Author's pov,

She is not able to understand what is happening and she is drained physically and mentally and she is strucked in that situation and she can't tell the truth to him and he will destroy her for getting truth .

Myra is strucked between her love and her daughter , if she want love she have to tell him and there is no option for sacrificing her daughter in the bloody game , she hate this life and she didn't feel a minimum love for him that he is completely destroyed by his doings but she didn't understand that he is the king of mafia and he can solve the problem.

Ryan pov,

I feel so pathetic about Myra but she didn't tell the truth and I know she loves me which is not acting , I have seen love in her eyes but know she is changed and she gives me a daughter and I don't know what makes her to move out and she didn't told the reason, I have to break her to the extend and she will tell the truth and I will mend her with my love , yes I love her and she is the only girl I loved but she betrayed me and I am angry with her and my heart is burning to see her like that but I want truth and I don't know how to know .

She is sleeping on the floor and her eyes is swollen and tears are rolling down and I pick her up and place her on my bed and kissed her forehead and slept with her and cuddled her .

Third person pov,

Sun is brightly shine and Ryan wakes up and saw his beautiful wife is sleeping and hugging him and she is very small when comparing to him and she is looking like a dead corpse and he knows that she eats very less and he is humilating her so much and but he wants truth and he can go any extent to bring it . He didn't have a courage to loss her so he makes her mental breakdown to bring truth and he mend her with love .

But god has another plan in their life when he knows the truth , she will be broken beyond repair and he also broken with that truth .

Then he feel slight movement in her and she wakes up , when she wakes up he suddenly pushed her out of the bed and she didn't know how she came to the bed and why he is pushed her .

Ryan , " How dare you sleeping near me ? are you planned to trap me in your love lies?"

Myra, " Ryan , I don't know how I came here"

Ryan slapped her on her cheeks and said," Who are you?"

Myra, " I am Myra"

Ryan becomes angry and continuously slapped her on her cheeks , " Are you joking , do you feel any comedy show happening , who are you to me"

Myra, " Wife "

Ryan is burning in fire and he unbuckle his belt and asked her to strip . She is hesistating and then he tear her tops and she is naked and she hides her body with her hand and then he tied her hand in a bed post and makes her to bent on the bed , then he takes the belt and spang on her butt . She is continuously begging him to stop but he is burning in a revenge and with a 50 slash , he release her and push down to the floor . She didn't have a strength to stand and she is continuously weeping

Ryan," do you want another round of spang?"

She is scared and she bent her head downwards

Ryan, " then don't show fake tears . I am not old Ryan to trust you"

Ryan ," Do you know Why I spanked you"

She didn't respond him and she simply standing . now his patience level is breaking

Ryan, " Who are you to me?"

She didn't respond

Ryan, " My patience level is breaking who are you to me don't stand like this tell me "

She didn't respond

Ryan, " Ok you don't tell , I don't give you food and clothes and you have to stand here for entire day and don't dare and prepare answer in night , based on your answer . I will reward you"

Ryan start to move and then he heard she saying , " I don' t know "

Ryan, " You are my sex slave , little slut and your body , soul , heart is mine , mine to cherish and mine to destroy"

Myra saw his eyes with pain , he called her as slut and she feels like to kill herself and then her daughter's face is coming in her mind and she thought to live for her daughter

Myra, " Ryan , I am regretting that once I loved you and you will regret for what you are doing to me when you find the truth and if you will kill me also I won't tell the truth .and I want to see you how much length you are going to break me . I am just living for my daughter that I can't trust you for her upbringing . You can do whatever you want . I will taken as a punishment for loving a person like you and I am happy that I will die by the person whom once I love "