"You can come to my place if you don't mind "

After the incident that happened the other day , uncle Moses never went out without informing Aaron about where he will be going so that if he need help he can come for him.

One cool day Aaron decided to take him out to have some fun with him and make him happy a little. he had already show him his house so he came there to pick him up for their outting.

"uncle please are you ready now" Aaron said and knocked on his door when he got there.

"I'm coming wait a minute". he said and then came out of his room.

"wow uncle the dress look good on you"


"Yes uncle you are looking more cute then me"

"hahaha don't tease me"

"I'm not uncle I'm telling the truth"

",okay. okay let go"

They set off for their outting. they went to one of the nicest places in the city and after a long time they finally sat down to talk about themselves. Aaron bought him some wine to to enjoying and he also got himself some glass of water to cool his beast down.

" so uncle tell me about your self "

". really why don't you go first."

" okay...mmm...I'm a student and very soon I will complete school"

" A student with a car "

" Yes uncle my dad got it for me"

"then you must be coming from a very rich home I guess "

" Yes uncle my dad is very rich".

(hmmm.... good one I have gotten another fool to spend his money with me... look at the car he is driving and the phone he is holding...I'm sure he is from a better home of course. why don't I be friend him since he is a young and a good boy he will do all that I ask for me). He thought and took a sip of his wine.

"so tell me Aaron what company does your father works in"

"well my father is a CEO of his own company in this state"

"wow such a nice job"

"Yes uncle.... anyway where do you actually come from"

"mmm..I'm from the northern part of this country"

"really that good"

"why do you no any one there"

"not really but I was having a friend who was also from that place and he was a very good friend of mine"

"yes as for us we are very good"

"I can see".

(why is this world full of bad people.. just look at this one in front of me claiming to be a good person but deep down his heart he is the most wicked person I have ever knew off.

hmmm just wait and watch how I'm going to direct you into the hands of the cops you wicked one). Aaron said to himself and smirked then he smiled at the man in front of him who was also faking a smile as well.

"uncle if you don't mind can you tell me the person you have ever loved in your life time"

"Yes Aaron why not I will tell you"

"okay I'm all ears uncle "

"there is a person that I will never forget in my life..she was like an angel brought to me from heaven. her smile only shows a light in my life... her name was Rose...but something happened and I lost her

"what happened uncle "

"Don't worry my child is nothing "

"Ooh okay if it will hurt you I won't ask about it again "

",okay ".

It was getting late so they decided to go home. Aaron took him to his house and he also went away.

When Aaron entered his apartment, he met all of his friend standing there waiting for him.

"why has all of you come out?"

"we are here to welcome you". Becky said and they all laughed.

"whatever let me in". he went in and they all followed him in.

"so were you able to get something about his past". Robin asked.

"well not really I was only able to no the love of his life name"

"funny you what are we going to do with that..uh...I just need some important information"

"please let take our time and deal with him one after the other"


"what did he say about the love of his life". Becky asked.

"well he didn't say much about her all that he said that she was called...mmmm....what is the name ..yh..yh Rose". As at that time Cecilia was talking in her medicine but immediately she had of the name the glass cup fell from her hands and the water splash all over the place.

"what is the matter". Elle asked while holding her hands"

"what is the problem Cecilia!". they were all shouting on her to tell them what happened, just then she fell to the ground and some of the pieces of the broken glass cut her forehead.

"Cecilia". they all rushed to her and held he up but she was conscious so they took her to the hospital immediately. Becky advice them to take her to the near by hospital but not the school sick bay or else they will begin to ask questions which they won't get answers for them.

So they immediately took her to the near by hospital for a quick treatment. it took her some hours and a minute for her regain back her conscious.

Becky was sleeping beside her bed so she wake her up .

"Becky ..Becky wake up I'm awake". Becky wake up and asked her how she was doing. She told her she was fine so she should take her to the house.

Becky quickly went to informed them about Cecilia's assisting her to take her home.

They agreed with her and took her home. when they got there, they took her to her room and went out but she came back to they and said she wanted to tell them something.

"why not wait still tomorrow". Elle said worried.

"don't worry I'm okay"

"what do you want to tell us". Robin said.

"mmm...the name Aaron mentioned some hours ago is my mother's name"

" Really!!". they all shouted. Aaron seem to be interested in what she said.

"so you mean I should keep on asking him things about that woman "

"Yes Aaron please keep on asking him things about my mother maybe he will tell you some about her"

"wait... something smell fishy here....if madam Rose is your mother how come you have a different father but not him"

"Yes I also think the same....will it be like he was with your mother before your dad came ". Aaron added.

