Three Years later


" Lily you know I truly trust you... that is why I'm telling you this.. I have created a code for my first project and it worth billions of dollars..I mean if sold out.. please take good care of it and don't let anyone know about it.. please ".

   " Don't worry baby boy...I trust you more and thanks for trusting me with something important like this...I promise to keep it as a secret ".

  " Okay I trust you..I will put the laptop here..". Dela stood up and pulled out a drawer and placed the laptop carefully there.

  " All done let go..we will come another time for it when the time comes ". Dela said and switched off the light and went out with Lily.


" I'm soo sorry Dela..this wasn't how I planned my life with you. I never knew it will turn out like this .. please forgive me". Lily said as she quickly copied the code from Dela's laptop then deleted it from it and placed back the laptop before running away.


Dela was still holding Layla's heel and her key holder.

   " Who will this be...". He thought then headed straight to his room to avoid his sisters unnecessarily talks.

  " Hmm...Mr man you are trending again...what happened?". Hosea asked as she kept following Dela.

  " Will you stop disturbing my peace of mind". Dela scolded but Hosea seem to have had it enough.

  " Oh please I'm only trying to know why...if you won't let me know..then I won't help you delete it". Hosea said and turned her face to walk away but Dela stopped her.

  " Oh please my lovely sister..I didn't mean to say that... please delete it off there for me". Dela pleaded.

  " Hmm...what will you do for me if I do that?". Hosea asked for something in returned of her favor.

  " I will organize a three days vacational trip for you and Jonie". Dela used what will make Hosea do anything for him .

  " What!! will really do that...oww I love you bro". She said and blew him a kiss in the air..

  " Is nothing my dear...". Dela said with a meaning to it.

  " We will see if you will go somewhere". Dela said when Hosea was out of his earshot.


  " Oh God I'm left with only one last paper then I will be done with school things".

Just then his phone screen beamed with message.

  " Who is it ... Jonie?".  He took the phone and called him instead of replying.

  " What is up boy". Dela said.

" Hey..boy...what did you tell you sister". Jonie said in a serious tone.

  " Hahaha... going on a three days vacational trip with you... haha". Dela laughed out loud.

  " Please.. please go and change your mouth...I'm not going anywhere with her please...I'm really busy..I'm not even done with my studies". Jonie said.

  " Same here...I only wanted her to delete the trending video of what happened today". Dela said.

  " I even wanted to tell good that you know...but I can do it ...why not tell me rather than telling that your troublesome sister who always want a compensation before doing something for you". Jonie said.

  " I forgot.. that you we are even here... anyway I get to go..I need to finish this book before tomorrow for the final paper". Dela said.

  " Okay bye". Jonie hung up.

"Oh no this girl is soo something else". Dela said and placed done the things in his hands.

  " I will surely find you strange girl". Dela said and went to take his shower.


" Mom..I said I'm sorry it won't happen again I promise". Layla was apologizing to her mother for what happened that day.

  " Is okay my wasn't your fault". Her mother said back.

  " Mom I need to go now...I have some books to learn for my last paper tomorrow". Layla said.

  " Oh dear.. I forgot that you will be graduating tomorrow... immediately after your paper come home for some celebration okay". Her mother said.

  " Okay Mom...I have heard you". She said.

" Bye". She hung up.



" What the hell are you doing with your hair". Lisa shouted at Layla who was trying to shaved her hair.

  " I'm trying to look like a boy for my job". Layla said.

  " Are you mad...why are you still doing this to yourself".

  " Please stop this is my dream job...if I don't get this job I won't work again". Layla said.

  " Then you are truly going to be a jobless lady... give me that". Lisa grabbed the scissors from her hands.

  " Lisa..what are you doing?". Layla stood up.

" Don't worry I have a good plan for you.. follow me". Lisa said and Layla followed her out.


  " Dela...the meeting will be hold at sky hotel". Jonie said.

" What time is that?". Dela asked.

  "Well I think around 3:00pm". Jonie replied and placed down the documents in his hands .

  " I will get back to my office...and your mother said I should inform you about your blind date which is around 12:00 to 1:00 pm... please go before you will lose the most important investor you have ". Jonie said and smiled then went out of his office.

  " Hey you..". Dela scolded but he was already gone.

  " Why is my mother worrying me with this marriage.. marriage thing?". Dela asked himself and before he could inhaled a peaceful breath his mother called.

  " Hello Mom...".

" Yes my dear.. how are you doing".

  " I'm fine Mom..".

" Well I have planned a blind date for you...I will send you her number so that you call her. I have already given her your number... please 12:00 sharp don't waste her time you get me". His mother said.

  " Yes...yes I have heard you". Dela said and hung up.

  " Oohh...why me ..why ". He shouted and checked his time and it was 11:30 exactly.

  "Dammit!". He said and took his car keys then went out of his office.


" Wow Layla you are looking exactly like a boy...oh mine goodness you look cute". Lisa said and turned Layla's chair to look at herself in the mirror.

  " one is going to recognize this face not even the one who gave birth to me". Layla said and smiled then gave Lisa high five.

  " So now..let find somewhere to go and see if people will you call you a girl or a boy". Lisa suggested and they both went out.


" Please are you here!". A beautiful young girl in her late twenties said on the phone.

  " Almost there... please look behind you". Dela said and the girl turned her head.

" Hey..".

  " Hi.. sorry for being late". Dela apologized.

" Don't worry..I think you were busy then". The girl said.

  " Yeah... please let sit down".

Dela said and the girl sat down comfortably.

  " you need anything?". Dela asked.

" Don't worry I'm fine". She said.

  " Oh okay".

Meanwhile Layla and Lisa were also sitting right behind them. 

  Layla was the who one was close to Dela . Her back was facing his back so both of them didn't know each others presence. It was Lisa who was facing the girl.

  " So what do you think we should order?". Lisa asked.

  " You just call the waiter to come". Layla said.

" Waiter.. please can you come a little". Lisa called out.

  " Good afternoon..Ma.. Good afternoon sir.. please how may I help you".

" Wait did she just called me a sir?". Layla thought and smiled happily to herself.

  " Mm..we will like to have some fresh grapes juice with cookies ". Layla said.

  " Okay will be here right away ". She said and went away.

  " Wow..we did it Lisa...we truly did it". Layla said.

" Yes...". Lisa cheered.


" Hello where are you?". Another beautiful lady called out to Dela who had already sat down with another woman. In other to run his own blind date, he called another girl who was his friend to come and create a confusion between them.

  " what are you doing here with another woman... didn't you call for a blind date with me?". The girl said and looked at Dela furiously.

  " Relax I can explain". Dela said.

  " Shut the hell out and keep your excuses to yourself I don't need it". The girl said and went away.

  " Wait... wait what the hell just happened right now.. didn't your mother told me that you are single...oh I have seen the type you are.. idiot ". The other girl also stood up then picked the glass of wine on the table and threw it at him.

  " Nonsense..if I had known earlier I won't have been crushing crazily on you". The girl said and went away.