Go on a date with me,,,,,,

Layla woke up the next day only to meet three miss calls from Dela. With a hint of shock, she sprung up from her bed and rushed quickly to the bathroom to shower before she gets late.

   When the splashed of water hit Lisa ear's, she woke up and groaned in anger. How dare her wake her up with her noisy bath.

  "Ooh.... Layla why are you soo troublesome..". Lisa said as she stormed out of the room.

  Layla came back from the bathroom in her bath rope, she quickly dressed and took her bag the ran out of the house forgotten to close the door.

  "Hey.. young girl will you get back and close the door?". Lisa said but Layla was already gone.

  " Arrgh.. that is why I hate working under people". Lisa said and made her way back to the bedroom.


"Please to Detax company". Layla said to the taxi driver she stopped immediately she stepped out from the house.

  When she sat down in the car, the driver watched her quitely from his front mirror and then shook his head.

  " Young man, where are you going this early morning that you have turned your glasses upside down?". The driver asked because he was confused on how Layla had dressed.

  That was where Layla herself realized that her faking lens were turned upside down and her boys wig wasn't properly dressed.

" Ooh I'm on hurry that is why ". She said and quickly dressed up well then the driver drove away.


" Why is he still not here?". Dela asked as he popped up his head to see if Layla was in but she wasn't.

  " Should I call him again?". Dela said and stood up, and this time it was like dream come  true. He saw Layla walking up the stairs.

  " Good boy..he just arrived on time". Dela said and sat back in his chair and got busy that instant, pretending to do something very important.

  Layla entered the office, panting like she was just chased by a wild dog.

" Good... good morning sir". Layla said, trying to catch her breath for a while. Dela could tell she was truly exhausted because she might be on hurry.

"Morning.. what took you so long?". Dela asked in a cold voice to scared her.

  " It was traffic". Layla lied while blinking her cute puppy eyes which Dela was trying to avoid but couldn't help then to adore her.

  " But I'm only 2mins late". Layla said as she checked het wrist watch to confirm her thought.

  "Okay..and wait, didn't you notice my calls yesterday?". Dela asked as he pulled away his chair and stood up. He walked majestically from his seat and stood in front of Layla as he lend on the table.

  "I... I saw it but I'm sorry I couldn't pick it up". She said and lowered het head.

  "Why?". Dela questioned her immediately she answered his first question.

  "I was sleeping". Layla said.

"Around 8:30 pm in the evening?".

   Dela was making it hard for Layla to comprehend. 

  "I... I". Layla's last words were blocked in her mouth by the next action of Dela.

  He pinned her to the wall with his one hand while watching her straight in the eye without even missing a gaze from her.

  "Look here young man. Go on a date with me". Dela said and smirked, ignoring the dirty stuffs on his mind as he stared at Layla who was shivering as if she had been poured a cold water.

  "I'm... I'm sorry but I'm a boy not a girl". Layla tried to correct him if he was mistaken her or had caught her.

  "Don't worry boy, I'm not a gay. I just want to use you as an excuse to save myself": Dela said and pulled himself back as Layla released all the breath she had held up on her chest with a great signed.

  "But why?". Layla asked him when she regained back her normal self.

  "Because you look too girly and I don't think many people will recognize you as boy ". Dela said.

  "No!.. I'm not gonna do that". Layla rejected his offer instantly.

  "Why don't you want to do it?". Dela asked while aiming his suspicious eye on Layla.

  " I don't like it and it pissed me, when I'm being called a girl ". Layla said and pretended a frowned on her face.

  "Whatever,,, suits yourself. but I will surely need you for a date this afternoon". Dela said and got busy when he took his seat.


"Hosea,,, Hosea will you get up". Jonie had now regretted accepting Hosea to pass the night in his house. She was still sleeping and wasn't even thinking of waking up.

  " Jonie just go, I will lock your doors for you when I'm ready to leave". Hosea said through her sleep as Jonie looked at her cuteness and smiled then went out of the room.  He went for his car keys and left the house.


" So,,,,,what are you going to do now?". Lisa said on the phone. 

  " I just don't know Lisa". Layla said.

"Well I think you should go with him like that,,, I mean like how you are". Lisa said.

  " Yes,,, that sounds good beside I don't care about what people will say". Layla said.

  " Okay,,, I will hang up for now take care ". Layla said and hang up.

  " Huh.,,let see how you are going to ruin your reputation". Layla scolded with a wicked smirk.


" Are you going somewhere?". Steve asked when he saw Layla packing up her things.

  " Yeah,,, I got somewhere to go with boss". Layla said with a gentle smile.

  " Oh,,, then we wish you good luck ". Jeon said and they all shook their head as Layla wondered why they did that.

  " Why are you saying that,,,,,,,,,?". Layla asked as she looked at each of them one by one. 

  " No one go out with our boss and come back the same they went". Jin said and Jeon signed,,,,now Layla was a bit scared.

  ( Will I be fired if I do anything stupid,,,,,?). Layla thought and suddenly begin to sweat like a pregnant fish.

  " Don't worry we are just joking. But all the same take care for that man can be scary sometimes". Steve said and they all got back to their position and got busy instantly.

  " Don't worry Layla you can do this ". She thought to herself and went out to see Dela who was already waiting for her in his car park.

  " So you actually didn't change your identity". Dela said and smirked immediately he saw her.

  " Yeah,,, I'm a boy and I can't transgender myself". Layla said and cursed herself under her breath, how could she say that when she had already hid her real identity.

" Okay young boy get in the car ". Dela said and Layla got in the car and then they drove away.


" What!,,,,,Mom what are you saying,,, my brother is doing what!". Hosea shouted as she got down from the bed and made her way to the kitchen while on phone with her Mother who had just told her about her brother going out with his follow man.

" Hosea, I want you to investigate this issue for me ok,,,, my boy can not be a ,,,aggrh,,, that is even shameful to mention ". Dela's mother was upset because she thought Dela her son was a gay when she watched the video which the lady she sent to go on a date with Dela had sent to her. it was awful to watch on how Dela was flirting with Layla as if he know she was a she.

" okay mother,,,on it". Hosea assured her mother as she quickly did her things and went out of the house then drove straight to his brothers company.

Suddenly when she stepped inside the building after she got there, an alarm started blowing alerting the securities around.

" Oh,,, damnit bro,,,what the hell is this one". Hosea ignored the noise and walked away as if she hadn't done anything.

"Miss please you are not allowed to enter". the security man tried to plead with her.

" Do you wanna lose your job or you wanna be jobless?". Hosea's asked the instant confused man infront of her and he shook his head quickly.

" Then leave me alone or else you will be fired without you knowing ". Hosea said and headed straight to Dela's office, when the security man saw that, he also run after her. He perfer losing his job then to cause trouble for his boss who he cherished best. He told some of the securities to go guide the entrance then he ran after Hosea to stop her before she enter his boss office.