Hello, Aunty #29

(A/n: I should let you know that Victoria doesn't look like the real Victoria but looks alot like Claire Dearing from Jurassic world)

After helping Allison get ready to go back to her parent's home and grabbed her stuffs, they made their way while Allison naughtily played with him.

Allison no longer limp, for some reason after drinking a bucket of her Luci's cum, her body started healing making her able to walk without much problem.


Both stared at eachother and burst out laughing "Excuse me?" she said.

Lucien just smiled and caressed her head while she bobbed her head again.


After an eventful slow drive, Chris was waiting for Lucien and Allison outside his home.

"Follow me" he said serious, Allison glanced at Lucien nervously and Lucien just nodded and hugged her. They made it inside where Victoria was sitting on the table.

When she noticed Lucien hugging Allison she looked away with a small blush, in front of her were pictures.

"You better explain this" said Chris in angry tone as he tap one of the pictures showing Allison and Lucien hungrily kissing inside the pool and another one outside Lydia's home with a sillouhete of three people having sex.

"Nothing to explain, uncle. What you see there is what is happening." said Lucien taking the lead. Allison shook a little, while she planned to tell her parents eventually, being found out suddenly was not in her book today.

Chris winced hearing Lucien call him Uncle, not father anymore. He then sighed and looked at Allison raising an eyebrow.

Allison just blushed and looked down in response hugging Lucien's arm.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled.

Victoria giggled and Chris glared at her "It isn't funny!" he said sternly.

"I will protect her and teach her well old man, so try not to worry about her" said Lucien confidently.

Chris's eye twitched, the nerve of his son figure, he glanced at Allison waiting for her to speak as well but seeing her, he notice her stomach was a little bigger than before and he almost had a nerve breakdown where he sat down on a chair.

"Dad!" Allison rushed to her father and looked concerned.

Lucien sighed and helped the man by tapping his shoulder "Listen, Chris. No matter what happens, I will always aid you and Mom because you have raised me to be a hunter, how to defend myself and I'll always be grateful but I like Allison and Allison lik-"

"I love him dad!" interrupted Allison and went back to hugging Lucien and smiled lovingly at him, Lucien smiled back and she tiptoe to kiss him in front of her parents.

Chris widened his eyes while Victoria said "Oh my!"

"Stop!!" yelled Chris "At least not here!" he said glaring at Lucien for taking his own cousin like that.

"As I was saying, as long as I am alive, nothing will happen to her, that I promise you old man"

Chris shook his head and stood up "You better or else I have a garage full of weapons" warned Chris.

"Dear?" said Victoria confused, she started to laugh softly much to Chris humiliation. Before coming home Chris had told her how he is going to rip a new one on Lucien and how he was going to thrash him around but seeing the defeated Chris made her laugh at her husband soft spot for Lucien and Allison.

Lucien was his son, that will never change, and Allison will always be her little girl, in the end he couldn't bring himself to hate them or even reprimend them becuase the love Allison showed for Lucien was more than she ever did with anyone else and that hurt him a little, since Lucien left she had been a little distant from them because Allison blamed them for Lucien's departure.

He took a deep breath "I need to rest" he said before going to the couch rubbing his head.

Victoria whispered to them "Pst... Good job!" she praised them, although she felt a little jeleous because her daughter got the bull. She didn't care about Allison kissing Lucien, what she was blushing about before when they entered the house was how ripped he is, how his shirt stuck to his body like a second skin showing off those big muscles.

Victoria loved her husband but her body asked for someone else, she knew it was bad and would devastate her husband but everyday, the itch became stronger and deeper and Chris sort of stopped his sexual relationship with her once Allison was born.

She sighed and left to be with Chris aswell, leaving Allison and Lucien together, Lucien glanced at Allison, she was already looking at him expectantly and she pulled him upstairs.

Chris hearing the rushed footsteps yelled "NOT IN MY HOUSE!!"

That only received a few giggles and chuckles from his kids. He didn't know why he was so acceptance towards their relationship, he read something about this in one of his books about the Argent's history.

Being descendant from a powerful line, they resulted in Incest way back then to keep the line pure but when laws started showing up, those practices ceased to exist. To think his sister would birth someone like Lucien. Chris blamed himself for only showing Lucien about hunting and not some common sense but now that he is grown up, he definetly lacked parental guide.

He kept on thinking about Lucien when Victoria and him heard a squeaking bed followed by "Ahnn~"

Chris's face was turning red and Victoria laughed, she pulled him away to distract her husband. Maybe she will finally spend more time with Chris from now on?

Night came and the family of four were dining, Allison face was red from embarrasment, Lucien had eaten her out and she couldn't help but moan aloud, she knew her dad and mom heard but what made her feel better was that Lucien told her they were also doing it, which is why Victoria glanced at Lucien from time to time biting her lips, whatever he had done to Allison, it made the little girl scream while she just ended up faking moans to match her daughters.

*Ding Dong*

The doorbell rang and Chris was about to stand up when Lucien stopped him.

"I'll get it"

Chris nodded and sat back down.

Lucien winked at Allison and kissed her lips making Chris grunt and Victoria to whine a little.

He heard the fast heart beat coming from behind the door. Lucien smirked knowing who it was, he opened the door and as soon as he did.

The woman waiting outsude jerked back a step seeing someone she did NOT expected to see.

Kate saw her nephew smug face "Hello, Aunty"

'Oh fuck me!' thought Kate.