Layla in her hot dress

Layla was still in the hands of Dela.

" Hey, stop it Aunt Maggie would be here no sooner". Layla said but Dela ignored her.

  " You wanna see me in my experience self, so enjoy". He said and pecked her cheeks then licked her cute sexy lips.

  (Am I experiencing his bad side now? Although he looks naughty doing this I wish it would last forever ). Layla's thought was interrupted by Aunt Maggie's footsteps. She quickly pushed Dela away from her when she heard Aunt Maggie's footsteps getting closer to them.

  " Ouch!". Dela whined in pain.

" Aunt Maggie is coming". Layla said and sat down well and snapped her fingers which turned on the TV screen and then the remote controller which was on the center table suddenly appeared in her hands, she started changing the channel as if she had been doing that earlier on.

  "So, if she is coming do you have to push me like that?". He said and Layla laughed.

  " Aww, you look cute when you are angry". She said instead of answering him.

  Dela groaned in anger, bluffing to be mad but was excited in his head for getting closer to Layla after soo many years.

Aunt Maggie entered and called them for dinner and they followed her to the dining table.


" Over here". Hosea pointed to a table for two people in the middle. She made Jonie sat down and asked.

  " What flavor would you like to have?". Jonie thought for a while and was about to give her his answer when she spoke.

  " Oh, I got it chocolate flavor with vanilla toppings ". She smiled and left.

"Did, she just heard my thought or what?". Jonie asked surprisingly to no one in meticulous. He smiled to himself. He normally got angry when someone read his thoughts. But for this one, he found himself liking it.

  " I wish I could hear her thought too. I really wanna know what she thinks of me". He muttered and covered his mouth. Why will he like to know what she thought of him? He sighed and looked at how she was talking to the ice cream man.

  He put his elbow on the table and rested his jaw on his hand while staring at her. She looks too good with her pure shining black hair, she got the perfect body as well with her pink fine shining face and her smile could melt the strongest of hearts. He wondered what she look like in her spirit form.

   He was soo lost that he didn't even know when Hosea returned with the ice creams.

Hosea watched him staring into space. She wanted to know what he was thinking about but she didn't want to invade his privacy. Besides he won't like it if he got to know she read his thoughts.

  " Jonie!" She tapped his shoulder, snapping him out of his reverie.

Jonie gasped. " Oh, when did return?". He asked.

  " Right now. What is wrong? You look deep in thought, what happened?". Hosea asked.

" Oh, I'm fine just thinking about something important ". He lied and fake a smile.

Hosea nodded and sat down, then placed the ice creams on the table.

" Here are the ice creams you sent for". She handed it to him.

  " Oh, okay thanks ". He replied and took it from her.

Hosea watched him closely to see his reaction when he taste the ice cream. Mainly she hasn't seen a male licking ice cream before, so she wanted to know how much he will like it.

" You like it?". She asked and he nodded but he didn't even taste it, it was just in his hands and he was looking at it as if his eyes were the ones he was using to eat.

  " Of course I do, how do you like yours?". He asked her.

  "Oh, is nice". She said and smiled. Jonie looked at Hosea who was licking her ice cream with delight.

  " Aren't you going to eat yours?". Hosea asked when she saw him watching her.

  " I'm okay watching you". He answered.

Hosea blushed. " Come on try something new here. I'm sure that since you came here you haven't tried anything sweet". She said.

  " No, I don't know what it will do to me, since I haven't tried anything like this in this place before ". Jonie answered.

" You will never know until you try". She said and Jonie looked at her, he was about to say something when his ice cream fell.

  " Oh, you see", Hosea said. " I remember when Dela brought me to this ice cream shop for the first time. I was new to things and ice cream was part. 

Dela asked me why I wasn't eating some of the ice creams and I told him I haven't eaten some before. And I  also told him what if it freezes my powers because it was cold". Hosea said and Jonie watched her, while charming smiles were escaping from his lips.

  " But you are from the ocean and the ocean is cold so it won't freeze you. Dela told me and I laughed then went for one". Hosea said convincingly. Although what she said was a freck to let him a taste of it. Dela hasn't brought her to any place like that, she just wanted to spend some time with him to discover more about him.

  " Okay, I will like to try". Jonie said and Hosea stood up to go for another one for him but he stopped her.

  " Don't worry I will go for it myself". Jonie said and stood up then went to where the ice cream man was.

  Hosea smiled and watched him got an ice cream from the man. He brought it to where they were sitting.

  " Wow, I'm sure you are going to love it". Hosea said.

Jonie sat down and watched the ice cream closely like the way he did to the other one. He then stiffened it. Hosea laughed at his cuteness. Jonie took a spoon and scooped up a small quantity. He stared at it for a while before putting it in his mouth.

" Wow!". He exclaimed.

" You like it?". She asked. Jonie nodded and started rushing on it.

  " Calm down, you may end up having a brain freeze". Hoses laughed.


" Why are you back too early, king?". Queen Lucinda asked.

  " I have news for you". King said and bowed.

" Which is?". She asked.

