Getting ready for the trip but meeting havoc's

The day of their trip was finally announced and everyone got ready for it. Becky and her friends were also ready for it. they had already packed their things before the day was even announced. that evening, they all gathered in Aaron's apartment and had great fun together. Aaron brought up a game for them to play and they all play it to their satisfaction after that, they all went to sleep in their various room.

The next morning was a great morning for all of the students in the school because the sun was shining beautifully in the sky and it had not been that for a week then. All they experience was rain every day for that particular week and they were now happy to see the sunshine again. almost half of the school washed their things and dried them on the dry line. the whole dry line in the school was full that day cause everyone was getting ready for the trip.

some took permission from their various departments to go out and buy some things they were out of while some also wanted to go and do show off to their friends in other schools about their trip. they were a whole lot going on in the school at that time everyone was busy doing something.

The head of the school assembly all of them in their school assembly hall and told them that their flight will be taken off by the next day evening so all students should report on time or else that person will be left back, and also they shouldn't forget to take all that they needed because no one will be allowed to go out there when they reached them. he furthermore told them that the place was quite scary so they should all be together wherever they go, no one should walk alone or go somewhere alone without a friend's escort. he added to it that the boys should let their eyes be on the girls very well so that they won't get hurt for they don't know their way out of some small trouble or a scary thing. He ended by saying that they should all get ready.

Peggy and her friends were also done doing their show off of the new things they went to buy and the things her mother bought her . she went around showings it to her friends and some other people who had time for her nonsense talk. Just when she was done showing off she came across Becky who was busy drying some of her clothes that she won't take it along together with Elle's own. and was not even looking in someone's way.

" Hello, busy body". Peggy said sounding soo arrogant puls her true arrogant self. Becky did not mind her because she was not having time for her nonsense now and besides, she was not even in the mood to fight with that idiot who was standing beside her pressuring her to create a fight with her. ". hey I'm talking to you...why do you always behave as if you have not heard me when I'm talking to you idiot". Peggy said insulting her on it.

Becky tried hard to calm her burning anger down but it seemed like what she was doing was getting on her nerves. so she also got ready for her stupidity. ". hey ..hey... do you want to know because I don't see the senses in it for talking to something like you idiot". she gave her the replied she deserved and continued with what she was doing.

" did just call me an idiot?". Peggy asked, looking furious with her already burning face.

" yes I called you that and if you don't leave here I will continue to call you an idiot because that is who you are nothing but just an idiot for God's sake!". Becky said shouting at her. they began to exchange words and Peggy threatened to deal with Becky when she was defeated at the end of the battle. "You can't do anything, stupid girl do you think we don't know your type...we do but we just wanna stay cool that's all... like who are you mosquito ". Becky gave her all that was on her mind she had a long time decided to give it to her if she dare come closer to her again and just that cool afternoon that monster came without even feeling ashamed of herself.

Becky decided not to tell Elle and Aaron because if she does they were going to look for her and tell her more of what she deserved so next time she won't dare play with anyone like that. she will show some respect when she is doing something to some people, she will no that not all the people that she can bring stupidity to.

She quietly sneaked into the apartment without the knowledge of any of her friends and quickly went to the kitchen to cook something for them. she didn't want Elle to bother herself too much again because that day was a Saturday afternoon and Elle had already done a lot so she needed a rest to stretched her body for their long journey the next day.

She picked all the items she needed and started to make something. at first, she caught her onions and her tomatoes, and some other ingredients and then started to prepare her food. after a while of cooking the scent of the food entered the whole house making Aaron and Elle thought who was spoiling their nose at that time. they opened all the windows to see if it was from outside. they even checked the cafeteria which was a little far from the apartment but could be seen from the window. They did that to see if it was from them but it wasn't from there.

then Elle decided to go to the kitchen to see if something was on fire, just when she entered she met Becky busy serving the food on the tray ready to bring it to them in the living room. Elle was shocked, and happy at the same time because of the delicious food that was being served . she quickly went to where Becky was standing and told her that she was even super hungry and was thinking of making something so when did she enter that they did not even notice her or heard about her entering the kitchen.

