You can't work in the company

"Why did u even asked Jonie to find who the victim is when I already know who it was?". Dela asked himself and looked around.

"But wait he wasn't holding a phone and he look too innocent to do that". Dela's mind was beating him about wether it was the boy he had met earlier on (Layla) or not.

  Layla's face looks soo innocent to be guaranteed a bad person.

  " I don't think it him...let me just leave it to Jonie..he will find out who it was". Dela said and went back to his work before his afternoon meeting would be held.


  " What the heck Lisa!.. how could you possibly post that. If he get to know about it I will lose my job for sure". Layla was going up and down in front of Lisa who sat down quitely like a child who was caught doing something bad. She just got to know that Lisa actually posted the video she took that afternoon about Dela and those two girls.

  The interview was postponed to the next day due to the trending video. Dela needed to attend a series of interviews in other to explain himself.

  " I'm sorry...I actually didn't know..I..I thought you truly love him and he was cheating on you". Lisa said. That was the only day she had felt bad on doing something crazy.

" okay Lisa.. don't worry. I was only mad at you on you recording his privacy and even going ahead to post it... don't let it happen again". Layla said.

  "I promise it won't happen again". Lisa said.

" go and delete it before I find myself wanting". Layla said.

"Right away babe". Lisa said and went away.


Layla went back to the company the next day in her male status only to meet the shock of her life.

  " Yeah is was his girlfriend who posted that video ". Dela said pointing his finger at Layla who was lost in her thought.

  " What have I done?". She asked herself and quickly went close to Jonie.

  " Good morning sir... please may I know what I have done?". She asked in her most innocent face.

  " Are you trying to tell me that you don't know what you have done!". Dela shouted.

"Dela..calm down ". Jonie said.

  "How do I come down in this situation?". He tried to look angry but deep down his heart he wasn't.

"Look here young man, you better go and tell your girlfriend to delete that post or else you won't get this job..and that is my final words". He said and harshly went upstairs to his office with a cold face leaving the rest dumbfounded.

"Hell no...I just lost my dream job". Layla thought and bent down her head. Jonie being a good assistant quickly confronted her.

"See calm down.. don't mind him he is just a bit angry and he will soon overcome it... just give him some let go for the interview..I have tell your girlfriend or I mean your friend or whoever she is to you to delete the post so don't worry ". Jonie said cheerfully and went ahead of Layla who nobbed happily and followed him.


"Why did I even said girlfriend when I suspect this girly boy to be a real woman?". Dela thought as he stretched his legs sluggishly.

"Dela!". Jonie entered with the first person for the interview.

"Is about to start get ready we are waiting for you". Jonie said and made himself comfortable in the large sofa which was meat to welcome visitors.

"Okay..I'm ready ". He stood up from his chair and quickly went to where they're about to start the interview.

"Can we start now?". Jonie asked and Dela nobbed his head.


On the other hand, Layla was going up ad down on her toes nervously since she didn't no what to do if she is to meet Dela face to face with his hazel blue eyes which shone beautiful anytime she look through them.

"Why do I feel so nervous?". Layla thought and began wiping away those crystal sweat that was sloping down her cheeks to her chin.

There was no seconds that came to passed that she didn't took a look at the entrance of Dela's office.


"Hosea!". Mrs Cecilia called out for Hosea who was still on bed at that time.

"Mom...why...why do you like disturbing me everyday ..and more over early in the morning". Hosea said while aching her back.

"Is 11:30 and as a woman you call this time early in the morning?". Her mother asked in shocked.

" know I'm always busy so I get tired sometimes". Hosea said.

"Whatever go in and fresh up quickly you are going to have lunch with a guy I have arranged a blind date with". She said then ignored the expression on Hosea's face.

"What!!... blind what!..Mom...why don't you ask before you go into acting...for God sake I'm not ready to marry and more over a stranger... that isn't gonna happen Mom". Hosea said.

"It is so going to are off age to get marry but you are still refusing. Do you know when I got married with your you... please.. please spare me that... you will surely go". She said and stood up the walked out with a smile.

"Mom... please call him and tell him that if he truly want to save his face he should get lost before I meet him!!'. Hosea shouted and stormed out of the living room.

"What sort of stupidity is that? can I just go for a blind date when she knows I'm in love with someone else...this woman is being unreasonable here... maybe she may have forgotten herself". Hosea said and took her towel.

"And for whosoever had gotten the courage to meet me should be there I'm on my way...he will taste raw pepper today". She hasty added and hurried to shower off.


"We are done with the were good in all that we have tested...but I won't approve on you working here because of what that your friend or whosoever she is did to me". Dela still remembered that. He said and stood up then went out of the office.

"What... assistant please say something to him for me please...I can't just loss this job just like that". Layla said with a hint of sorrow in her voice.

"Hmm...I'm sorry but I don't think I can help again...I'm sorry". Jonie said with an apologistic face.

" Don't worry...but please isn't there anyway to please him?". Layla asked.

" Well I actually don't know for him.. cause he can be rude and can also make rude decisions at times". Jonie said.

" But you give it a try... maybe he will change his mind about it". Jonie added and stood up then they both went out of his office.


" Dammit... damn that shit..why is he still behaving like God...why...I have even admitted my fault and had deleted it completely but still he is behaving like the scum he is". Lisa was burning like hell fire. She actually didn't get the point why Dela should go on such extended to disapproval her friend application for work when she wasn't the one who did all that.

" Calm down can't possibly just be insulting him like need to relax". Layla said.

" Relax to what degrees...uh...0° I can't do that...he is going too far that is the farthest end he had gotten to and is okay". Lisa wasn't ready to listened to what Layla was trying to say.

"Lisa relax I'm okay...I actually know what to do so don't the way is lunch time let go grab some food". Layla said and placed down her bag then brought out her purse and they both went out of the shop.


" Please are you here?". A young handsome man in his late 30s said on the phone.

" Oh Yeah I'm here". Hosea said and hang up the walked straight to the man with a smile which mainly look like a wicked smirked.

" Good afternoon..". The man greeted and Hosea responded with a cute smile which seems like it was from her soul this time.

" By the way I'm Hosea... Dela's younger sister". Hosea introduced herself with pleasure.

" Oh wonder you are like a venus in the morning sky.

" Yeah...but your face seems like the dark moon". Hosea said with an annoying but smiling face.

" Wow..Yeah ever since from school everyone tells me that". The guy said.

" Then I think you haven't changed a bit". Layla said and continued with her drastically drama.

"oh really...but I have been trying to improve in my looks nowadays". the man said with an embarrassed face but tried to hide it from Hosea. Not knowing she had already seen it.