Vol.2: Ch.3

After Brina calmed down, Sieg's body was carried inside the village to prepare it for the funerals; villagers would build a pyre to cremate his body, a funeral worthy of a drengr. While the others honored Sieg's sacrifice, Bo brought Erik's rewards.

A barrel of mead whose scent permeated the air, meat dried using ruby trees' sap for a slight sugarish flavor, a wooden shovel, and an iron mining pick axe.

"Is this all you truly need?" The village chief asked, hinting at his nakedness. "We could fetch you new clothes, and accommodate a space outside Lei for you to spend the night or even the rest of your stay in the Crimson Forest. There is a place in Lei for a capable warrior. Without Sieg, savage beasts might trouble us more than before."

"I thank you for the offer, Bo, but my wyrd lies elsewhere," Erik replied, slightly bowing his head to show his appreciation.