Academy was resuming just next week and Layla was feeling tragic about going back to school solitary. She always thought that, they wound never be any school again. But that happened to be in her dreams for there is always a school.

      (Hey what's up, school is very soon gonna resume and you are still not back). Layla texted Dela.

    (No! I have been placed in another school here so I don't think I will be coming back)

    He replied her.

   (Good for you...I hope you have been trying to cope well with them.. right?).

She texts him back.

   (Mmm..Yeah, I have)

Dela know that Layla was unhappy about all that she was saying.  But she had tried her best to show that she was happy.

   ( Anyway I need to take my bath..see you). Layla said and end the conversation.

  "Ooh Dela I miss you soo much.. please come back". Layla said and bowed her face in her bedsheet.


   Then next day in Dela's place ( south Korea)

Dela rumbled on his bed with a handsome smile plastered on his face.

This could only mean one thing, he was having a dream, a dream only he knew of, a dream he will only keep to himself and then sit in a corner and remember with a smile on his lips.

     He smiled broadly but then he had to frowned as Aunt Maggie's voice came into his sweet dreams and pulled him out.

   " Not again". He mumbled and fluttered his eyes open. he sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes, squinting her eyebrows while trying to get used to the brightness.

   " Dela! Don't tell me you are still in bed!". Aunt Maggie cried out .

   Aunt Maggie was the one who had been assigned to take care of Dela during his stay at that place. She was a supernatural being with powers and she was going to teach him how to use his powers.

Dela already know her since he was a child but he never knew that she wasn't a whole human being.

  " I'm awake!". He yelled so Aunt Maggie could hear him.

    " go freshen up and come downstairs for your breakfast". Aunt Maggie said and went downstairs.

  Dela could hear the plate and the frying pans making music in the kitchen. Aunt Maggie was making pancakes, he couldn't wait to taste them. The thought of savoring the deliciousness alone makes his mouth water.

   In one swift movement, he got down from the bed and undressed before rushing into the bathroom. 30 minutes later he was already done with whatever pertained to get dressed.

   He should at last dress corporately. He made his tie quickly and picked up his bag.

" Dela! Hurry up you are almost late". Aunt Maggie climb back to his room and knocked on his door.

  " I'm coming". Dela replied and opened the door.

Aunt Maggie sighed and touched his hair.

" Dela, have you noticed that your hair has grown longer?". She asked and Dela chuckled.

   " Aunt is my first day at school and you are already asking me such questions. besides I have spent only one week here. Then what if I spent months here what will you ask then?".

  Dela said with a polite smile.

" I'm not joking Dela, touch and feel it yourself . It has also gotten softer". Aunt Maggie said.

Dela touches his hair and felt it. 

   " Hey, you are right". He exclaimed.

Aunt Maggie gave him the ' I- told -you- so' look

" Let's go and have breakfast, I made pancakes, you're favorite". Aunt Maggie said and Dela beamed.

" That is why I love you soo much". He pecked Aunt Maggie's cheeks and ran to the dining table, where the table was already set with pancakes and butter mixed with gravy. Dela licked his lips and started serving himself, before sitting down to eat.

   Aunt Maggie join him at the table and watched him closely. " Take it, easy dear".  She said as Dela stuffed his mouth with pancakes.

  " Aunt know you I'm late, so allow me to eat as fast as I can, so I will be there in time for the assembly ".   He said and Aunt Maggie laughed.

  " Really? that an excuse you are giving me for rushing on your food?".

  Aunt Maggie asked and he stopped eating and then smiled sheepishly.  " And you think I'm gonna buy handsome Dela".

  " I was hoping you will...". Dela said and drank water.

   " Are you excited to start school here "

" Mmm..not that excited, but I'm okay. Anyway I can't wait to make new friends ".

   " Okay then, let me tell you this. here in their school, they don't go on assembly okay"

   " Ooh, that was a slip of tongue".

" Okay ".

After Dela was done, he packed his plate and took them to the kitchen. He packed Aunt Maggie's plate too and dropped them in the dishwasher before returning to the living room, where aunt Maggie was waiting for him.

    " Come on, get in the car we don't have much time left". Aunt Maggie said and laid the way.

   Dela smiled and followed her to the car. They drove off to his new school, ling's high school.

            LING'S HIGH SCHOOL

Aunt Maggie dropped him off at school and hugged him.

   " You look nervous".  She said.

Dela rubbed his palms together.

" Yeah, I'm nervous . It's my first day at a school in Korea, I'm not sure if they gonna like me or just be rude to me. You know they are a lot of bullies in high school and I'm also an African". he moaned.

  Aunt Maggie held her shoulders and smiled at him.

    " You are a lovable boy, nice and extrovert . Who won't like to be your friend ..huh".

  " I don't know but I'm a bit inferior, cause this school is dominated by the rich, remember?"

  Dela asked.

" You are rich as well my dear. Don't forget you are a whoever refuses to be friends with you is missing out something spectacular. So go in and make them be!!.". Aunt Maggie said, pecked his forehead and gave him a resured simile.

  " Thank you, Aunt, love you".

" Love you more sweetie..see you at home and please don't be sad". Aunt Maggie hugged him for one last time before entering her car and driving off.

  Dela sighed and entered the hallway. He walked around the hall in admiration. The school wasn't a uniform one so everyone went around in their outfits.

