You Shouldn't Have Come Here #41

"You the guy?" asked Diran.

Peter smiled "I'm the guy" he said spreading his arms.

The twins looked at eachother and nodded "We are listening" they said.

"You are looking for THE alpha, I can tell you where to find him, you see, he has a girlfriend, a supernatural" Peter had a smug "He lives up in the villa furthest to East of here" he pointed towards that direction.

The twins nodded and were about to leave but Peter spoke again "I would like something out of this, though"

Both brothers frowned and gripped their guns, Peter laughed "Oh no no, don't worry. I just want to see him die"

'Him' thought both brothers, that was a clue, of course it wouldn't change much but one brother looked at the other smirking as if saying, I win. They had made a bet of whether it was a woman or man.

The older twin looked at Peter "We can bring you along but we are not babysitters"

Peter shrugged "I can take care of myself"

Both brothers glanced at eachother suspiciously but still took Peter with them.


Later That Night*

When Lucien was buck naked in the living swinging his cock around at his three girls, two teens and one milf.

Lydia picked up a sound of a car approaching from afar, really far, now this could be a mistake but the only house or mansion around here was Lucien's there was nothing for a mile radious.

Lucien's ears twitched as well and felt the tires rolling on the ground.

"Two heartbeats" said Lydia gaining the attention of her mother and Allison.

Lucien shook his head "Three" he corrected "The other one is slow on purpose, which means they are coming for me. I know these heartbeats" said Lucien sighing.

He turned to his women "Don't go, go upstairs with your mother, Lydia" he then turned to Allison "you stay with them"

Both girls didn't argue, they do want to be by his side but they knew they weren't there yet and if they stayed, they'll be on his way. They left, albeit , reluctantly.

Allison clenched her fists and grabbed her gear, along with her.

Lucien saw them go upstairs and he put a robe around him and walked out leisurelessly. He waited for them to arrive.


The van was pretty far away but Peter could see the villa pretty good from their spots which couldn't be said the same about the Nazarian brothers.

"Shit" cursed Peter under his breath seeing Lucien waiting for them 'Thankfuly I slowed my heartbeat to sound as if I'm dead, this way he won't know I'm here' thought Peter as he hid behind the seats.

The Nazarian brothers scoffed at his actions "scared of a little dog?" they mocked him.

Peter kept quite, Lucien could hear him if he spoke, the Nazarian brothers just laughed.

The Nazarian brothers felt they weren't dumb and waited till nightfall to attack, this way they could have more chance at a sneak attack. After all, they were dealing with an alpha of alphas but both went still when they saw a young guy waiting for them.

They gulped, for some reason they felt nervous "Shit! he knows" said one of them.

Peter rolled his eyes 'Of course he knows, even I myself am starting to wonder if he knows I'm here'

"Well ,shit. Why are we here again, brother?" asked the other.


"Fuck money, we are gonna die here for sure but does this motherfucker seem familiar"

They stared at him, not moving or getting off the van.

"Shit, I don't know. I feel like I've seen him before, tall dark hair and those eyes-

Both brothers widened their eyes "Holy shit! fuck! we are fucked!" said the older twin as he changed gear to reverse to fucking leave.

Their hearts started beating fast, Peter can feel it and he decided to blow his 'cover' "The fuck you are doing? I thought you were gonna deal with him!" he hissed.

"Shut the fuck up! you know jack shit about who that is!" said the younger twin, Diran.

"Enlighten me!" said Peter.

"That mothefucker right there is non other than fucking Van Hellsing!"

Peter tilted his head a little, he's been in a comma for a while so he didn't know.


"Well, how fortunate that you don't know him but he is basically THE hunter in thw whole world, there ain't no one better than that motherfucker but to think he is the Alpha of Alphas, just our luck"

The one driving looked from his side mirror to check if 'Van m' was there but he wasn't "Fuckk" he cursed.

"What happened?" asked his brother.

"I can't see him!"

The other one cursed too and Peter focused on his hearing, he got nothing.

Suddenly their van stopped and as much as they pushed the accelarator in didn't budge.

"Fuck it!" they said and grabbed their guns and jumped out of the car, and saw Van lifting the rear part of the van with one hand.



They unloaded their weapons on him, they shot him with low caliber guns so when the bullets hit Van, they bounced off.

Both twins widened their eyes and they took out mountain ash and made a circle rapidly around them while they took out the high caliber guns.


Lucien was amused at seeing them here, the Nazarian brothers were know for their brutality and fearless atittude but having them there with him cowering was a pleasant surprise for him.

he approached the younger one and broke the barrier the mountain ash created for them as if it was paper, he grabbed him by the throat and the younger brother stared at him with wide eyes punching and kicking trying to get off his hold.

"I can't simply let you go, now" said Lucien a little disappointed.

"You see, you know who I am and that sucks... for you" his ears picked up a clicking sound and turned around along with Diran on his hold.


"Aaaaargh" cried out Diran as the bullet took a piece of his stomach.

Mike seeing what he just did widened his eyes "fuck, Diran!! Are you okay?" he yelled.

Lucien raised a brow seeing Diran's guts basically slipping out from the wound. He looked down and saw the bullet left a bruise on his body.

Lucien took advantage of Mike bewilderment and threw the dying Diran to him, Muke reacted and grabbed his brother but that was a mistake because as soon as he shifted his eyes from Lucien, he was already behind Mike gripping his neck.

"Look at what you've done... this might actually be karma you know, after all those werewolf kids you both gutted just for their eyes and claws" mused Lucien.

Mike didn't move, the light in his eyes was dimming every second seeing his brother dying in front of him.

"V-van... we didn't know" said Mike.

"Of course, you didn't. If you knew you wouldn't have been here alone" laughed Lucien.

Mike closed his eyes, 'Van' was right, if he fucking knew the alpha of alphas was fucking Van Hellsing he would've brought dozens of other competent hunters.

Lucien smiled seeing the contemplating look of Mike of regreting not bringing others with him.

"B-brother... d-do i-it" wheezed out Diran with his last breath.

Mike's eyes were red but not a single tear left his eye, he took a deep breather and scowled "I'll see you in hell bitch!" said Mike before he took out two granades filled with wolfsbane and explosives.


A defeaning sound was heard by almost half the town, a cloud of dust was raised where the explosuon happen.

The van was sent skidding away, Peter took a peek and then widened his eyes as he noticed the tall figure standing there.

Peter's heart beat spiked up unconciously seeing Lucin take that without much injury.

If it was Peter, he knew that would have been a bye bye for him and hist guts would have been everywhere but here he was seeing Lucien standing there, naked holding the spinal cord of Mike with some flesh sliding down the ground.

Peter saw how Lucien just stood there, a few scratched here and there but fine nonetheless, oeter gulped and retreated one step, but he stepped on a branch making a crunchy sound.

"Fuck me" he said before he turned around completely, tranformed into his aloha form and left running for his life.

Lucien sighed and let go of the spinal cord, he then smirked and leaped into the air and saw Peter in his alpha form running at his highest speed, Lucien created a tile of thin sand in mid air and propelled himself towards him.


The sound he made upon kicking the sand midair was loud and in an instant he was on top of the smaller beast, his feet on his back, pinning him on the ground.


Peter roared and howled signalling his brother Derek and even Scott he needs help, but Lucien kicked his throat, something broke as Peter gurgle before his throat snapped back to normal but he couldn't howl anymore which terrified him.e

"You shouldn't have come here" whispered Lucien disappointedly.
