On his bed

The next day Becky woke up to find herself in Japan. she realized that her period had come and in fact she had already soak the bed. that made her uncomfortable to sat because the bed was covered with a white bed sheet very White as snow and now she had stain it, how would she even explained to Aaron for him to understand. and how will he take it unseeing that. "ooh no...ooh..no what have I done didn't I feel it coming". she said panting heavily . " didn't you see what coming". Aaron said from behind scaring her even more. he hold in his hand a hot cup of coffee. ". have this ". he handed it to her but she refused to take it. ". why are you refusing it is good for you ". Aaron tried to explained how it is good to take a coffee after you woke up with headache.

" please can you call Elle for me please". she said looking sad. Aaron had tried hard to see what was wrong that made her look like she was scared of something. ". okay but have you checked the time already". he told her and then handed her his phone to check the time. ". 9:30!!!". she exclaimed unseeing the time. ". Oo my God I have missed class and this..this ....ooo no". she said and facepalmed . " what are you taking about..this what". he tried to get things cleared by asking her what the problem was. but still he did not tell him. he tried all he could then Becky asked him to go out she wanted to take her bath. Aaron questioned her on how will she get dressed after she finished with her bath. she didn't no what to do again then to tell him all that was going on. but she did not told him she had stain the bed sheet also.

After Aaron heard that, he quickly took his phone, his wallet and went down stairs. only God knows what he was going to do there. when Becky saw that he had gone out , she quickly got of the bed , took off the bed sheet and went around looking for where he does his laundry but it seems like he doesn't have any place for laundry. ". ooh mine! he doesn't have a place for laundry!". she looked around again and this time her eyes caught a big black bowl which was at the top of his cabinet.

she took a chair and stood on it then she took the bowl and put the bedsheet in to it , she carried it to the bathroom and locked the door. Again she saw a washing liquid soap, she took it and pour some on it before she remembered that she needs to add parazon and detol to it . luck her she found all of that there. ". mmm such a good boy he has all that I need". she laughed and cleaned her self up after that she washed the bedsheet for she had already put it in the water before she took her bath.

Now it was left with one thing she needed, sanitary p**ads . because she had none there, she didn't know how to get out from the washroom. just then she heard a knocked on the bed. "hello Becky are you still in the washroom". Elle said and walked to see if she was hiding somewhere.

" Elle..Elle.. I'm here in the washroom". Becky said happily. finally her best friend had come. ". okay do this unlock the door and take your things ". she did as she said and took it .

On the other hand Aaron was trying to find out why his bedsheet wasn't on his bed. he had looked everywhere but couldn't find it so he decided to wait for Becky to come and then he asked her . after a minute she came out looking like she had just been taken out from freezer, she was looking peal as a snow goddess. ". what is the problem why are you looking soo peal?". Elle asked her while touching her with her hands to see what was wrong with her friend. " I'm just in my period that why". she responded.

" but this is serious you can't tell me this is how you always look like when you are in your period". Elle said worried. "okay I got some painkillers for you and you even need to take your medicine and eat". when they got to where Aaron was standing they stopped talking and exchanged glanced then started laughing soo hard . " what is the problem girls?'. he said looking confused.

"haha.. see..see period only takes 8 days sometimes 4 days and not 8years so why are you holding a box of sanitary p**ads ". that was when he also realized that he was still holding the box. he let it fell to the ground and went inside his room he came back and asked Becky where his bedsheet had gone too. but she was quite staring at the floor. Elle step in. ". oooh that uhm....you see if a lady wakes up and find her self in Japan, it means she has definitely stain her bed". she said blanking her eyes like a cute puppy. Aaron was still not getting them . " and what does that mean". he said again.

" it means she has stain your bedsheet with blood and she took it off to wash it". Elle said it on hurry. ". wait what..then why didn't you threw it away I don't need it again". he said with a disgusting face. when Becky heard that she became annoyed and went out. quickly. Aaron saw that, what he said was not right he shouldn't have said that in front of her like that. she ran after her. ". Becky wait please". he said while following her up. " please leave me alone let me be please". she said while descending the staircase. " please listen to me I can explain please". just then he felt a hot slap on his face. ". you don't own me an explanation". she told him and went out. " why are boys soo mean". she said to her self