  "Drake, the king of the devils visited the school today". He said and the Queen flinched.

  " What!". She exclaimed.

" Yes, my queen".

    " What would he be doing there?'. She asked.

" I don't know my queen ". King answered.

   " know what leave me alone please..I need to figure out what he was doing there ". She said and king bowed before leaving. The Queen knows that her husband was also after Dela and that is why she doesn't want him to win over her.

  "I won't let him win this time ". She said and stomped her scepter firmly on the ground.


Collins was running as fast as his tiny legs could carry him but he fell and Asher caught him then he disappeared with him to King Drake who was waiting for them behind an uncompleted building.

  "You got him?". He asked when he saw Hassan approaching him.

  "Yes, master we did". He said and Asher threw Collins on the ground in front of king Drake.

  " you this little guy, you wanted to play hide and seek with me right? Then now I will see how you are going to play with me". He said and smirked.

  " Don't you dare touch me!". Collins said while moving back on his butt.

  " are in front of me and you still have the gist to talk to me like that!?". He yelled and they all flinched.

  " Then be there and watch ". He said and suddenly entered him. He took full possession over him. He fell to the ground and held his head for some time before he opened his eyes and he looked exactly like Collins.

  " I feel so powerful! His powers combined with mine will make me invincible!". He stood up and laughed.

" None of you should call me King Drake again, I'm now Collins".

  " You look more handsome, I have to admit Collins is a nice guy ". Hassan said.

" Don't tell me you are admiring that weirdo". King Drake said.

  " But that weirdo is your, boss, now and you need to obey his rules for you are in his body and you gonna do whatever he does". Asher said.

" But wait, has anyone thought about Hosea? Won't she notice it?  won't she catch us?"  Hassan asked.

" Don't you know who Collins is? Why do you think I possess him when there are a lot of supernatural beings in the school?". Drake asked.

Hassan and Asher shrugged.

  "Because he is weird? Hassan said and Asher hit him on his shoulder.

"Because he is a shapeshifter with the powers of an owl. He can blend in with his environment excellently". He said.

  "Wow..with that Hosea won't even notice that is not him". Hassan said.

  "Exactly ". Drake said.

"wow.. that's an awesome power he has". Asher said.

"Yeah, he can also become invisible without any supernatural being seeing him. He also had the upper hand in battle. He is just the perfect body for me to possess". Drake said.

  "Awesome!". Hassan said.


The Next Day

Layla woke up earlier than usual and sprung up from her bed. She quickly showered and put on casual clothes. She stared at herself in the mirror and shook her head.

  "No, this won't work. I need to look extra beautiful today. If I look charming, Dela might forgive me".  She smiled proudly.

She flipped through her wardrobe and brought out a short pink gown. When she wore it, it didn't reach her knees. She looked at herself in the mirror again and smiled.

" This should blow his mind ". She said then sat on a chair and brought out her makeup kit.

  " Hmm..I know I look naturally beautiful, but I need to look half natural and half artificial with this makeup". She said and applied powder on her face and put on red lipstick. She let her hair down in waves and pushed a bit back with the help of beautiful, butterfly hair clips. She brought out her white and pink kicks and put them on then checked herself in the mirror again.

  " Perfect!". She said.

Being satisfied with her look, she took her bag and went out of her room to the living room.

To her surprise, no one was there.  " Where are they". She asked.

  " They are already gone". Aunt Maggie.

" What!". Layla said.

  " I thought you went with them". Aunt Maggie said.

  " Okay Aunt don't worry I know the way to the school".  She said and smiled.

  Perfect, no one should see her till she got to the school and meet Dela.

  " But, wait are they doing something in the school?". Aunt Maggie asked.

  " No, aunt". She answered.

  " First you are all going to school late and second you, you have dress hot. Are you going on a date?". She asked.

" No, Aunt. I just wanted to look marvelous today".   She said.

" Is it for someone or?". Aunt Maggie asked and Layla coughed.

  " No, is not for anyone ". She said and went out immediately before Aunt Maggie will say anything.

  Dela and the rest appeared in school thinking that Layla was about to come later. He halted when he saw someone coming through the school door. His jaw dropped when he saw her. The student started murmuring and taking pictures.

  " Looks like an angel just dropped from heaven accidentally". 

" Wow, she looks hot".

  " I never knew this new girl would be this hot like that ".

  " Does she have a boyfriend?".

" She looks sexy ".

" Look at those gorgeous shoes".

   Dela hated their flirty compliments. " Is that your sister?". Jonie asked Hosea and she rolled her eyes and laughed.

  " Yes, don't you know her now? No wonder she fights with you always". She smiled.

  " Mm..but she got a good shape I never knew my Layla was this sexy". Jonie said and Hosea kicked him.

" Can you keep quiet ?". She asked and Jonie shut his mouth.

Dela looked at her and walked closer to her.

  " Hi, Dela". Layla smiled when he was close to her but he said nothing. Instead, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her waist, making it fall on her knees which shocked everyone. Then he whispered into her ears.

  " Never dress like this to school again . It is making the guys lose their minds". He said.