Changes #44

The Sheriff rang the doorbell and Lucien grabbed his tablet and saw it was him, Natalie got off his lap and kissed him good night before she went to her own room.

"Sweet dreams" said Lucien pecking her lips aswell. she smiled at him and swayed her hips as she left.

Lucien answered the door, he expected the sheriff here since he left the tiwns on the ground.

"Good evening, Lucien. I know it is pretty late and I apologize for that but I would like ti ask you if you know something about what happened a couple miles from your place?"

"What do you mean?" asked Lucien.

Sheriff sighed seeing Lucien's acting normal "There was an incident down the road, two murders"

Lucien widened his eyes, which told the Sheriff Lycien didn't know anything so he proceeded to tell him "You know what? do not worry about it, just give me a call if you see something strange, okay?" the Sheriff gave him his card and left soon after.

Lucien smiled at his acting ability and was about to go back into the house when he felt an alpha energy some distance away si he waited since he knew whonit was.

Derek, came after wards and stopped in front of him "I wanted to thank you" he said.

Lucien cocked his head to the side "About?"

"Well, you helping me be an alpha AND about warning my mom about Kate back then" he said sheepishly looking away.

Lucien smiled and smacked his back "Don't worry, I do wonder however how many made it out"

Derek winced, he wanted to tell Lucien that her mother was alive but in critical condition somewhere else but he refrained from doing so because he didn't want Lucien's help if he can avoid. Everytime Lucien does something for him, it feels like making a deal with the devil all over again besides, there was something he can do for her mother and that was to bring a dying alpha to her feet and make her do the finishing blow, to steal that power for herself.

Of course, this was just theory but he was willing ti try it, Derek looked at Lucien "Cora, my sister is fine, I heard she was coming here looking for an alpha to join, last time she was looking for a pack so I hope she can join mine"

Lucien nodded, he remembered Cora when he was a kid, she loathed him because he was a hunter and she a werewolf, and always followed him around 'to keep' him in check driving away girls that she felt were 'in danger'. When the fire happened and he came warning them, she blamed him as much as she blame Kate, but still despite blaming him she went looking for him but couldn't find him and left after he left.

"I hope you find her... peter?" asked Lucien.

Derek flinched at the mention of his uncle "He...will be buried deep underground"

Lucien nodded "You don't have to thank me, really. Wjat I did back then was an act of kindness from me, something I do not have much these days, only for those I love and are dear to me" Lucien paused "So what are you going to do now?"

"If it's okay with you, I would like to turn some teenager from school, teenager have better chance of survival and faster to control it"

Lucien shrugged "I don't care, though I will appreciate if you keep then in check, if they get out of line with any one I care for... I will kill them myself" he said, releasing some of his bloodlust, eyes turning shining red with black slits.

Derek looked down and nodded "I will... thank you" he said and left running.


"What a drag" sighed Lucien.


"You ready?" asked Lucien to Allison, some time passed and after taking both Lydia and Allison on some hunts, he felt Allison was ready for the change she yearned.

Allison nodded

"Tomorrow is your B-day, little sis. Do you want the bite tonight or tomorrow?" aske Lucien.

Allison squirmed under him, they were both naked, she kissed his pecs and neck line and moaned doing so as she felt the long fat thing ribbing between her legs.

"I want it now" she said staring at his eyes lovingly.

Lucien smiled and his fangs came out, he gently grabbed her tit and bit her nipples, this wasn't enough to tranfer the power but it was enough to send her over the edge.

"Hyaaahhn" she arched back cumming hard on him "Pleas-" she widened her eyes as she felt another thing but this time she felt a pleasurable pain on her tit, she released a hot moan as she felt power run through her body, soon she passed out.

Lucien let her power sink in as she had fallen unconcious, he released not just the werewolf venom but injected the power of an alpha he killed in New Mexico, this alpha had an special ability and that was, the ability to take over an animal's senses and see/feel through its senses, after all, he was the alpha of alphas, he couldn't have betas around, but most importantly. This way, she would be stronger amd be able to protect herself better.

Of course, all theses powers he gives away, he gets them aswell, it was just bothersome for him to learn them all.



Allison woke up and sat up on the bed, stretched her arms. she felt refreshed, light and strong, a pair of red eyes met her gaze, her eyes unciously turned red and she jumped onto Lucien and started kissing him with passion.

"I love yoy" she purred.

Lucien smiled "As do I" as he caressed her delicate face "you look beautiful" he complimemted seeing her red eyea.

Allison blushed and buried her face on his chest. He picked her up and whispered in her ear "Now you can take me on without lube or pheromones"

"Aghhnn fuck" shrieked Allison as she felt her stomach so full but instead of pain, there waa pure pleasure. For the next hour she rode Lucien like her life depended on it only stopping after her bekky was ablout to explode and fall unconcious on the bed limply.

"Rest, tomorrow we train your powers" said Lucien as he left the room.

Allisom hummed and limply walked towards the bathroom and took a shower. even though she was not hurt, she felt him still inside her and she walked a bit funny.


"God dam it, Van!" growled Ralph as he got the report of the twins death. Hunters became restless and now more than ever wanted a piece of that alpha.

Unknown forces were moving toward the small town that even Ralph had no idea who they were, they all were from different contries based on their looks, Ralph didn't get his job because he was good, he was a goddamm good analysist and he can identify people who were not from around.

He raked his little hairs he had left and closed his eyes to take a deep breath 'if only they knew, he was Van Helsing... who am I kidding if they knew, they would have already nuked that small town just to get rid of him'

'This is bothersome' he thought. he looked at the woman in front of him "So what do you want?" he asked at the Yakuza princess.

"Where ia he?" she asked simply.

"I don't kn-Fuck!" he was punched on the face by the japanese vampire.

"Who are you anyway?" he asked, knowing full well who she was but not knowing why she was aftet 'Van'

"I want my husband's direction... NOW" her eyes flared up and object around the office started levitating.

"Shit! how do I know you know him?" asked Ralpg feeling thia day was getting worse amd worse.

Mariko growled and pointed at the scar on her bust "I'm his. He left his ma-"

"Mark" completed Ralph, that same mark three women had come by with already for the past two weeks.

Ralph sighed "Why don't I take you there, I have to go there anyways, need to talk some sense into him"

Mariko frowned for a couple seconds before nodded "Fine" she said

'Why does he has all the crazy ones?' sighed Ralph.
