her outstretched hand.

However, as she prepares to unleash her destructive energy, a disturbance in the Dark Matter energy catches her off guard from beneath the bridge's surface—a katana emerges, followed by a surge of potent Dark Matter directed at the woman, propelling her into the air.

In the midst of the chaos, Lisa emerges from the depths, teleporting into the air where the woman hovers.

With an otherworldly intensity gleaming in her blood-red eyes, Lisa seizes the woman by the neck with a single hand, instilling fear in her captive.

"Goodnight," Lisa intones, her voice chillingly calm.

"W-Wait, please," the woman stammers, desperation evident in her trembling voice. "Let me introduce myself... I'm... I'm Persephone. How about a cup of coffee to start anew, hmm?"

Lisa releases her grip on Persephone's neck momentarily, swiftly striking her with the katana's pommel (kashira). The force of the blow sends Persephone hurtling into another building, crashing through its roof with a resounding impact.

Returning to the city pavement, Lisa readies her katana for another strike, her resolve unshaken. As she waits for Persephone to emerge from the wreckage, time seems to drag on.

Impatient and determined, Lisa's voice echoes through the quiet streets. "Are we finished here?" she calls out, her tone laced with anticipation.

"Are we not fighting anymore?", Lisa shouts out.

Growing restless, Lisa approaches the building and knocks on its door. An elderly woman answers, her face etched with concern.

"May I enter for a moment?" Lisa asks politely, her demeanor belying the urgency of the situation. "There seems to be a pest in your building that requires my attention."

"Pest control? Oh, please, come in," the grandmother replies eagerly, ushering Lisa inside.

As Lisa steps into the home, she notices the gaping hole in the ceiling and wonders how the elderly woman had not noticed it before.

"Feel free to rest in your room," Lisa assures the grandmother. "I'll take care of everything."

"Thank you so much," the grandmother responds gratefully, disappearing into her room.

With the grandmother safely out of harm's way, Lisa begins her search for Persephone within the house. Following the sound of the television, she enters the living room to find Persephone lounging on the couch, indulging in a tub of ice cream while watching TV.

As Lisa observes Persephone lounging comfortably on the couch, a pang of anxiety grips her heart. She can't shake the feeling of unease, realizing that in her haste to confront Persephone, she had forgotten to ensure the elderly woman's evacuation from the home.

Lisa casually takes a seat on the couch beside Persephone. "I like this show, y'know?" she remarks.

"Yeah, it's very well written. The character development here is so impressive, unlike anything I've ever seen," Persephone responds.

"Hmph," Lisa acknowledges with a nod. "Get out."

With a swift motion, Lisa unleashes her katana's Dark Matter wave, propelling Persephone out of the home.

"Oops, a bit more damage than intended," Lisa muses, retrieving her wallet and leaving $200 on the grandma's coffee table as compensation.

Nonchalantly, Lisa exits the home, scanning the surroundings for any sign of Persephone's whereabouts.

Left, right, left, right—Lisa's search is interrupted as she finds herself back on the couch beside Persephone, the hole in the wall inexplicably gone.

"I like this show, y'know?" Persephone repeats.

"Yeah, it's very well written. The character development here is so impressive, unlike anything I've ever seen," Lisa responds, her voice devoid of her own will.

"Hmph," Persephone echoes, nodding. "Get out."

This time, it's Persephone who wields a katana, conjured seemingly from thin air, unleashing a wave of Dark Matter that propels Lisa through the wall.

As Lisa struggles to regain her bearings, Persephone's ominous words hang in the air. "You're Jinxed," she declares, the implication sending a chill down Lisa's spine.

"You're-Jinxed" is an ability that allows the user to manipulate causality in a manner that reverses the outcome of specific events initiated by others. When someone attempts to harm or disadvantage the user, whether it's firing a bullet or launching an attack, the user activates their ability. Instead of being harmed, the event resets, and the same scenario unfolds once again. However, this time, the tables are turned, and the user gains control of the situation. 

In a chilling revelation, it becomes apparent that Persephone's abilities mark her as more than just a mere adversary; she is a Devil, capable of reversing not only attacks but even the most mundane of daily occurrences.

She's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil...she's a Devil.