Becky also told her that she didn't want to bother her for she could see she was super tired already. that was why she didn't let anyone see her entering for definitely she will ask to help her and she wasn't convenient to accept that. Elle then helped her to convey the food to the dining table for all of them to have their meal. when Elle went to call Aaron and told him about Becky's presence in the house and how she had already cooked for them, he was over shocked he stood there for almost a minute before he walked to the dinner table to see it for his own eyes before he will believe. and when he saw the food and Becky, he sat down still thinking about how she entered the house and even went into the kitchen to make that delicious food for them. he was also thinking about how she got to know that they were even hungry in the first place.

Becky told them they shouldn't worry for she would explain everything to them when they were all settled. when they all settled to have their meal, she began to tell them how she did it. she told them that when they were busy playing the football game on the TV that was when she entered because the place was noisy and she took that opportunity to surprise them.

when she entered the kitchen she find the foodstuffs already there so she thought someone wanted to do something so she did it for them.

After they heard all that she had to say, they thanked her for how she had saved them from their hungry state. because they were even thinking about ordering food. for their hunger couldn't wait for cooking but they got carried away by the game they were playing.

When they were all done eating, Becky began to complain about how worse her menstrual pains had become. she said it started paining her in the afternoon and was still in pain. she had decided to keep it to herself but it was not helping so she wanted medicine now or else she doesn't think she will be able to go on the trip with them. but that was impossible, for Aaron will not sit down for that to happen. so he asked Elle if she had any painkillers to give her. but she said she was out of painkillers but can go and buy one for her.

just when she decided to go out and buy the medicine, she was met by a storm and a dark cloud that seems like it was about to rain. the storm was too heavy for her to even go out just a mile from the house. she quickly entered back in and informed them about it. that was when Becky remembered that she had hung her things on the dried line so how will she get it out of the rain? when Elle heard about the things on the dried line she quickly picked up her phone and call one of her friends who was on the same floor with them and told her to pick up their things for them. she also conceded to do that and quickly went down to where the dried line was and tugged all their things from there. if not for her heavy body she will have been carried by the storm by then. she quickly entered the house and went and put the things on her bed for them so if they come she will give them to them.

The pain Becky was having was becoming worse at every click of the clock. and Aaron was not being himself because of that. just then he remembered that his driver was still in town so he could call him to buy the medicine she preferred for her. He took his phone and gave him a call. lucky for him he picked it up just on the first call. and he told him all that he needed and also told him that he needed it in the next few minutes. after that, he ended the call and went to where Becky was laying.

within a minute his driver arrived with the medicine and gave it to them. they took it and gave it to Becky to have but she was refusing when Elle forced the medicine to penetrate through her throat and it got down there, then added some water to it.

Because it was raining heavily Aaron told his driver to stay in for a while after the rain subdues he can go back. he agreed with him and stay back in.

It has not even been a minute when Becky took in the medicine but she started throwing up. it was getting worse so they needed to take her to the hospital immediately but the rain was overboard so they couldn't. Elle also remembered that her grandma was a nurse and had gone on retired but she could have a solution to it. she picked up her phone from her pocket and gave her grandma a call. her grandma picked it up and ask her what the problem was, she told her everything and she told them that either she had eaten something she doesn't like or someone had hit her hard on her tommy with her hand.

They were all shocked by what she told them including Becky herself. she doesn't remember when she ate something she doesn't like. Just then she remembered when she was exchanging words with Peggy and she hit her tommy. but she didn't want to cause trouble for that witch. so she decided not to tell anyone and again if she did not she will be the one who will be a fool at the end of the battle so she told them. and when Aaron heard that his fuse blows off.