Collins invited me over.. Layla

Hosea sat down quietly on her bed when she heard a knocked on her door. Getting up to go and looked at whoever was there, a thought rushed through her mind.

" What if is Aunty Maggie who wants to ask why I left the dinning table early". She thought.

" I can't bear telling her about Collins now?". Just then the door pushed opened and she jumped back on her bed, pretending to be far asleep.

"Hosea..Hosea.. sister!". Layla shouted her name and she switched her eyes opened as she sprung off from the bed and went to closed the door quickly.

" Come.. come". She dragged Layla to her bed andade her sat down.

" What is wrong with you?..why are you behaving weird?". Layla asked.

" Hey..will you let me talk some".

"Mm.. whatever... whatever anyway tell me why you are behaving weird just now".

" Hmm.. Collins invited me over".

" What!.. he even still alive.. where is he now? Why did he find you? And wait how come he survived?". She asked questions over question not ready to allow Hosea to speak.

" Girl!.. allow me to explain it to you and stop with your plenty question I may even end up getting no answers to your questions .. just allow me to do the talking..". After Hosea said that, Layla intended on talking again but was shut up.

" Zip it". Hosea scolded and she kept quiet.

" Hmmm... I owe you guys a lot about Collins where about. It was my own idea to save him for he had suffer a lot from that Drake.

Hmm.. immediately I sensed that Drake had turned into my fake self, I knew that he had left Collins body. I planned on taking him away myself but who will be there to prove that Drake is faking me at the library.

I quickly summon my maid and asked helped from her but she said she couldn't help me because her powers was just for serving me and that was all.

I was very upset and needed to act quickly also, so I went under the ocean to get help myself. Lucky for me,

I got an invitation to Princess Lisa the first and last daughter of king Henerdez and Queen Nerdez in the kingdom of Alabam at river Nile.

I had only one hour left to get out of the ocean so I turned everything back into the past under the water and made the time run slow in the human world.

I had enough time to influence the princess about the world for she had always eager to come out to the world.

She told me she was willing to do anything I asked for as far as I will help her run away from home.

I wasn't in support of her running away from home but I had no other way to.

And I also had pity on her when she told me that she had been locked up in her kingdom since birth and it was her two hundred years birthday that day.

I took it as a good plan and I helped her out of her kingdom. She was super happy when she can out and told me that I should just name anything and she will offer with hesitating..

so I told her all about Collins and she said she was ready to help. I sent her straight to Collins apartment then I returned back to the library on time when Rollins called me..

Lisa summon me this morning to where she got Collins to and he was doing just fine ". Hoses explained everything as Layla just stared at her.

" Now unzip your mouth". Hosea order.

" are so amazing sister..I don't think I have any more questions again but I got this question I can't keep it in me". Layla pleaded with Hosea to allowed her talk.

" Hmm.. okay.. okay go ahead I'm listening ". She said.

" Well why didn't you bring him here.. since everything is done right?". Layla asked.

" Hmm..I wish so.. but you know Aunty Maggie is thinking that he was part with Drake and his people ".

" I know..bit we can convinced her..we can talk to her about it ". Layla suggested.

" I agreed with you..but isn't it too early to bring this up?". She asked.

" is.. but does he have to stay that far or that lonely place for so long.

You and I know how he had suffered from that Drake and his people..he being that lonely may end him up getting depression because of thinking and loneliness ".

"But he is not alone.. Lisa is with him right?".

"Hm..will Lisa be with him forever? Her parent may even come to look for her.. what if they find her and accuse Collins from influencing her to come up here...who knows.

And beside she being with Collins will do nothing..her aim is to see how beautiful this world is..

from what you have told me about her..her aim is to travel to places around the world right? can that same person be concern about someone who is willing to take his revenge ..huh..".

"But Lisa promised to take care of him till I have been able to convince Aunty Maggie about it.

"She promised not her parent..I'm just concern about Collins well being.

We all know what he went through and we saw it all..what of Lisa's parents file a case against him for stealing their child and more over their only child. You know what filing of case against a supernatural being means ...

do you want that innocent boy to end up in hell after suffering like this you think he will ever forgive us in his next life.. please let do something quickly please".

"I agreed with Layla". Jonie spoke from behind, scaring them to death.

" scared us". Layla scolded.

"Oh I'm sorry for agreeing with you ... that you got the chance to scold me..huh.. what a bad friend". He said as he jumped on the bed.

" watch your mouth". Layla said.

"Don't mind him.. anyway how long have you been here".

"Since Layla entered...and is not only me".

"What!". Both Hosea and Layla exclaimed

Just then Dela revealed himself.

" Mmm... girls we heard all that you we saying". Dela said and sat down in the couch.

"But why didn't I sense your presence around us?". Hosea asked.

" That is because you have protected me for so long and is my time to protect you so I took away the connection of sense between you and me and I made it between me and you... which means you won't feel my presence around you even though I'm with you.. period!".

" Wow..Dela you are unique...I salute you". Jonie gave him thumbs up after he said that.

"I think you really need to vist the hospital... Jonie".

Layla said.

" Are you trying to insult me?". Jonie asked.

" Hey..hey stop fighting you two". Hosea stopped them before they could start a fight.

" Is me that Dela was referring to and I'm even quiet but you guys are fighting over it". Hosea said.

" Okay guys..let stop all this silly things and stick to why we have gathered here ". Dela said.

" what do you think of my idea?". Layla asked them.

" Is genius Layla...I support you in doing that ". Jonie said.

" We all support you". Dela said and Hosea nobbed her head.

" Me..I have just think over it and it isn't a bad idea..we can do this".

" YES!!". Layla and Jonie shouted.

" Are you guys still doing this childish thing...huh". Dela said and rolled her eyes.

" Whatever ". Layla said.

" That reminds me..Dela who were you talking to on the phone a minute ago that you were looking furious as if those dark realms had broken the bottle and had come out".

" was Lily ". Dela said.

" What!..what did she want from us again?". Jonie asked.

"Take your time Jonie..she didn't mean any of all that she did". Hosea said.

" You are always defending people..Hosea..the book had told us all that happened and you yourself saw it all right?". Jonie said.

" Yeah..but I'd not her I won't have been alive right?". Hosea asked.

" Hmm..I saved you Hosea...she just appeared from nowhere and asked to help she didn't save you I did". Jonie said.

" Yeah I remember... but she still helped me".

" Hmm.. can't you see no one is on your side.. just quit covering up for her". Dela said.

" Yeah.. Hosea. I had always no that ..she was off some bad source". Layla said.

"Okay I have heard you guys.. that doesn't mean I will support you guys in doing what is bad". Hosea said.

" Whatever...we are not planning on doing anything to her..we just want to stay alert ". Layla said.

"So what did she told you?". Jonie asked.

" Well she said her mother had decided to resume the school back". Dela said.

" And what has that gotten to do with us?". Jonie asked.

" Do I even know ". Dela said.

" When are you guys going to be nice for once". Hosea said.

" Sister is okay...we have heard you oo holy one". Layla said and stood up to go.

" While I'm getting us something chilled in other to take plans...let just forget about Lily she is just a brait". Layla said and ran out of the room before Hosea could scold her.