Acinonyx's Escape

Amongst the chaos of fighting soldiers and recently freed people trying to get out of the city, getting out of Hyperion was easier said than done. As Acinonyx dragged her through the streets and allies, the winding corridors, Rowena attempted to get free, but today the Crown Prince of Hyperion's hand had a grip of bronze. As much as she tried to call for help, the fact was that with all that was happening, she could not be heard. The soldiers were interested solely in fighting each other and the people who Leo had ordered trapped inside their homes were only interested in escaping the city their monarch had set ablaze.

Her eyes darting, her head turning, Rowena tried to find something that she could use to get free. Some fallen soldier must have dropped a weapon that she could use.

And then she saw him! Falco! Her heart leaping, Rowena called his name, hoping that he would be able to hear her! Alas, the more Acinonyx dragged her through the burning city, the more her one true husband grew farther from her.

No! Not anymore! She and Falco were so close to being reunited! She was Rowena of Aether and once more she would be with Falco, the Last Divine Deucalion of Aether!

Grabbing a piece of burning wood, Rowena thrust it into the neck of her abductor and began to make her way to Falco the moment that Acinonyx released her. Alas, she only found herself going against the crowds of people wanting to get out of Hyperion. It was like trying to swim against the current in a powerful river and the fact was that as much as the Last Queen of Aether attempted to get closer to her beloved Falco, the fact was she only got closer bit by bit.

Upon being knocked down, Rowena felt someone help her up and a man say to her: "Come on, fool girl! The way out is this way! No need staying here to die just because Leo wants everybody to die with him!" She could not argue with that logic, but the fact was the individual she wanted to get to was in the opposite direction everyone was going.

Perhaps it would simply be easier to wait for Falco outside of Hyperion, provided that Acinonyx did not find her again.

Looking over to where Falco was, growing farther and farther away, Rowena waved a hand and once more called out his name, hoping, praying that he would hear her, if not see her. Against all odds, against everything that was happening, Falco did indeed seem to see Rowena and began running in her direction.

With a smile spreading across her countenance and tears of joy flowing from her eyes, Rowena believed that this would be the end of the nightmare, but alas, she soon heard the cry of a bull and her blood ran cold. Was it just a bull or was the Earth Bull telling her that the nightmare would not end today?

No! The nightmare had to end! For a twelvemonth had she been a prisoner of Hyperion, but no more! It had to end today! After today, she would never more see Acinonyx's countenance.

And yet in her mind, Rowena heard a woman's voice say, her voice echoing: "Acinonyx is your fated husband! I bribed him with you so I might be called the fairest and you will be the dam of his descendants, the first queen of his new city! I do not care if that ugly Falco with his large, hooked nose and his small, triangular mismatched eyes is the one you love! If the Goddess of Love decrees you shall love Acinonyx then you shall!"

For a moment fear entered Rowena's heart. The Goddess of Love? Could it be true? Finding her resolve, she muttered to herself: "There are some things that cannot be controlled, not even by a divinity."

Once more in her mind, Rowena heard the Goddess of Love utter: "Then I shall ensure the one you truly love dies and you shall spend the remainder of your days as Acinonyx's bondswoman!"

Defiantly, Rowena muttered: "So let it be written."

Looking once more at Falco, getting ever closer to her, Rowena smiled. She could hear the braying of a donkey, the cry of a peacock and the call of an owl and she knew that these were not just the cries of animals. The Donkey God, the Great Mother and the Goddess of Wisdom were declaring their protection of her and of Falco!

As Falco got closer and closer, Rowena extended a hand, but alas, just as Falco was about to take hold, the hand of Acinonyx took her by the wrist and pulled the Last Queen of Aether from the crowd. As she struggled to get out of her captor's grip, Rowena looked to Falco with worried eyes. He may have now been wearing bronze scale armour, but his sword was still that which had belonged to his great-grandfather.

Laughing arrogantly, Acinonyx asked: "Are you going to kill me with half-rusted broken sword of yours, Falco?"

Falco replied: "I will kill you anyway I can, Acinonyx, but I will kill you."

"Yes, indeed..." uttered Acinonyx, narrowing his eyes at the Last Diving Deucalion of Aether, the rightful husband of woman that had been forced into marriage with him. To the surprise of all, the Crown Prince of Hyperion simply threw Rowena over his shoulder and said: "So, sorry! Can't stay! After all, people like living!"

And with that, Acinonyx fled with Falco running in pursuit. Calling out for her beloved, Rowena wondered if this nightmare was ever fated to end! Was this to be their lives? Surely, the sun would rise soon and this incubus would die!