"You are combination of water, air, fire and earth, Layla"..

Jonie was still wondering how Layla did that. Just then Layla appeared before his eyes. He was shocked to the point that he hurt himself when he was getting up to see her.

   " Hey, relax why are you shocked?". Layla smiled.

" I'm not here to kill you okay, I'm here to explain things to you, so exercise patients". She laughed.

  " How, like how is this possible...I'm..I'm soo confused actually". Jonie said while scratching his head where he hurt.

   " Ooh boy, we are actually in your dream. So stop scratching your head it won't hurt". Layla said making him more surprised.

   " How is all this possible? Does your parents know about it?". Jonie said looking at her surprisedly.

   " Nope, I'm yet to tell them and find something about it too..to tell you the truth I never knew that I was capable of doing this". She said with her eyes widened.

   " Are you sure?". Jonie asked.

" Why will I lie, I never knew I was able to do what I did this afternoon, you know". She said and lay on his bed with her legs in the air.

    " Okay, so tell me. how you discover your powers?". Jonie asked and sat down.

" Well, I just discovered it this morning before my dad came to tell me that Dela was in trouble..so after here I'm going straight to my mom to ask her questions about that". Layla said and smiled.

   " So are you happy about you being a supernatural being?". Jonie asked looking at her as if she was a kind of wonder.

   " Hey, will you stop looking at me like that! Anyway I'm very happy because I will help Dela to fight those beasts. I will also protect him, from now henceforth". She said.

    " Hmm.. that's good, hey did you notice that you looked exactly like Hosea?". Jonie said.

"I didn't notice that ". Layla said.

   " Wow..I was like, are you two twins? Anyway let me see the back of your ears". Jonie requested.

   " For what!". Layla said.

" I noticed something". Jonie answered.

" What was it?". She asked again.

" How will I know if you don't show it to me?". Jonie asked and roll his eyes.

   " I'm not going to eat you.. for I'm not a vampire, I'm a demon who is fighting to be an angel". He said trying to scare her and see her reaction. She looked at him as if something was wrong with him.

   " Hey, stop touching me I'm not sick!". Jonie yelled.

   " I was only checking if you are normal ". She laughed.

  " How can you scare me when I'm also a supernatural being like you.. although I don't know which realm I belong to.. I'm still powerful remember". Just then his room begins to flood with water.

  " Hey, stop your nonsense okay". Now Jonie was rather scared.

   " Ooh, why are you scared". She laughed and returned everything back to normal.

  " Don't worry that was a piece of my ability".

She smirked.

" Then please don't try this in your house for NGO will never come to your aim..or by the time they will be there, you would have rebuilt your house already". He said and they laughed.

   " Okay now let me see what is there". Jonie brought back what he wanted to do earlier on.

" Okay". Layla said and cleared her hair from her ears. Jonie's eyes widened immediately he saw the mark behind her ears.

  " You are water, air, fire, and earth... What!". He muttered to himself and screamed.

   " Why what is there". She asked and let her hair down again when she saw that his hands weren't there again.

   " You are a combination of water, air, fire, and earth. I saw only two of these on Hosea..it was water and air..but you have four". Jonie said with his hands on his mouth.

  " Are you sure of what you are saying"?

" Why will I ever lie to you.. come if you don't believe me". He dragged her to his long mirror and showed her what was drawn on the back of her ears.

   " So, am I to choose or what?". She asked after they went back to sat down.

   " You are not to choose, you are!". He said.

" I'm are like how?". She asked confusingly.

" Like you have both of all the powers drawn behind your ears". Jonie explained and Layla beamed.

  " Wow..I'm incredibly..wow". She laughed. Jonie was a little bit jealous of her ability but he let it go since he can let her teach him part of it.

    " Let me see yours". Layla asked.

" Mine is not behind my ears, it shows in my eyes when I'm angry..but I only know about my ability of time, I can control time". He smiled, that was the only thing that makes him happy about himself.

   " You can what!  Oh my gosh.. that is spectacular.. wow..so can you reverse the time for me". Layla asked and Jonie pushed her away because of how she was watching him.

   " Will you stop looking at me like that"? He said.

" Anyway if I do, you won't remember that you have been in the future before. Sometimes we do remember but we think is not possible". Jonie explained.

 "okay". Layla nodded.

"so tell me, how did you know that I kill those four men's?". he asked her.

"well, I was thinking about it this morning when I heard the news. Just then something appeared before my eyes and I saw you using your powers to kill them..hey, anyway why did you kill them?". she asked after explaining it to him.

"well they were sent by someone to come and kill me". he said without bringing his mother's name.

