My new friend

It was Becky first day at school, she was really terrified because she doesn't know anyone and everything seems different to her, her environment, people she will be meeting wether they were good or bad. thinking of all those made her afraid.

" hello friend" her roommate came to her, snapping her fingers to drew her attention. " hmm...see I know what you are thinking...but see is okay everything is going to go on well. This school is such a great school I have ever been too.

the people are kind and don't worry okay you will get along has we move" she said, trying to calm her new roommate thought down.

" so what are you still waiting for? let go to class is classes time " Becky smiled at her and took her school bag from her bed then she went out with her new friend.

" hello class it seems like today we have new comers here. so I will like to let them introduce themselves like we always do , so please if you know you are a new comer kindly stand up and let us give you a welcome hand".

Becky was shaking in her shoes she nearly wet her pant just by looking around the class. the class was decorated with a simple white and Pink color with other adorable design.

it wasn't bad though but for her it was looking like a living hell since she doesn't like it when she got people's attention too much on her. And the worst thing was that, average of the class were boys. she bowed her head down and started begging mother earth to opened it mouth and swollen her like Jonah.

" hey you, are you not going" her roommate tapped her on the shoulder trying to see what she was doing there that has kept her soo long for getting up and introduced herself. " I'm afraid. I don't know how to do it.".

" you don't know how to do what.?. just introducing yourself?". ". I have never done this in front of a whole class before". " But you told me you were the school prefect of your school right "

she told her yes. "then how were you able to stand in front of the whole school and to give a let go I will go with you ". her roommate who was called Elle.

held her hand and assist her to stand up. she then told her not to be afraid cause they are not going to cut her head, it was just an introduction so she should gather courage and go.

After a while talk from Elle, she joined the group of the new comers. everyone introduced themselves one after the other now it was Becky's turn to speak but she was quite and was looking down without even rising her head up .

she was shivering as if they had poured cold water on her during winter. Elle unseeing her friend still quite and not talking stood up. " hello everyone please attention"

she cleared her throat to let the words flow. " mm she is called Becky Simth and she got a full scholarship to this school and also she is such an intelligent soul..thank you" trying to make those who think they are intelligent jealous by saying that. that was when Becky looked up at her and simle, thanking her in her mind.

The class became quite when she raised her head. infact the teacher too was secretly stealing looks of her. her beauty had drone almost all the attention of the class every single eye was on her. she worn her school uniform with her head tied into a ponytail, her deep black eye was matching perfectly with the white ocean that surrounds it.

you will slumber just by looking at her smooth spotless chocolate skin which was shining like a uncovered treasure which had been found on then island.

She was feeling shy standings in front of the whole class not doing anything so she quickly took her seat.

" my dear friend you are just an adorable, cute soul. you are beautiful God really created you." Becky smile and said. "aah.. stop it already okay. anyway thank you" she giggled. " so you really no how to talk right..see your face". she pinch her. " hurt." they laugh and continued with their class.