Congratulations Lydia, You are a Banshee #36

Natalie was worried after hearing what her daughter was, she had so many questions.

"How is this possible?" she asked, Deep down she knew something was with Lydia ever since her grandmother was put into a hospital for mental people, she used to scream about voices.

"I think it is my fault" said Lucien guilt on his face, Lydia squeesed his hand.

"How?" asked Natalie

"Sex. My semen to be exact, I awakened her supernatural side but the good thing is that I aeakened it and it seems to not bother her... so I will train her to handle her power for when they fully developed"

Lucien has encountered a few banshees on his travles, and he saw how they trained their powers so he is confident he can help.

Banshees are really dangerous even for a were wolf like him, she used her full scream snd he was still pushed, if it had been the other alpha he was battleing then she would have thrown its body away like a rag doll and its brain should have turned to mush.

He was still injured but his regeneration worked faster than her banshee scream beside he holds powers of multiple alphas with him, he was stronger than regular alphas.

Natalie nodded and sighed in defeat "I can't say no when you are thr one in charge, Lucien but please take good care of my daughtet" she said as she stood up and straddle him.

"Mom?" Lydia was surprised to see her mom so daring.

"It's okay, Lydia. I think you found the jackpot this time and I will support you in anything dear but right now" she looked at Lucien biting her lips.

Lucien laughed and stood up with Natalir clinging tightly around him.

He took her upstairs and soon moanes could be heard, Allison flopped on the couch and handed Lydia some popcorn as they watched The Notebook.


Natalie's screames matched her daughter's banshee scream, Lydia giggled and turned to Allison "It's weird hearing my mom being fucked by our boyfriend, huh"

Allison giggled "He is too good" Lydia laughed too and agreed.

Half an hour later, Lucien came downstairs with Natalie in his arms, her hair and make up were messed up, she blushed seeing both young girls on the couch, she knew they heard her screams and she felt a little embarrased.

"Had a good time, mom?" asked Lydia smirking at her mother.

Natalie blush deepened "Oh god" she mumbled.

"My turn" Lydia jumped from the couch onto Lucien did the same.

When he came back downstairs, he was alone, Allison asked "Lydia?"

"She was tired from using her powers for the first time and the sex was a good way to vent so she fell asleep after"

Allison nodded and cuddle into him as soon as he sat on the couch.

"Your turn?" he asked

Allison giggled "What do you think?" she asked as she straddle him and kissed him deeply.

"I think it's your turn" said Lucien and swept her up in a princess carry and she squaled.

Both kissed and started having sex but she also fell asleep afterwards.

Lucien came back downstair and still sae Natalie there watching a movie since he asked her to stay in case the alpha decided to look into her house for something, he wasn't sure but the alpha might have been there for Lydia because his scent was allover thr place when he made it to the store.

He will have to hunt an alpha it seemed but for now he smiled "I think I'm still horny"

Natalie widened her eyes before he bent herself on the couch and wiggled her ass "I'm all your, stud" she purred.


Lucien called in sick the next day for Allison and Lydia, they were still sleeping and exhausted, doing a mental note to not have sex before school starts.

Natalie was there sleeping soundly on a guest room, she didn't have work as she had been receiving money from her rich ex husband pension.

They weren't the only ones who were exhausted hunting down an almost dead alpha. Kate and Chris ran around following the trails but they ended up at dead end.

Kate felt disappointed in herself because she thought Lucien will be and Chris was angry that he couldn't find the alpha, and couldn't catch the two betas who seemed to be following the alpha as well.


Scott Derek were exhausted too because they were looking for an alpha but were also running away from the Argents.


California Union Station-

Raph had a rrally bad headache, he knew Lucien was alive after all he kept tabs on him and the women he met, one of them being Jocelyn.

He laughed "That son of bitch cucked Bud" he almost felt pity for Bud but the mothafucka was a gigolo ignoring his girl and so Lucien came to the rescue.

Raph felt in high spirits because Mary gave her butthole and they are now going out, to his expenses of course.

Anyways, his headache right now was because one of the Alpha of Alphas made an appesrance in a town where conviniently Lucien went to. He didn't want to believe it but the evidence was there.

Of course he will keep his mouth shut with thks discovery, it could also be just a coincidence but how much of it is it?

That was not all, somehow, someone leaked the news of the alpha of alphas making an appearance in that town and now the other alpha of alphas is on the move, of course he won't show up now but Raph bet his sweet beepee the alpha will just wait for the opportunity.

In front of him laid Van Hellsing paperwork, his retirements and Insurance, he wanted to hold then back and wait for Van to show up and make an entrance but Raph decided to sign the papers approving the he was dead, else he would rise suspicion from the ones that tried to kill him.


'Tough days are ahead'