A Sick Hale #31

(A/n: I forgot to post the other chapter so here you go ma dudes! (ノ≧ڡ≦) Teehee~!)

Lucien enetered his house and saw Kate greeting Allison, Allison had a forced smile while hugging Kate.

Lucien had told her to act normal and let Kate be Kate around her, so she did even though Allison wanted to punch Kate right now.

"You want some dinner?" asked Victoria.

"No, thanks. I just want to take a shower and sleep" responded Kate tired, she looked over her shoulder and saw Lucien smiling at her, she knew that smile promised her pain.

"Sure, you know where the restroom is so help your self" said Victoria helping her with the bags.

"Dad, I'm going to pack up and leave later" said Allison as she ran upstairs.

Lucien blew her a kiss and winked at her and her mood from before became better.

Chris glared at him "I'm entrusting her to you, Lucien" he warned him as he walked away, Victoria behind him giggled and winked at Lucien.

Lucien laughed and went upstairs to help Allison picked her clothes since he will buy her new ones, but she still insisted on getting some dresses she had.

While helping Allison pick her clothes, Lucien heard the shower stoppex and Kate go out into her door closing it behind her.

He smirked and stood up, Allison looked at him "Where are you going?"

"To our dear aunt" said Lucien

Allison smiled and kissed his lips "Becareful, if she is as lethal as you mentioned her than you have to be careful"

Lucien kissed her back "Yup, I know" he separated from her and gave her a few pecks before leaving the room.


Kate's heart thumped wildly, she was in the same house as that monster!



She was staring at her naked body on the full size mirror when someone knocked, she put her towel around her body and said "Enter"

She soon regreted saying it because the one who came into her room was non other than the one she least wanted to see.

"L-Lucien? what are you doing here?" she asked nervous but tried to play it cool but Lucien could see through her.

She stepped back as Lucien walked towards her, soon she reached the edge of the bed and couldn't walk back anymore, she stood there looking down not daring to look up.

"What are you looking at? is the ground more interesting than me?" he teased near her ears.

She shivered and slowly raised her glance, he was in front of her, so close, his rock hard abs and his bulge were touching her tits and stomach.

Kate was breathing heavy "Please, I... I..."

"Shh" Lucien put a finger on her lips, pushed her body to sit on the edge of the bed and sensually rubbed her lips until he opened her jaw.

Kate willingly let him opened her mouth and let Lucien's finger inside, he pushed his finger deep inside her throat that she gaged.




It was a simple word yet her mind sent her body the message and she started sucking on his finger while timidly looking up.

"I don't care what you do here... why you came... but Allison knows of the supernatural now... but doesn't know you threatened me before, Chris and Victoria don't know either so you do not have to worry about them"

Said Lucien, Kate had her eyes closed and sucked on his finger like it was his dick she wanted to squeeze with her mouth, Lucien took his finger out.



She popped her lips around his finger and gave it a kiss, she soon realized what she did and couldn't hide her red face from him, a bridge of salive connecting her lips with his finger.

"I want you to teach Allison how you train, but becareful dear aunty... because if you do something to harm her than I will rip your limbs one by one and let you feel the pain of being limbless... do you understand?"

Kate was dazed and while she heard what he said, she stared at nothing in front of her, her gazed was unfocused and Lucien seeing this slapped her face.


"I said... do... you... understand?"

Kate blushed and meekly nodded.

"Good" said Lucien before leaving.

Kate collapse on her bed, she rubbed the handprint mark on her cheeks, she should be hating him but for some reason, her body loved it and so she decided to go to sleep instead to sleep what just happened off.

Only for her dreams to be filled with impure thoughts and fantasies and in everyone of them, it always included one person and that was Lucien.


When Lucien went back home with an excited Allison "So what happened?" she asked.

"Kate will teach you how to fight" said Lucien. Allison pouted.

He chuckled "I'm sorry but while I am good hunter, she is a good huntress and she is a she so she can trach you the advantages and moves from her perspective since her moves are not the same as a man, she will teach you how to shoot with Bow and arrow-"

"Bow and arrow?" she asked interrupting him.

Lucien smiled and nodded "I think you will be a perfect archer and you'll also learn close combat with Kate and then you'll train with me to give you pointers as well.

Allison squaled happiky and clapped "Thank you, Luci!" she said excitedly "but I really hoped I eouldn't have to train with the woman who was responsible for that fire"

Lucien smiled and stretched his hand to caress her hair and tuck it behind her ear "I know it is dumb to let you train with her but I'll be watching so you don't have to worry about that also I doubt Kate wants to harm you"

Allison tilted her head confused because Lucien had mentioned before that Kate had threatened him by hurting her but now Lucien was confident Kate wasn't going to do anything to her.

She wondered what Lucien did to Kate to put this much trust in her but she trusted her Luci so it didn't matter anymore that she hates her aunt, sure she feels angry about Kate but if Luci can help Kate become better in the end than she would be okay with it.

"Okay" she answered smiling with a good mood.

Once they arrived at the house, Allison opened her present and squaled seeing a very beatiful bow that cam be folded.

She jumped excited and hugged him and started repaying him for her present.

"I think you've earned a really good night sleep tonight!" whispered Allison in his ears biting it lightly.

Lucien chuckled and smacked her ass.

"Anmm" she moaned and bit her lips as she stared at Luci with lust in her eyes.

She giggled and pulled him away to his room, soon moans started ringing out from the room.


Somewhere else in a house inside the forest-

Derek Hale, a beta werewolf groaned in pain as he held his arm and limp around the house, he pulled out his phone and was about to dial a number but he collapsed on the ground before he could do so and passed out.