" Aaron this is in your hand for us to know the truth. you have to do all you could to get that box "

" rest assure on me I will do it perfectly "

" so are you not going to him today "

" I know what I'm doing "

" what are you doing "

" I have told the gang to attack him in his house so that I can get the chance to let him come and stay with me"

" perfect..so what time are you going "

". a minute later "

" okay ". Aaron got up and went to his room to change his dress. After he changed his dress, he took his car key , said Goodbye to them and went out.

" Elle please take Cecilia to her room". Elle nobbed her head and took her away.

"Robin there is something I want to tell you"

" ooh you can say it"

"hmmm...I didn't want Cecilia to hear what I'm about say that was why I said they should take her into her room ...I find out that the baby she is carrying is not for her adopted father niether his friend "

" what...how did you no"

" I got to no it from the nurse we met this morning "

" how did she also no about it "

" You see when Aaron told us about how the man looks like and his age and all that. when the nurses came for her the time we took her in , I secretly told one of the nurses there to do a test for me"

" which test"

" I told her that is it possible for 54 years old man to impregnate an 19 year old girl.."

"that is a big "Yes"

"well she told is possible and I asked her again that how about two old people of that age all the time they will sleep with one girl. Will the girl get pregnant and she told me that it is sometimes possible . but on others time too the girl will die because of their weak water ...

so I asked her to test her and see if the baby she is carrying is possible to be for one of them . but the result that came out was different, the results says that the baby in her womb is a very strong baby and they don't think it will be for those old people .

"how ....why are this people Soo mean". Elle said from behind scaring Becky and Robin.

". you scared us". Becky said.

" Becky so what are you going to do now mmm...will you tell her about it"

"No I won't tell her now I want to be sure before. I don't want to cause her more thinking"

Robin shook his head and Elle threw her self in the sofa to relaxed her self.

" this world no balance "

" I tell you sister...how can people be soo mean and wicked like that...mmm ...so do they also have heart...do they"

"I feel like telling Aaron to allow the people to give him a good beating before Aaron should show up". Robin said and took his phone ready to call Aaron.

"Yes exactly do that ". Elle said.

" stop ..stop guys relax and forget about him we will definitely revenge for her"

" why are you always like that Becky.....why don't you allow us to teach him some lessons"

". don't worry we will definitely teach him some lesson"


Uncle Moses got off from his bathroom and went to his room to dress up. just when he got off the bathroom he meet those people who had been following him all that while in his hall.

" what do you want from me"

" we don't want anything from you all that will want is for you to tell the truth and be free "

" what truth "

" don't you dare pretend not to no or else we will beat you too death and no one will be able to save you this time "

just when they were about to hold his neck,

Aaron show up and they all run away. he quickly rushed to where uncle Moses was standing and asked how he was doing. when he told him he was fine he got up to run after those rat but he stopped him not to go for maybe he will hurt himself for doing that.

"My child don't worry yourself by running after them please"

"but uncle they nearly kill you"

"I know but just forget about them "

"okay uncle please sit down I will go get you something to eat first please where is your kitchen". he showed him his kitchen and he quickly went there to prepare something for him. then he also went to his room to dress up.

After a while Aaron was done with the food and he served him nicely.

"uncle please your food is ready....mmm... please can you show me where your wash room is please"

"ooh that go straight and turned right the first door". he thanked him and went away. he didn't go but instead he watch him ate the food before he turned his back and walked away. just a minute after he ate the food, he fell asleep.

Aaron went to his room and searched everywhere but couldn't got to see where he had placed the box. He quickly came out of the room for the sleeping tablet he put in the food only last for a minute.

He went back and sat down silently then he pretended to be eating when he woke up .

"ooh uncle you have been sleeping why don't you go inside and sleep"

"really I have been sleeping"

"yes uncle"

"don't worry about me I will be okay"

Aaron kept quiet and watched the TV he switched on when he came to sat down there a minute ago.

"mmm uncle please can I ask you something"

"Go ahead my child"

"You can come to my place if you don't mind"

"ooh my dear I don't want to worry you and your family"

"I don't stay with my family I stay alone"

"okay but don't worry I will be okay"

"Are you sure uncle"

"Yes I do so please don't worry"

"And if you get a change of mind you can come to me and anyway I will send you the address of the place if you want to come"

"I will think of it my dear don't worry"