
'Ah I better stop wasting time and get up to get that VR headset'

Alan excitedly gets up and jump into a black jeans with blue T-shirt.

'Now that I am out, I don't have an automobile'

Alan use his phone to call for a vehicle, now the world is all about technology, their are many apps specifically for paid rides.

Alan patiently wait for the ride to arrive and soon the ride arrive, Alan get in the car and they are on their way.

Alan paid for the ride and came out, he find that their are not that many people.

'What is happening?'

As he went in the store...

"Good morning"

The man nodded his head at Alan.

"What did you want to buy?"

"The Fully Immersive VR headset, I have already make a pre-order"

The man weirdly look at Alan till Alan think that something is wrong.

"Nobody buys it from the store now, you just call and we deliver it"

The man explained.

"Oh, I hope I can get one"

Alan is feeling anxious now.

"Of course"

The man bring a package to Alan which Alan excitedly grab and call for the ride.

He soon arrived at home.

Now Alan is in his room, he slowly move his hands on the package feeling its texture.

Slowly he open the package, in the package is a shiny white headset with other paper which are obviously the manual, there's also a power cord.

That's right only this things are inside, the current world of technology has advanced that you only need to put on the VR on your head, connected the power cord and then you are set.

As he wears the headset, a blue holographic screen appeared in front of him, showing some cutscense from the game.

«Insert your name»


The screen change and shows:

«Customisation page»

Aizen did not change many things except that he change his hair into a very black one and has green eyes.

Soon He is transported into a white space.

"Welcome To: World Online "

An unknown voice said, after that the white space turned into a lively village.

Alan first observed the feeling which is no different from the real life feeling.

The wind, the sunlight, the visuals graphics...

Alan even pinched himself and he felt the pain.

With all those elements, it makes this game not much different from the real world.

»Status Screen«


»Class: None«

»Mana: 20/20«

»Health: 20/20«


Strength: 10

Agility: 10






»Choose a beginner weapon«

Three piece of equipments appeared before him, a sword, a bow, a wand.

Alan chose the sword, he already plan walking on the path of a warrior.

»Newbie swords«

Attack: +2


'Well this is a good start'

»Skill available«

- Slash

"I should go look for some quest"

After navigating through some part of the city, he find the pugilist Grandmaster.

"Greetings senior"

Alan did a small bow.

The messy hair old man look at Alan in surprise, must people only came here for their selfish gains and they did not show respect to him.

"You sure You want to get the pugilist class?"

"Yes Senior"

"Defeat at least five fire slimes"


[Class Quest]

-Defeat red slimes x5


- 300 coins

- Basic Weapon of choice

- 100 Fame points

Alan is transported into a place with slime of flames.

'I will play this game like my life depends on it'

Alan strongly believe that his only hope is this game and he is not going to going to play lightly.


-2 mana

Fire Slimes Lvl 2

Health: 100/100

A slime of reddish colour appeared.


Alan did not waste time and directly attack the slime twice in quick succession.



Two crimson colour appeared above the slime's head.

The slime shoot a fireball towards Alan.


Alan barely managed to dodge the attack when another fireball came towards him.

Alan somersaulted in the air.

'It seems that my reflex from school days did not abandoned me'

Alan used to participate in the karate classes and sport activities, right now they are showing their worth.

"Who is that guy?"

"He has a good reflex but he is a noob"

"He is definitely a noob"

Alan did not let all that get into his head, he fully concentrated on fighting the beast before him like they are his Sworn enemy.

Alan swing his swords in quick succession again hitting the first fire slime.



100 + 100 Exp

Level up

'System, why is their is a 100 + 100?'

»Exp is doubled when fighting opponents higher level than you«

'That is a surprise but I quiet like it'

A fireball is on Alan's path again.

Alan dashed towards the fireball and parried it to the side.

Super Critical Hit! -100

This time Alan directly hit the core of the beast, killing him in one attack!


Alan hits the third fire slime twice in quick succession.

[Congratulations for being the first player to create a skill]

+2000 Exp

+ 500 fame points

An uncommon sword

[What will you name the skills?]

[Double Slash]

- Level 1/5

- The user attack twice in quick succession, the second attack deals and additional damage than the first slash, damage increase with level.

Cost: 4 Mana.

[Will you like your name to be announced to the whole world?]


Alan chose no, he don't want trouble coming towards him as he is not strong right now, so he decided that strength comes first then fame.

[World Announcement]

[A player has created a skill and he is rewarded handsomely for been the first to create a skill]

Immediately after he selected no, a world announcements went off, he got carried away and a fireball blasted him.


[Health: 14/20]

[Double slash]

The idiotic fire slime fall after the attack.

Alan use similar style to beat the other fire slime.

Alan level up a total of three times here and he is transported back to where the Pugilist grandmaster is.

The grandmaster is shocked at Alan's level and how fast he came back.

He gestured at Alan to come into the training ground.

"Well done, lad. I am quiet interested in you, so I will give you chance to choose a weapon for free"

"Thank you senior, this junior is grateful for your generosity"

Alan cupped his fist and bring towards his chest, he then bow.

"Hahaha, no need for the formalities, just choose"

Alan quietly look at the weapons and stare at them for a long time.

"I choose this"

Alan chose a gauntlet, he feel like something within the gauntlet is calling him and his instincts push him to chose that particular weapon.

"You sure got good eyes"

The old pugilist grandmaster gave the two pair of gauntlets to Alan.


Martial Artist Pride





»Status: Broken«

"What in the world is this thing!"

Alan exclaimed in surprised.

"Hey don't keep me waiting, I have to teach you a skill"


After some training and some wise words and bragging from the Pugilist grandmaster, Alan finally learned his class skills.

"Thank you senior, for teaching me and granting me the opportunity to choose a weapon from your wonderful arsenal"

"Haha, don't mention it"

With that came the end of Alan's conversation with the grandmaster until the next time he came here.

What Alan did not know is that the weapon he chose, is the weapon that will greatly change his gaming life and his real life too.