Feeling the heat air that touched Aubrey's skin, feels the burn and a rage of a joyous enchanting of tge lady Devial. As she close her eyes a story appeared. She saw a lady on a study table with a little mirror place in front of her. She was holding a pen and an empty book pages for writing.

"Wait what is this..." She said on her brain.

"Devi, don't stay up long remember to take the medicine." A voice of a woman who suddenly appears like a clouds.

"Yes, mama." the lady replied. Then continues to look at her image on the mirror. Then from the outside the window she saw another girl surrounded by people in different ages. She was telling a very interesting story. And tge girl speaks very convincingly. But the people who listens finds it untrue and boring. One by one they leave her.

"Wait was the girl still the Devi?" She mutters on her mind.

"Yes Aubrey, the story teller and the writer are one. What miss Devial tell you about the twins are half right and half true." It was miss Canlas who apppeared on the scene. And the little story she just saw vanished like smoke blown by wind.

Aubrey was overjoyed seeing her professor. The teacger remains on it's character, which she still continued retelling the real life of the land lady's life, rejecting the celebration Aubrey felt in her heart that can be seen in her reactions.

"Miss Devial was a story teller before, when the town was not literate enough on books." Miss Canlas started."She was acknowledge by her creative mind. One day a young man arrived on town, and he was a scholar. They both fell in love on each other. The scholar ask Miss Devial for help about the town's illiterate living and not being able to read any words in books and board signage. Miss Devial agree on it since it was from his lovers idea. She was taught how to read but never on writing. The guy made a school for no age exemption through her help as the towns trusted story teller. Weeks had passed and the guy presented a new idea, he planned to put up a business there called mining. He states it's gud for their people it can make lot of many and provide a help for the lands farming. Since Miss Devial trusted and fascinated by her lovers knowledge she then convince the town. At first they were against on the idea, but she inserted a fable about it gave the story a prosperous ending everyone believed it."

"What's the connection between the boy, the mining and miss Canlas's story telling?" Aubrey intervene.

Miss Canlas paused. "Because her story telling ended. A copy of her stories were published on a book marked in year ahead from the recent year. Everyone reads and believed. The Author was named Ramon Exploracion the name of the smart guy who lives on town. They accused Ramon first but he defended he has the book when he just arrived, he asked the blind Devial to defend him which she also did. And when the mining started at first it's fine in days, but later when the wife of the scholar arrived presenting herself along with the papers signed by the townsmen. Everyone was requested to leave for the full operation, they were pushed away from their hometown like Intruders, force to live. Then the townsmen begun to hate miss Devial from her storytelling, because she was blinded and fooled by love."

"Miss Devial's story was very touching, but how did she have a magic book? A witch offered her in return of soul?" Aubrey once again mendles.

"Yes the book was from a witch. And that witch was herself. Seeing every stores selling the story she once retells originally, filled Devial with indignation. A memory of the boy who made her look like a fool. At first she had her suicide attempt on her room luckily she found by her mother. She was saved and comforted by her. As the ink on the table spill on the floor Devial felt lifeless wishing if she could only write. When her mother heard her grief about her passed time as a story teller she showed her the book of encantations. Her mother thought it was a silly book and intruduced it at her. Neither thus her mother knows Devial was a person who believes in silly witchcraft ideas. She studied a book and found a solution. She read the information of a demon who answers wishes on dreams. Then she contacted it and it was a not failure since she has given instructions to create a book. In exchange of her mother's soul the book was made magical with unique feature."

"Miss Devial was truly ungrateful woman even her mother's soul was offered just because of her desires greediness." Aubrey inserts.

"But she also pays another price, and that is to never have a sleep dream once again. The first victim of the book was the first friend she knew when she is on city it was a success and just like what happened to the boy years ago she disappeared. She was known as the Author Devi L. Mal and her works became famous online and on books stores. But she never revealed her identity as one of the condition of demon."

"So that's how did it all happened." Aubrey astonished.

"By the way how did we eneded here?" she added.

"remember what I told you about you control your dream? You just did it. Don't let the ink get you and control you, control them." Miss Canlas said

Suddenly a big change happened on the scene. Miss Canlas was slowly flown away like melted ice cream in thin air. She asked Aubrey about it, but she sweared she didn't do that. Then she asked Aubrey an advice, "Try to call out his name he might gave a help." then faded.

"Who should I call?"she wondered. Then she found herself in a misty dark woods, with eerie noises surrounds it.