Aubrey who was now on her room, wears rage on her face. She still can't forget what the lady has told her.


" It take souls and locked them inside their dreams." the land lady said.

Aubrey holds her laugh. She can't believe the landlady was also fond of fantasies. But the way the lady stares at her was way too serious.

"So where's the book?" even the way she asked the lady sounds like mocking of the her.

"It seems so hard to believe." the landlady smiled,"But it's okey... Atleast you won't get curious at it." Then stands up from the couch. "Miss you should get back to bed. Why not try count 1-100 it might help." And walks out with a grinn on her face.

(At the moment)...

'ahhh.... Why am I curious at it. I know it's not real but, why do I keep thinking on it. And why does it feels like she was telling the truth.' She said on her mind. Her eyes were caught on the calendar where school's schedules are written. The midterms are coming and she can't even focus on her studies due to her lack of sleep. Then she thinks she should believe what the landlady suggest. In fact she won't lose anything if she believes an old lady's imagination. And she will do anything just to have enough sleep and earn good scores on the coming exam.

(At school)....

Aubrey was on the class and their professor in mass communication was discussing about their exam rules and coverage of the exam. They are in the middle of reviewing the topics when the teacher stops seeing Aubrey was sleepy and very unattentive.

"The lady on the back wearing black..." The prof called out.

The students turn on towards Aubrey's seat. Her seatmate signals her with it's elbow. With a sleepy and airy mind stands up on her seat. She was asked about a question she couldn't understand. She even stutter that made the teacher get mad.

"What are you doing inside my class? Are you even listening to my discussion. Tell me what is our first lesson?" The professor asked in fiery looks and voice.

But Aubrey doesn't know she even doesn't understand what she was asked, cuse the way she heard it was like a robots sound. And the classroom environment was very foggy on her eyes. The professor gots irrate on her silenced and floaty mind. So she called out other students to answer it.

After class, Aubrey was told to stay because the teacher wants to talk to her. The prof talk to her calmly,

"Miss Canlas, your performance in class was low. If you have difficulties about these subject you can ask for my help. It's just that..... Exams are coming and it's like you don't understand anything on our class. If you continue being like that you will receive low marks and you might fail. At the end you'll take thses class once again."

Aubrey understand what the prof means. And she knew she might fail on all subjects base on her class performance. The teacher lives first and she was left inside reflecting everything. Then without much a do, she runs back on the board house looking for the owner. She choose to believe it and wants to experience the the so called magic of the book, even though it's sounds funny.

"Aubrey why are you looking on Miss Devial?" Mica, her boardmate ask.

"I have an important matter to talk with." She replied.

"Is that matter can't wait? Cause Miss Devial was not around she went to her province. Because one of her relatives died on a cancer." Mica.

"What?" Aubrey's eyes widened. In her mind, she doesn't know what to do. She need to get the book and ask her how to do it. How to use it without being stock on a sleep.

It was already dark and quiet, Aubrey's eyes was still bright as the light. She was still thinking what to do, how can she get the book. The landlady might return after the exam. She really need to get the book cause she was dying to try if it's true. And if it's true she is willing to take risk.

Suddenly, a light bulb on her mind flashed. ' why not steal it. Then return the book before the landlady arrived.' on her mind.

At first she doesn't like the idea cause she was not that kind of person. But at the end she found herself inside the landlady's room. It was dark there and by the help of her phone's flashlight she manage to see what's inside. She saw the lady's study table, and proceeds searching there. During her search her phone suddenly shutdown, it turns out she forgets to charge it earlier. One disadvantage of sleepless night is being forgetful. She was mad on herself "that lady Devial really uses reverse psychology to push me on curiosity and steal her so called magical book", but it doesn't last after she saw the hanged picture frame of the owner glowing. She was curious what's in it and why it glow. So she took it and found out it's thick and heavy. When she dismantled the back cover of the frame she saw the book. And it's light fade after being exposed on the air.

She run back to the study table holding the book on her hand and place it on the table. " It turns out that lady was really telling the truth about these magic book." She talk by herself out of joy. Using the moon's light she read it's title but, she can't read the carved title on it's thick cover. So she flipped it on the first page but she was surprised seeing the writings are like an old writing of Hebrews, mixed with a little Spanish and french writing. She flipp all the pages and everything was written in that weird language writing.

She was dismayed for what she just witnessed. First she believes in magic that kids would usually believes too. She stole a book that turns out to be just a glowing book inside a thick frame and now she can't even read and understand what is in the book. She sighed deeply and return the book inside the frame. Wishing it should be English so it can be useful.

When she was about to hang it again she noticed the lady's picture who was once staring seriously was now grinning. But once again the frame was flashing a light and now it's shinning very strong that causes her to close her eyes because it's blindening. She heard the frame fall so she opened her eyes immediately. And she was already caught on the books attention ignoring the unshattered frame. Now the book was finally written in a cursive English translation. She smiled cause she can finally taste the long gone feeling of a good night sleep.