"who was that?". she asked again.

"actually I don't know, but I'm not interested on who sent them". he said and Layla rolled her eyes.

"how will you be interested when you like killing them". she said and they laughed.

  " anyway I'm going to sleep I'm tired". Layla said.

" Hey make sure you ask your mom about your powers okay". Jonie said.

   " But, wait. What if she doesn't know anything about it". Layla asked.

   " I'm sure she will have an idea about it". Jonie said and gave her a goodnight peak.

   " Bye". Layla said and teleported back to her own dreams.


    Hosea was still explaining things to Dela who was confused about the library of magic.

   " A library of magic? What is that?  Dela asked as he settled down to hear what she was to tell him about it.

  "It's a library in the supernatural realm that contains different kinds of magical books in the whole universe. It holds all the answers to the hardest questions in this world. It has books that foretell the future or take one back to the past. You know, things about that". Hosea explained.

" Wow! And do you think it will have undoing spells?". He asked with his face beamed.

" Yeah, it has undoing powers of all kinds". She smiled.

   " I'm coming with you, I need to know more about that library for I will be going there frequently. Especially about the future and the going back stuffs you know, I will like to feel how peaceful it was back then.. actually, I'm not even interested in the future, for all it will be is a fight". He squealed.

" Sure you can, but you must control the energy surrounding your powers before then". She said.

   " You are going to teach me tomorrow right, so I have no complaint. I'm tired and sick of how lily is treating me as if I'm nothing before her eyes". He said and Hosea looked at him.

  " Do you like Lily by any chance? She asked. He looked up and their eyes met. She quickly look away and scolded herself mentally for asking such a stupid question.

  " Why did you ask?". Dela asked.

" I just wanted to know but is fine if you don't want to talk about it". She said.

" Yes, I like Lily as a friend though. Who will be so mad not to like someone caring and understanding? On my first day of school, she was the first person to speak with me. She was the first person that saw my ordeal and volunteered willingly to help me control my powers.

I remembered the first time I lost control and almost killed Luca, she risked her life to stop me. She teleported into this class just to pick up my phone and played the voice I always want to hear in my mind that voice of Layla. I even end up hurting her hands when she brought out Layla's picture to control me. I hurt her and made her bleed. Well, I don't like her as in a relationship but she is like a sister I have always been longing for". Dela said.

" Then she has done a lot for you". Hosea said.

If only Dela know that her father was after him too, he would have stayed away from her.

  " Yeah, she was until this beast called Luca ruined everything". Dela said.

" Oh..yh".

   " Anyway Hosea, I remember that tomorrow is the swimming lesson? Are you going to train me that same day?". Dela asked.

  " Oh, yeah. why are you going to swim?". She asked him.

" Yes I like water, I like swimming when I was 10 years old. And I know I'm pro". He said and beat his chest confidently.

  " Well, then I guess I'm going to watch you swim". She said.

" Why? You're supposed to be swimming too". He asked.

" I told you that I can't swim remember?". She asked.

" Oh, yeah. But you haven't told me the reason why".

He said.

" You really wanna know?". She asked.

" Of course yes, I wanna know why". He answered.

" Alright then, I'm from the water kingdom ". She said and he gasped.

  " Ooh my gosh, so you are a mermaid?". He asked.

  " Not really, we do have power that mermaids have. We can talk to animals, breath underwater, and most other stuff they do. The only thing we don't have is their tail". She explained.

" Awesome, but how is that gonna affect you if you swim!". He asked.

" It will because immediately water comes into contact with my body or I stepped into the water, I become my real self".  She answered.

" So you mean, this isn't your real self?". He asked.

" Yeah, this isn't my real self. What you are seeing here is just a mirage". Hosea said and he gulped in. He wondered what the real Hosea will look like.  Will she be as beautiful as she is or ugly as a monster? He pressed his lips into a thin line as he thought about these all.

" Hey, I'm not a sea monster okay". She said.

" Mmm... must you know everything I think of?". He asked.

" I can, only if I want to". She smirked.

" Then don't okay! It's creepy!". He snapped at her and she laughed.

  " But I'm bothered. If you aren't a sea monster then what are you?". He asked.

  " I'm just like this but my facial features are different". She said.

" Oh really". He scratched his head as he thought hard about what she will look like.  (Was she going to be beautiful? Will she be perfect as she was? What does she look like?) All these questions run through his mind and Hosea chuckled.

   " Why are you chuckling?". He glared at her.

" Nothing really, you look funny when you are thinking". She said and he poked her forehead.

  " You are the one who looks funny". He said and looked away with a pout.

Hosea touched where he poked and smiled.