He logged into the school app on his phone and finally found his class. Written at the top was CLASS A.  he walked in and all eyes were on him.


   Creepy the student started murmuring at once.

" Newbie I guess".

  " Didn't he read the school rules and regulations?".

  " I doubt it, the first day in school and he is already showing off. Hip!". 

  " He doesn't look that bad"

" Not like he doesn't look that bad, he is handsome say it and stop running about "

   " Ooh what..I only thought he is gonna be competing with Luca very soon".

   "Whatever, Miss gossiper ".

Dela thought they were talking, staring, and murmuring because he was new, but unknown to him his long and curly hair was the one attracting them.


   He found it hard to find a seat because no one was ready to sit with a strange boy who just came to the school. A boy whom he later got to know as king agreed and gave him a seat beside him.


   "What is your name newbie". King asked.

"I'm Dela".

     " Ooh.. okay, my name is king and I'm 18 years old".

   "I'm also 18, nice meetings you".

"Same here Mr. Dela". He teases.

    "Haha ". Dela laughed.

"Can I ask you something ".  King said

   "Of course, you can".

"Do you use eye contacts?". King asked .

  "No ". Dela answered.

"Then why are your eyes blue ". King said and Dela flinched.

"Blue?". He asked.

       "Yeah, don't you know that you are having a blue eye"? King said, finding his reaction funny.

   "Excuse me". Dela got up and rushed out of the class.

   He continued running without turning back or looking at where he was going when he accidentally bumped into someone.

  "Hey!.. watch where you are going or don't you have eyes..what is all this about why are you running..or you were caught doing something bad".  She said without looking at who it was. Lily the principal daughter and the cutest girl in the school asked.

  "I'm sorry!". He looked at her and she gasped.

"You have blue eyes anyway I'm sorry saying all that ". Dela was in a hurry that he didn't listen to her for she was the second person to tell him that his eyes were blue. He didn't answer but rushed to the restroom.

   Lily smirked knowingly and crossed her hands over her chest.

  "Wow, he is also a supernatural being". She said and left with a knowing smirk.


   Dela managed to find the boy's restroom and slammed the door shut.  He looked into the mirror and he saw that it was true, he was truly having blue eyes.

   "I have blue eyes? OMG, this is crazy! My eyes were light gold before I left home for school this morning. He sat and facepalmed. He put both hands on his waist and paced forth and back thinking about what to do.  He looked into the mirror again and his hair turned blue with Golden straps on the edges. He took another look and his beautiful golden wings appear on his back again. He stumbled backward out of shock.

  "What is happening to me". He asked no one in particular. He looked in the mirror again and everything was back to normal.  He couldn't wait to go home and tell his Aunt.

He glanced at the mirror one more to check if everything was back to normal before stepping out of the restroom to his class.

  Then lily saw him coming out of the restroom and admired him. He was soo cute with awesome black hair and flawless skin. How can a human being be this handsome?

   Dela sensed her presence but he decided to walk quietly to his class. Unfortunately for him she had seen him already and was even admiring him.

  "Hi newbie ". She waved at him with a smile.

"Hi". He replied and wanted to leave but she stopped him.

  "Where are you in such a hurry to go?  I haven't even shown you around the school yet.". She said

still wearing that awesome smile.

   Dela wondered why she was nice to him all of a sudden. Wasn't she rude to him just now,  when he accidentally bumped into her?

   "You wanna show me around the school?".  He asked.

   "Yeah". She answered and looked him in the eye. (Wow his eyes, they are back to isn't bad). She had to admit, the boy was cute but naive and inexperienced. But that happened to be in her dreams for Dela was fully mutual for his age.

   "Mmm.. what is your name". She asked.

"Dela". He answered.

     "Nice name... anyway Dela, as the principal daughter is my duty to show you around the school in other to be familiar with some places you don't know and also to make sure you get acquainted with the environment.". She explained.


      "Okay ..but please let's make it tomorrow, right now I have some tiny issues I need to deal with now please ". He said avoiding her gaze.

   "Alright see you tomorrow then". She said and tucked her hands in her pocket and walked away.

  He sighed and headed back to class. When he sat down king noticed that his eyes were back to normal, but they were also different in some way.

    "Are you sure you are not using eye contact?".

"Well, yeah, I was using it back then...but I have taken it off". 

    "You have taken it off,.. no you haven't. Guess why everyone is watching you". King said and took a long look around the class.

  "What!". Dela said and look around as well. But to his surprise, everyone was watching him.

   "But why are they watching me?". He asked in dismayed.

    "Because your eyes look like kind of are having a Golden eyes? ".

    "Yes, my eyes are gold, why are you shocked by that".  Dela said making everyone suspicious.

    "Wow...then you are the only one with such an eye in this are wonderful, who are you". King said in a funny tongue but he meant everything he said.


   "All of you sit back in your place and stop glancing at him as if you have seen a goddess". King said shouting at the crowds to stop looking at him like that.

  They all went back to their seat and they all got busy at once. Some were trying to draw his eyes, some were writing poems about his eyes and the social media girls were busily posting him.

     The last bell rang for the day, signifying that school was over. Dela sighed in relief and happiness then hurried out of the class. he had already said his goodbye to king.

He kept avoiding the student's gaze till he left the school premises. Every single person wanted to take a picture of him when they later came to know that he was a superstar.

    He quickly stopped a cab and gave him his description of where he lived and he drove him home.