At The Cafeteria..


Hosea followed Dela to the cafeteria and he collected food for both of them. He set it on the table and they sat down. Looking at the food, it was different from what she eat back in her kingdom.

  Dela noticed that she wasn't eating and asked her why she was not eating.

  " Why aren't you eating?" She asked.

She looked at him and answered. " It doesn't look tasty. And I'm not used to food like this".

  " What! Are you from the desert or from the water? Who won't like fried rice with chicken?". He teased.

" Stop joking around and eat your food or else it will get cold". He said again.

Hosea sighed, then picked up the fork. She looked at him and then back to the plate of food in front of her. With the help of how Dela was eating his, she put the fork in the food and took a little bit of it, and put it in her mouth. She tastes it before chewing it.

  Meanwhile, Luca and his friends were standing in a corner watching them.

  " I heard that she was the new girl". Aziz said.

       " She is cute ". Steve commented, staring at her lustfully.

  " Yeah, she is. I also heard that she is more beautiful than Lily". Aziz said.

  " Is that why she went to befriend that witch. Sometimes I just wonder if he has cast a spell on them". Luca said.

   " He isn't a witch you know".  Aziz said.

" Yeah, he isn't a witch, he is more than that ".

Luca said.

   " I don't understand what you guys are driving at". Steve said.

  Luca pulled him closer and whispered something into his ears.

   " And do you think that will help". Aziz asked.

" How did you hear, I whispered it into Steve's ears". Luca said while staring at his friend strangely. Aziz was a demon elf with a high hearing senses.

   " You didn't whisper, dear. It was more like shouting on the top of the mountain to me". Aziz said.

   " Screw your ears, Aziz!". He said and walked away.

  Meanwhile, Hosea was enjoying the food, it wasn't bad as she thought it will be.

   " Do you like it?". Dela asked as he looked at her enjoying her food. She stopped and looked at him.

" Yeah, is kind of delicious I may say".  She said and continued eating.

  " I'm glad you like it". He said.

" Thanks". She said.

   She saw a stain on the side of his lips and wanted to clean it but she stopped. She wasn't supposed to touch him unless he has permitted him. She cleared her throat and continued looking at it. Dela turned to look at her and she turned away.

  "Were you staring at me"? He asked.

She cleared her throat again. "No, I wasn't ". She responded.

  "But I saw you, I caught you staring at me". He said.

  " I wasn't, I was only looking at the stain on the side of your lips ". She said and he turned to look at it.

  " Why didn't you tell me". He whined.

" It would look disrespectful". She said and he glared at her.

  " You are not sexy at all. What sort of a girl sees a stain on a guy's lips and would not clean it, huh?". He teased.

  " Or you are from the ancient or something?". He took a napkin and used it to clean it.

   Hosea was confused. " Are you saying if I see a stain on your lips next time I should clean it?  She asked.

  " Yeah, be a sexy girl". He said and she smiled.

Lily stood at the corner watching them with her fists clenched. She couldn't understand why she gets angry anytime she sees him with her. She left the cafeteria and headed to the martial arts studio.



There was shouting and screaming from different directions. It looks like hell and it felt like the devil's bosom. There was a deep dark throne in the middle with a man on it. He looks horrible too look at him twice if you set your eyes on him. That was the devil. He was in his real form. He wasn't always like that, it depends on where and how he wanted to go out. He was the devil, Jonie's father.

  He smiled at the screaming and shouting of the people being tortured and felt powerful. Their worst fear was his greatest strength.

  He scenes that someone was coming and suddenly someone appeared in front of him and smirked seeing him.

  " Asher what brought you here". He asked.

" My king, I have tremendous news".  He said as he bowed.

   " The news you bring also gladdens my heart . What did you bring today". He asked.

  " My king I didn't bring anything but the worst news, and if care isn't taken you must be the prey this time ". Asher said and his countenance changed.

   " What nonsense who! who the hell try challenging me!?". He yelled.

   " King Drake, I will like you to calm down a little. You won't like to bring the whole place down will you". Hassan, his left-hand man said.

   King Drake inhaled and exhaled. " Tell me who that person is and I won't hesitate to finish him or her off". He said.

   " My king, I'm sorry but I don't think you can finish him off because you need him".

   " Asher, stop confusing me. how do you expect me to need a person who is a threat to my existence?". He asked.

  " That's because you do need him. Remember the kingdom of pure magic?". Asher smirked.

  King Drake and Hassan exchanged glances and looked back at Asher.

  " Yes, the most powerful kingdom in all the supernatural realms". He answered.

  " Yes, he is the heir to that kingdom ". Asher said.

  " What!!".  He yelled.

