Time to solve the puzzle

Layla stared at him like a doll.

  "Hey...are you here?". Dela wave at her.

"Mm..yh..yh..". Layla just nodded.

"Okay... please this way ...I actually called for you not Jonie". Dela tried to make himself clear.

  "Ooh okay". Layla said with a shyly smiled.

   They both walked out of Jonies office with Dela ahead of her.

  "Please this way". Dela said calmly which sent shivers down her spine...why was Dela behaving as if he had seen an angel in her. She was confused wether or not He was planning anything bad.

  "Layla you are overthinking...he won't harm you he is not a beast". Layla thought to calm herself.

  "Please you may have you seat".  Dela was still in his angel form.

  "Ooh okay... thanks ". Layla said and took a long look around the office. It wasn't bad like that actually.. like the other day when she unintentionally entered, she didn't notice all that.

  " I called you here just to do a personal interview with you to see how much you truly want this job ". Dela said with a cute smile which fitted his face perfectly..

  " Oh okay...this job had always been my first thing to think about each day". Layla said while avoiding eye contact with him..Dela was looking crazily sexy at that moment and Layla couldn't help but kept imaging dirty stuffs in her mind.

  " Okay that is good ". They continued to talk.


Jonie was still busy on his laptop. He couldn't even sleep that night, all that was Dela's hand work. He had literally given him a doze of work to overworked himself so that he won't come to office that day to help Layla out when she started facing problems due to the puzzle game that would no sooner be handle over to her to work it out.

  " Ooh..my God I'm tried...Dela is just too troublesome..how can he possible give me such a thing to work it... this will even take dozes of days..huh". Jonie complained and ach his back..he was truly exhausted by not having a perfect sleep last night.

  "I will definitely finish this boy if he doesn't do anything with this after I get it done". Jonie said with a threat.

  Just a minute after he was done talking to himself, he heard a knocked on his door. Opening it only to see Hosea holding some food stuffs in her hands. Without waiting for Jonie response, she dash in quickly to avoid being thrown out.

"Hello Mr Jonie... Good morning...I'm only here to be your servant for today". Hosea said and without waiting for Jonies answer again entered his kitchen.

  "Hey you have I asked you to enter my kitchen?". Jonie asked and locked his door then followed her up to the kitchen.

"Oh poor guy..I  don't need any premission to come to my boyfriends house". Hosea said it smoothly as if it was true.

  "I'm not your boyfriend...". Jonie tried to scold her.

  "Then what?". Hosea asked while washing some vegetables.

  "I'm your brother...get that in your head". Jonie said.

  "I have only one brother...Dela not you". Hosea teased.

  "Were you actually sent to disturb me?". Jonie asked for he couldn't comprehend why Hosea was there all of a sudden.

  "Nope I just came to see my one and only". Hosea said as she lifted Jonie's chin with the small vegetable knife in her hands and gave a smile at him.

  "Well you get that thing off me". Jonie was getting disgusted with what Hosea was doing. He was a pure and a holy boy who doesn't want anything to defiled him....sure Hosea was also a pure and innocent girl but just couldn't help it when she had fell mesirable in love with a cold hearted person who doesn't even want to come near her.

  "Jonie relax okay..we will be good together..I can keep it a secret if you want". Hosea turned all her attention on him.

  "We are not keeping anything as a secret infact we are not even in any relationship". Jonie said and walked away leaving Hosea only.

  "Nothing will stop me from loving you!". Hosea shouted and laughed after saying that.

  Although she felt hurt sometimes, she tried to keep all to her self for she believes that one Jonie would also love her as she does.

  "Food will be ready soon okay ". Hosea said with her adorable teasing voice.

  "You better get out of my house ". Jonie said and took his laptop then began working out. There was no seconds that Jonie didn't took a look at Hosea...she was looking so cute and adorable and Jonie couldn't help but just stay cool and enjoy watching her just like that.

     He was afraid to go near Hosea because of Dela. He thought maybe he would think that it was because

    of his sister that he had been working for him all those years. In order to keep his nose clean, he tried avoiding Hosea even when Dela was there.


Layla was actually having a hard time trying to win that game Dela had brought on board. That was her sixth time praying but kept losing.

  "If you lose you leave the company if you win you stay".  Dela's voice echoed through her mind.

  "What a wicked person..no wonder Lisa hate him to death". Layla said while trying hard to even win a point.

  "Noooo...I lose again..not again!". She shouted.

Dela was just standing a half way behind his office where Layla was still finding it difficult to cope with the game.

  She didn't notice it and she thanked her stars that she didn't said anything stupid.

"Time up Dal...I don't think you can work here... with all due respect please kindly leave". Dela said and lowered his head sliced like bowing to a Queen.

  "No... please can you give me just one more chance please ". Layla pleaded.

  "Ooh I wish to give you some more time..but I have to attend an important meeting ". Dela said.

  "Oh please I can wait for you....so we try something else.. actually I don't know why this game is fooling like that...  I always play this game but I don't know why this is happening today ".  Layla said.

  With the look on Layla's face, Dela couldn't help but give her the chance to wait for him after his meeting he would come back then they continue to see if she will win.

  "Okay fresh bones..suit yourself ". Dela said and went out .

  "Wait did he just called me a fresh bones?....do I look that young?".. Layla thought as she took a look at herself in the mirror glass.

  "I don't look that young so why was he trying to tease me...huh... I'm pissed off right now".  Layla said and went back to what she was doing. This time around, she went to setting up of the game to see if anyone had interfere with any of the codes which had made the game somehow hard to play.


Dela was moving up and down in his other office while he glanced at his watch as if telling the time to run quickly so he can go back and check on what Layla was doing.

  "Oh..no I had made a big mistake....I shouldn't had allowed him to stay....he will definitely go to setting and he will found out that... that...ooh noo".  Dela was feeling bad for allowing Layla only to stay in his office and more over with the game...He know as a programmer if you find something odd on a game, they definitely go to found out why is that.

  " But wait.... I'm the boss right...I can make any decisions I want and no one will talk about it right?". He required himself as he stopped abruptly.

  " Yes I got a plan...I will just go and tell him that the meeting couldn't be held... right.... right ". He said and quickly rushed out.


" Ooh okay so it had been turned to only computer play...bad boy ". Layla said as she quickly changed all the stettings and then turned off the laptop immediately she heard a heavy footsteps near. She stood up and started walking around as if enjoying the view of the city in the afternoon.

  Dela opened the door and entered only to see Layla walking around as if that was what she had been doing all those while he was away. He observed the place quitely a while then concluded that Layla had been walking around for long since it hadn't been long when he went out.

  Layla slowly turned her head, dramatically like she just saw him that instant she turned her head.

  " Oh you are here... sorry for being disobedient by not greeting". She said