Taking plans to threat that witch

Aaron called Becky the next day and told her to meet them in the student hotel in other to prank that witch. she agreed and got ready for the prank. She dressed nicely in her school T-shirt and went on to the student hotel.

Immediately she got there, she saw Peggy and her friends chatting happily on the other side of the visitor center. She wondered why she was sitting there but didn't bothered herself to asked of it for it was nor of her business. She decided to get herself noticed by them so she went straight to where they were sitting and sat down pretending to be waiting for someone.

Immediately Peggy saw her she was shocked to her grave and even spit out the drink she was enjoying.

". what the hell is she doing here". Peggy said staring at Dora her friend.

" what are you talking about". Dora said and dismissed the other friends telling them to go and wait for them in their room for they will be right back.

"look there Dora"

"wait..what". she covered her mouth with her hands.

"I truly remembered I sprayed that sleeping.. sleep..ing.. I'm sure I did". Peggy said choking on her words.

"I don't think you did dear"

"I surly did Dora why will I have pity on that thing in other to spare her"

"something is not right I guess"

"I also guess the same Dora"

"But how did she escape from the store room?".

"that is the big deal now"

They got up to walked quietly passed her without her noticing them but they were wrong for she had already seen them long time and had heard all that they said.

"So you thought I will never get up?".

Becky said to them when they were closed to her. She got up in other to spoke to them well.

"hmm .. sometimes we don't need to try when we no perfectly that we will fail"

"what are you trying to say idiot"

"what I'm I trying to say all that, or all I want to say is that stop trying to harm me because you will never succeed in doing that"

"ooh really you want me to stop trying... leave Aaron alone then I will stop trying "

"Ooh really, so what Aaron said was true... okay I will think of it but I have something for you "

"what is it"

"You have to also stay away from Aaron then you won't get to do anything with me again ".

After saying that she left them dumbfounded and went away.

"what was wrong with that bitch "

"I don't no Peggy but I think something does not sounds right here...why has she suddenly gotten interested in Aaron "

"I don't no either Dora but I also smell something fishy ".

They thought for a while and left to there room.

Peggy saw a message from an unknown number saying that,

"I'm on my way coming for you again". the unknown number says that he was coming for her again.

" who the hell is that". Peggy said when she saw the message.

"what is it Peggy"

"I just got a message from an unknown number saying that he was on his way coming for me"

"what....who do you think it is"

"I don't have any idea"

"but wait I have an idea... what if it was from Aaron"

"I don't think he still has my number beside this is my new number and how did the person got access to it"

"Wow this is sounding strange to me too"

Peggy did all she could to find who sent her the message but couldn't get and clue about it. she went to her contact list and search all the numbers there to see if one of them match with the one which sent her the message. But it turned to be in vain.

Who will had sent her the message she thought but couldn't get any suitable answer for that, nothing came into her mind. she called all her friends and asked them if they had given her number to someone. But they also say that they hadn't done that.

"then the question is who sent the message?". Dora asked her friend who was out of the earth and was finding her self on other planet. she was lost in her thought.


The school mission for the day was to go out and take a look around the place there were and listened to some history about the place.

After they were done with that they came back to have their lunch. Elle and Robin was having a good time chat outside so it was left with Aaron and Becky who was sitting at the hotel restaurant and was also enjoying their talk.

"Aaron today I have notice something about Peggy". Becky was feeling suspicious about how Peggy had been behaving lately.

"what happened". Aaron questioned her.

" I can see it wasn't my coming that had made her worried but there is something else making her disturb "

"And how does that concern you"

"See I'm feeling that it does not only concern her but you too "

"And how will her worried concern me too why do I live in her mind?".

"Not that Aaron...see I will investigate it my self ". When Aaron heard that he laughed

"and why are you laughing "

"how are you going to investigate that witch... remember she is nothing but just a crazy witch "

"ooh please stop calling her that she is not "

" okay so now tell me how are you going to investigate that girl "

"I almost forgot to tell you...one of her friends is good at gossiping "

"And how did you got to no that?".

"Because she was the one who told me to take care of my self and I shouldn't dare go to the cafeteria or else I won't be able to come....but I thought she was her friend so she was lying and it happened as she said that was why I said I suspect Peggy about that and truly it was her". Aaron gave what Becky said and second thought and said that then they were going to used her against that bitch.

