Quest 2

Entering the small run with the key he had been given, Ashton looked through his small bag of belongings realizing that he didn't have anything he needed to pack, or bring with him. Sitting down on his bed for a moment he thought to himself.

' I've never really had much in my life but these few things, it's really too little . I need more stuff. Honestly so much has been happening lately. I've been wrapped up in doing thing after thing on the command of others. Honestly it's frustrating to feel like I'm not the one directing my own life. I'm not sure what I can really do about it. Something needs to change. '

After changing into another set of clothes, Ashton headed out the door. After moving down the hallway for a bit, he turned around and re locked his door before heading back to the courtyard to find the others.

Standing on his own as he waited he once again closed his eyes and while being as gentle as possible he followed the energy in his body as it looped from one grand nexus into another, through his chest up his throat into his brain where it once again made a giant loop before heading back down his neck, into his arm, then the other, then return to the heart before heading down the legs, and back up.

' That loop occurs twice in my chest, and once in my head. Does this mean there's a third Grand Nexus in my head? This is all too complicated. I didn't really notice all the major and minor points but it did feel like the energy never moved in a solid straight line, always diagonals before bouncing all over the place. While this is all good news, it's also a pain in the ass. '

Opening his eyes he realised both Kayman, and Kody standing near him seemingly waiting for him to finish up whatever he was doing.

" Working on your assignment? "

" Yes you big oaf, turns out it's more complicated than we thought. There's another Grand Nexus in my head. "

Kayman's Face drooped as he heard Ashtons words.

" What the hell! You mean you have two Grand Nexus points in your body? What does that even do? "

" Wrong Kid, Ashton here has a total of three Grand Nexus points in his body. It means it's going to take him at least three times the amount of hard work and time that it would take you. However each increase he has no matter how small will be at least three times more effective than yours. "

" So he's a monster then, I get it "

" Exactly Kid, now you get it. "

" Can you two not talk about me like I'm not right here. Also I am a literal monster out of kids fairy tales , so fair enough. "

" Alright you two, do you have all you need for this trip? We should be able to finish tonight, however if we can't are you two prepared to sleep in the dungeon, and have provisions? "

Ashton looked embarrassed for a moment.

" Instructor, I don't own anything like that. "

" Ashton, I'm glad you have such high combat comprehension, or else I would truly believe you had a mental disorder or five. Go to the canteen , grab some dried meat, and bread. Next head to the QuarterMasters Office and get camping supplies. Kayman, show him the way. Hurry back. "

Kayman showed Ash everything he needed and walked him through signing out the equipment before they returned together. Everything in order, the trio set out hiking through the woods making their way to the destination marked on Kody's map.

Moving quietly Ashton motioned for everybody to stop.

" I can smell a deer just a little bit ahead of us. I'm going to catch us dinner. "

With Ashton speaking his peace, he jumped into the trees, and moved quickly, and quietly through them until he was above his target. Shifting his hand slightly into a claw, Ashton dropped from the tree slicing through the neck of the deer, ending it's life in an instant.

" Thank you for your sacrifice, My friend, and the big oaf will enjoy you to our hearts content. "

Picking up the corpse Ashton moved back to his friends and motioned for them to continue.

" Do you plan on carrying that with us the whole way? "

" Obviously Kayman, If I left it here for later the scavengers of the forest would eat it all before we could. Besides, it weighs basically nothing to me. "

" Were roughly five minutes away from the entrance to the dungeon, he will need to leave it out front for afterwards, bringing it in will prevent you from fighting Ashton. "

" Oh no then did I do this for nothing? "

Ashton asked with a panicked expression.

" We would need to clean it, butcher it, and cook it efore the dungeon if you don't want to waste it. "

" Ah shit "

As the trio reached the spot indicated on the map, they noticed a somewhat large stone Archway carved into a cave leading into the dark. After observing the surroundings it seems nothing has made its way out of the cave yet. Setting down the deer Ashton began to skin it before hanging it up in a tree with some rope to let it bleed out.

" Alright what are we going to be fighting? "

" Goblins. A simple beast drivin by it's most basic desires to eat and fuck. "

" Gross, did you have to word it like that Instructor? "

" It's the best explanation I can give. "

Standing before the entry way the three took their first steps in, as Kayman took out, and lit a torch.

" Why are you lighting a torch? It isn't that dark in here. "

Ashton spoke as the torch light reflected off his eyes showing the other two an eerie sight of his wolf-like eyes.

" Maybe not to you mister dog eyes, but to me, and my very human eyes I can't see shit down here. "

" Just get better eyes then loser "

Ashton stuck his tongue out at kayman laughing all the while. Kody crossed his arms as he watched the kids mess around all while a small group of goblins were approaching them in the distance.

" Who just passed gas? You smell god awful like something crawled up your ass and died a week ago. Oh shit! "

Ashton was mid sentence when he caught a very primitive spear made of wood and stone, that was headed right for his head.

" Fucking rude! "

Ashton shouted as he heaved back and threw the spear as hard as he could. The spear cut through the air before impaling the head of the goblin who threw it. The goblin's face stuck in a perminate look of shock mixed with a spear through the eye.

Ashton observed the small group of five remaining goblins. He noticed their sickly green skin, misshapen mouths and large murky eyes. The goblins themselves hardly reached up to his midsection with their small stature, however their arms were the wrong size being so gangly and long they reached past their knees.

Ashton decided it wasn't the time to mess around and rushed directly up to the group activating his bone claws. The first goblin was stabbed directly through his face as Ashtons claw penetrated ripping grey matter, eyes, and all kinds of blood and gore out of the poor goblin's head.

Ashtons face slowly grew into an eager smile as he slew the first goblin. Ashton turned towards the next one, breaking the small spear it held as he ripped it's throat out.

Unaware of just how brutal Ashton was being. Both the remaining goblins, and Kayman were shocked and horrified at the ruthless killing machine that was Ashton at this moment.

" Groakta NoCt Scresh!! "

The goblins shouted some gibberish seeing how they were being taken out. After speaking the goblin turned to run away only to find a bone covered claw penetrating his chest from behind, his still beating heart dangling from the claws of the monster that had invaded their home.

At this time the remaining two goblins started fleeing with all the power they had, dropping their weapons and dashing for escape. However all did not go to plan as a different figure stood before them, dressed in a basic gi, fists covered with bandages.

Kayman's leg lashed out. Breaking the skull of the first goblin and knocking the second one over. With a swift stomp the goblin was taken out.