He Fingered Me #7

Lucien woke up next morning with a mature naked woman on top of him drooling on his chest.

Last night, he used his heaven defying fingers on Corinne and it is safe to say, he leveled up on that skill, based on how Corinne squaled like a pig last night or maybe she was just pent up, either way, he had a bliss of sleep last night after Corinne sucked him like a lolipop.

'Welp, time to go' he dressed himself after taking a light shower, Corinne was still passed out from the pleasure induced coma.

He looked at the skimpy outfit and chuckled 'a shame I won't be able to see her in that dress but I got to see her in her full glory so I guess it's okay'


The sun shone on Corinne's face as she groaned waking up.

After a few seconds she widened her eyes and lightly blushed, she looked around hoping to see the kid who gave her the best orgasms in her whole life.

"Lucien?" she called, she saw a letter on the side table and she sighed, from the times she did this she recognized what this letter meant.

He was gone and now she was a horny coyote wanting more of her new alpha.

(A/n: She is an alpha too, but most of her powers were taken away in child birth, she can transform to a full Coyote still and has some of her strengths but she was nerfed, Malia nerfed her)

She still opened the letter and read the content

"I went to buy milk ;p"


She sat there still looking at the letter when she burst out laughing.

"Seriously, what an odd ball" she said wiping her tears away.



Lucien drove away towards California, to be exact, to the hunter's agency in California where he can sell the fangs he has gotten along the way.

It's been two days since he left Corinne and one day would have been enough time to reach California since it wasn't really that far but he had decided to hunt any vampire on his way thus delaying him a bit.

He's kill dozens of vampires already, most of them aren't powerful but there were a few that were reaching elder age. He also hunted stray werewolves that caused problems murdering innocent people, he just needed an excuse to kill them and what perfect excuse than to kill those supernatural who prey on the innocent.

For a werewolf, the fangs aren't as valuable as their claws, so Lucien had a lot of claws since he killed 5 betas and 1 alpha.

The claws of the alpha will fetch him good money so he was happy on his find.

On Vampires there were different types of vampires but one weakness they all had in common was the sun, they can't stand on the sun, they'll burn or smoke depending on the age of the vampire.

To Lucien there were 5 types of vampires, however the more common ones are the juvenile vampires who had been just turned, they are also called Zombie vampires since they lack the regenerative prowers of the other vampires, they are the weakest, and they can't process human blood so they resort to drinking puppies or any animals for that matter.

Uber Vampires are stronger and more mysterious than the rest since this type of vampire is the only vampire that can be decapitated and still be alive/undead. So the best way to kill them is blasting their hearts off or destroy the head and burn them afterwards.

Eastern vampires are the other type of vampires Lucien has killed during his way to the Vampire Hunting Union. these type of vampires can develop a power once they turn 100 years. Eastern and Southern vampires are the same, they can still die like any other vampire aside from Uber vampires.

The Spider vampires are the freaky ones. They crawl on the walls and ceiling, take you away and drink you dry, then again other vampires do so too but Spider Vampires are nasty and they don't develop powers like Easterns or Southerns.

Lucien killed some Spider Vampires on his way too. to him it was strange that he killed vampires in groups because in his knowledge vampires never mixed themselves, Spider vampires are together just like the others but there are rare ocassions when the Eastern and Southern Vampires dominate the other types and comands them due to age and power, and Lucien killed a group of vampires that had an Uber, Spiders and Juveniles.

Lucien put it to the back of his head as he just thought they were friends, but as a hunter he had an unsettling feeling that something was going on but he was too lazy to find out, too much work for him to investigate.


Corinne went back to the dessert where Susannah came out after detecting a werecoyote near by.

"Susannah, dear... I am glad to see you again" said Corinned smiling at the honey skin tone woman.

"You too" she replied simply.

Corinned winced at her normal response "Come on! when are you going to stop being mad at me? it's been years since I took that book"

The book Corinne was talking about was a book on beastiary that the Argents once had, she had been hired by Kate Argent to take back that book since it originally belonged to the Argents but was gifted to Susannah's ancestor as a gift from one of the Argents back then.

The book contained every type of creature recorded back from 1500s to 1900s. Since then the Skin walkers have filled out the books with ways to deal with the supernaturals, ways to kill them and trap them, it was a valuable book for the Skinwalkers and they would have pursue Corinne to the ends of the earth but decided that it was an act of destiny and let it go, Susannah still held some remorse on Corinne for taking away a precious book though.

Susannah turned around and ignored her "Leave" she said and her pack of Skinwalkers pointed their spears towards Corinne.

"Even after telling you I saw your... new alpha?"

Susannah stopped after hearing this and turned around, she looked at Corinne with a burrowed brows.

"He was the best orgasm ever" tanted Corinne.

Susannah started feeling anger towards Corinne and not just her, but her pack were gripping their spears tightly just waiting for the order to rip this woman a new hole.

"Lucien won't be happy if you do something to me, he called me his woman after all" said Corinne giving an earnest smile for once "Really... I don't know why but when he said that, I felt good and wanted. He even killed a vampire for my sake" (a/n: not really) said Corinne with love pouring out her from words.

Susannah sighed and raised her hand, her pack stood down and were now curious as to what their master(Lucien) had seen on a mercenary like her, then again, it could have been just her curvaceous body their master wanted, after all Lucien loved kneading their bums and tits all the time.

"Tell me about him" said Susannah as she made two chair from the earth and sat down, her pack brought some drinks and sat around curious to know what he did to this dense woman to make her risk her life to come here and speak with Susannah.

The heavy atmosphere from before was gone and now both women sat and started chatting like nothing had happened.

"He fingered me" confessed Corinne and the other women gasped and bit their lower lips suddenly remembering his digits inside them, Susannah had more composure but her legs still fidgeted from time to time.