" But wait I just want to get the information that is making her worried maybe I can use that to threat her from harming me"

"that sounds great Becky....you are a way too smart I guess "

"of course I'm smart ". They laughed their way out and continued to have their good meal.

One cool afternoon after there mission Becky called Rose who was one of Peggy's friend and told her to meet her in the hotel restaurant. She did has she had instructed and even got there on time.


Becky said when she saw her sneaking through the crowd has if she doesn't want to get caught.

"Don't worry I don't think she will come here...so tell me what is the problem besides Peggy's worried?".

she asked her when she got to her side and sat down.

"hmm ..I heard them talking about an unknown number that had message Peggy and she had done all she could to see who it is but all that had been in vain."

"unknown number message her..mmm who will it be"

"well they are thinking it is Aaron "

" that is impossible..by the way let me ask you did you heard anything about what the message was about"

" Yes yes I heard that one too that is the main reason why she is worried"

. "what was it"

"I heard that the person said he was on his way coming for her again.."


"Yes the person ended the message by saying.. again.."

"okay thank you soo much..I will update you on anything "

" okay keep me updated ". she said and quickly run off the restaurant.

"Again...who will that be, Aaron will never think off going back to that bitch again.. so who is it"

In the evening, Becky decided to ask Aaron if he was the one who message her. But to her surprised she saw Aaron entering the big bedroom she wanted to see earlier.

"what is he going to do there ".

She said and followed him quietly up there. then she saw him taking off his clothes when he got inside. She took her head off for him to undress first before she entered.

After Aaron was done, Becky entered the room scaring him.

"wow who is that"

"why are you..scared"

"you..what. are you doing here "

"Ooo what I'm I doing here you are asking...I remember I asked you where you sleep and you never answered me.. what are you doing in this room "

"Sorry I forget to tell you this is my room for the time being "

"wow is a way too big"

"yh tell me why are you here"

"Don't I have the right to see my boy....". she held her breath after hearing herself saying that.


"Nothing ". she said that after she released her breath.

"what the hell was I about to say". she mumbled to her self.

"okay now ...what are you looking for"

"can I have a word with you"

"sure why not"

they sat at the sofa that had been placed in the room and begin with their conversation.

"okay is a favor I want to ask if you don't mind "

"what favor is that "

"okay in any ways do you have your best friends number ". Aaron smiling face turned to a moody face.

"what nonsense why will I still keep his number what for"

", okay relax.. relax I was only asking for his number not his where about please "

"I don't have it "

"ooh please try to get it for me please "

"where will I get it....and wait why is it that all of a sudden you want his number"

"okay I forgot to tell you this forgive me.....but today when I met one of the Peggy's friend I told you about earlier,..she said that someone had message Peggy and was saying that he was on his way coming for her again...so I thought it was you for she said that they also thought it was you"

"what nonsense why will I think of going back to that bitch "

"please take it easy please....I just wanted to no if maybe you still have his number somewhere so that I can ask her friend to copy the number for me to do comparison "

"hmmmm...for his number I think I still have...but you haven't tell me why you are doing this "

" like I said earlier I want to threat her so that she will leave me and you alone without causing troubles again "

Aaron gave what she said another thought and saw that it wasn't a bad idea so he will support her too. she told her to informed her friend Elle about her plans and she said she had already told her too .

"what about Robin... won't we tell him too now that he has become part of us"

"And why will you tell him"

"he has become part of us"

"No I don't think so"

"please can't you see how he has been moving on well with Elle"

"they are just in love with each other that is why they are moving in nicely". Becky looked up at him and hissed"

"You are a way too much...but still please "

"whatever you can tell her"

"thanks "

"okay...so now tell me what is the new plan now "

"the new plan now is for you to give me his number "


"your friend of course "

"which of my friends "

"why are you annoying like that ...I just told you right now that I want that your soo call best friend number "

"really I almost forgot "

"why won't you forgot when you are already thinking bad"

"what bad I'm I thinking "

"Are you not thinking that maybe I also want to fool you and spend your money "

"ooh please I'm not saying that "

"Then what are you trying to say...uh..."

"okay I will give you his number "

"really "

"but only on one condition...."

" which is?".

"kiss me".

"what!". Becky shouted.