" Wait My king, that shouldn't sound like bad news to you for he has a demon side". Asher said with a little smile on his lips.

   ( Will it be the one whose powers come from that girl, Layla). He thought.

   " What is his name". He asked.

" He is called Dela, my king ". He said and bowed.

   ( Correct that is him.. perfect time boy, now I need to get him on my side in other to destroy his source of power).

   " And he has a demon side too.. that's amazing ! All we need to do is to bring out that side of him". He said and laughed.

  " How are we going to do that? ". Hassan asked.

" Well I have made him believe that I was going to be his training teacher on how to control his powers. Why don't we start from there ". Asher suggested.

  " Good! Hassan will follow you to school ". King Drake said.

  Hassan frowned. " Why should it be me to follow him? Am I not supposed to be by your side?" He asked.

  " You are, but I can find another person to be your substitute till our mission is accomplished ". The king said.

" But you know how much I hate humans, I can't stand them". Hassan said with his already disgusting look.

  " You have to stand them for now, Hassan . You need to assist Asher so that it would be easier and faster". He said.

  " But".

" Don't argue with me, Hassan!". The king snapped.

" As you wish, your majesty". Hassan said and bowed then looked at Asher who smirked at him.

   " Hmm.. Ziah, think that he was wise but he was a fool. He thought that he can hide his son in the human world for as long as he want, look now". He smirked.

" We'll be on our way, your majesty ". Asher said and disappeared with Hassan.

   " So what was Ziah thinking when he took his son out to the human world, was he thinking that we will never find out? This is soo good, I like what is going to be like. And for that guardian who no one knows that, she is the reason behind his powers, I will grab her quietly without my son noticing. If she is dead so will that bitch die". He said and stood up then ordered his man to stop beating the people for now.


King appeared before the Queen and bowed.

  " Get up my child. tell me, how did it go". Queen Lucinda asked.

  " It went well, your majesty. The dark Demons were pleased to hear the news ". King answered.

" Good, now return to the human world and make sure that boy sticks closer to you". She said.

  " As you wish, my Queen". King was about to vanish when Luca appeared there.

" Greetings, mother". He curtsied.

" My son what are you doing here?". She asked.

    " Is it wrong to come and visit my mother?". Luca asked, holding his sword as he walked to the throne beside that of his mother.

   " No, but".

" Since, you now relate well with king more than me..",

  He looked at King who lowered her head.

" I've to decide to bring myself in between you two. What is going on?". He asked.

  " Isn't it something you should know yet?" Queen Lucinda said.

  " Why if I may ask?". Luca asked.

" Luca, what are you doing here? What do you want?". His mother asked, ignoring his question.

  " You know me very well mum". Luca smirked.

" Go straight to the point ".

    " I want your spell book ".

King looked at Luca and their eyes met.

  Luca looked away. Queen Lucinda hissed and a little book appeared on her palms.

   She was about to give it to him when king stepped in. " My Queen, if it seems right why won't you ask the prince what he intends to do with your spell book?". Queen Lucinda looked at Luca and Luca glared at king with an annoying look. King continues. " We know that spell books used by Queens can't be handled by anyone unless it's an emergency".

  Luca cursed him under his breath. " But I am not anyone. I'm not anyone else, I'm the Queen's son". Luca said.

  " Precautionary measures have to be taken to avoid getting cursed".  King said.

  " Who are you to say that? ". Luca snapped at king.

   " He is right Luca, as we all know king is a very experienced demon. He went to Demons high school and came out as the best student. He knows the rules so we have to listen to him. So tell me what you need this book for". Queen Lucinda asked.

  " I just need a love potion spell, that's all".  Luca said after hesitating for some time.

  " But why, love can not be forced. You know that".  The Queen said.

  " Mother, since when do you start caring about things like that?  You always do things the way I want. You also taught me that I mustn't give up until I get what I want even if it means killing to get it. Didn't you teach me that?". He asked.

  Queen Lucinda sighed and gave him the book.

" My Queen..". King was about to say something but she raised her hand and king kept quiet.

" Make sure you handle it with care, you are the only one who is permitted to say the words in it, okay ". She warned.

  Luca smiled in satisfaction. "I will, mother . You can trust me". He said and disappeared.

King turned to look at his Queen Lucinda.

   "My Queen did you just let him walk away with the spell book?". He asked.

  "I know what your thought is, king but Luca is the heir to this throne and deserves full access to the book. I know he might use it irresponsibly but look here, I have you here to protect and monitor him for me ". She said and smiled at king whose face doesn't seem good.

  "But he doesn't listen to anything I say". King said.

   "Then you have to make him listen, go now ". She said and ordered him to go. He bowed his head and disappeared.