The Great Deception

After Scholastica had been brought to the camp, the carrying out of Falco's plan to enter Hyperion disguised as the Hyperionite Steed began. Putting on the scale armour of a Hyperionite soldier, the Last Divine Deucalion of Aether would have preferred his great-grandfather's armour, but alas, the great deception would fail if he were. Then looking at the bull-headed helmet, Falco thought of Taurus and his golden bull-mask. A helmet of bronze would afford Falco more protection than the mask of gold would Taurus, however that stone axe that the High Priest of the Earth Bull wielded was possibly more dangerous than the half-rusted, broken sword that he had, but being a double-bladed axe, Taurus' weapon was normally strictly ceremonial, but Taurus had often used it outside of ceremonies and the axe had not broken yet.

Sighing, Falco looked to Kenneth and asked his caracal: "What do you think?" Kenneth merely stared and proceeded to sniff the helmet. "It does seem a bit much for cavalry, that helmet, but I suppose it must be worn, though I will not be wearing those horse-skin trousers. It is barbaric!"

Kenneth nodded in agreement, or at least Falco interpreted the motion of the caracal's head as an agreeing nod. Though, it must have been. Would not beasts themselves disagree about their skin being worn by humans?

Emerging from his tent alone, Falco joined the rest of the false Hyperionite Steed. They were to ride out and when the time was right, they would ride toward the city like the cavalry was returning from a patrol or some such thing. They would just have to wait for some of the Hyperionite Steed to actually leave the city first.

So began the wait.