
"What... what's going on, Lucien?" asked Melissa seeing his eyes turned back to normal.

Lucien smiled at her which made Melissa calm down a bit since he was okay. He then sat her on his lap and brushed her messy hair behind her ear.

"I am a werewolf," he said it. there was a way to sugarcoat it but frankly, he was tired of revealing his identity in such a way.

"..." Melissa kept staring into his Grey eyes, she felt lost in his eyes, she felt attracted and leaned in closer to him, her forehead touching his.

"Explain, please?"

Lucien sighed, he decided to link his mind with hers, the way he steals memories from the dead or alive, he has better control of his mental abilities, he doesn't need to stab people in the back of their necks to see their memories, instead, he enters their subconscious without permission and undetected, but this time his memories flowed out of his mind into hers, he showed her what he used to be, what he became and who he met, as well as the women he dated.

Melissa widened her eyes and gasped at the number of memories dumped into her.

She felt as if watching a movie, she had processed everything he shared with her in mere seconds but it made her tired.

She hugged him "I knew you weren't normal!" she said "Sorry for what happened when you were a kid" she sounded sad but then she pecked his lips.

"So... you did your cousin and your stepmother?"

Lucien smiled wryly 'of course, that's what she focused more onto'

"Are you okay with that? I have some women" he said avoiding her judgmental gaze.

After a few moments of silence making Lucien nervous she gave him, she started laughing, and her laugh made her tits jiggle beautifully.

He grinned and softly bit her erect nipple, she had been aroused since she woke up.

"Aghnn" she moaned and gave him a small glare "I think I can't stop falling for you... I... when we first met... you were just another friend of Scott's but... with time... I... came to desire you until that desire became a need and now I think I fell hopelessly in love with you" she said between pants as Lucien didn't stop with his assaults.

He stopped teasing her and smiled "You are one of a kind," he said.

Melissa beamed with a smile "Soo... a werewolf huh... is that why your tongue is so long?"

Lucien smirked and stuck out his tongue, it was long and she bit her lips before diving into it, she sucked it and let him slurp her saliva.

She moaned loudly, she could feel the tongue down her throat, she gagged and felt hot, her body burned with desire once more and his cock hardened once again, she rocked her hips feeling the pleasure of his long thick tube under her.

"Aagh fuck!" she said holding on to him as her body twitch with a big orgasm.

Lucien kept teasing her making her cum multiple times.


While Lucien made Melissa his once again, his conscious was also with his clone, he was looking at the woman hanging from the roof by her hands tied, he huge tits almost popping out of her swing tight suit, her huge assets jiggling with every breath she takes.


(Selene PoV)

She was taken by the alpha, she felt weak, she was centuries-old vampire yet... a mere alpha captured her!

She woke up only to see the smirking face of the person she hates now more than ever.

She spat on his face "How dare you! a fucking dog dares to capture ME!!?" she felt disgusted.

Lucien just chuckled and swiped her spit from his face, he looked at it and his long tongue came out, and she widened her eyes. He savored the spit "Mm, seems bitter but full of fight" he grinned.

If her heart and body worked properly she would be blushing right now, this act of confidence and pride oozing off from the dog in front of her.

She wanted to speak but her body felt intense heat as he approached her, his stepped echo around the empty warehouse where he had her.

She glared at him seeing his hands move towards her tits and slapped them, forcing a moan to come out from her pouty delicious lips.

"Mmmhh you beast!" she growled, her eyes poisonous as she truly hated the dog in front of her.

"W-what are you d-doing!?" she asked a little scared seeing his tongue come out and him tearing her skin-tight suit, her huge tits popped out, and her nipples were erect and twitching.

She truly hated him for making her act like this! 'God, what am I? a slut?' she thought as her body was more honest than hers.

She saw how the pointy tongue dived right into her nipples "Ooh hooo" she arched her back as she felt good... too good for her experience.

"W-what is thisssh!" she screeched.

Lucien just smirked and removed his tongue and slapped his tits once again, her pussy gushed with juices as she sprayed it all onto the floor.

"N-no... this can't be happening!" said the busty vampire in denial, the pleasure of pain was so good that she came with a smack on her humongous tits.

Lucien grinned "I'm gonna have fun... unless you tell me who sent you" cackled Lucien.

Selene felt chills run down her spine, and heat started burning inside her, this has never happened before, she was a vampire. Her body was cold to the touch yet she feels a burning inferno inside her as she looked deep into the beast's gray eyes... "M-maybe... I forgot... who I work for" she said looking away, she wanted more spanking and pleasure.