Breakthrough in the midst of battle!

Breakthrough in the midst of battle!

'Is this how I am going to die?'

Alan thought as he saw the cold gleam of the shadow blade that is coming towards him.

'Is not like this is the end of my gaming career but dying still feels a lot uncomfortable, damn you Gradil! I swear that if I play next time then I will make sure to royally kick your ass!'

At this point, Alan has already given up all hope of living and closed his eyes, waiting for the blade to hit his neck.

No matter what plan he thought about, it always lead him to one conclusion and that is DEATH!

'My first death' Alan closed his eyes with a smile of acceptance.


A rumbling sound is heard as if a wave is crashing against a wall.


A loud ominous cracking sound resounded through the boss chamber!

'What is this feeling?! What is happening to me?!'

Alan is feeling pain and at the same time, a surging power ravaging through his body!

'If I did not control this power then I will surely explode, I have to control this power and If I am successful, then I will get a lot strong which means I can get out of my predicament, failure to do so might lead to an unexpected and adverse effect'

'But how do I control it?!'

Alan closed his eyes and tried to calm down and sensed the energy.

After sensing the energy, he tried to circulate it to all over his body.

While Alan is having that internal battle, something incredible is happening outside his body.

Amazing changes where occurring and the shadow sword unbeknownst to him is slowly creeping towards his neck.

» System notification «

Alan heard the system notification but chose to ignore it and focused his mind on the task at hand.


The shadow sword connected with his neck!


At this moment, Alan opened his eyes that have been tightly shut.

A black ominous aura is crazily seeping out from his body!


When the black aura touched the overbearing sword that had made contact with Alan's neck, surprisingly a corrosive effect took place and destroy it to nothingness!

The Void energy destroy anything around Alan even his teammates attack.

Many silver runes glowed on Alan's body and his eyes turned pitch black, he seems to have completely become a different person!

His aura, temperament and everything made him look like a cold and dominating emperor as he set his eyes on Gradil.

"Void Spray" Alan slowly spoken these two words and stretch his arm towards Gradil, his palm wide open.


A calm slow but loud and overbearing sound is heard as a black concentrated ominous energy spread and covered a wide range leaving almost no room for escape.

Gradil mobilised a large amount of shadows to make a dense layer of defense around his body to protect himself.


A corrosive sound is heard as the Void attack move slowly in a domineering manner and devour the shadow energy shield made by Gradil and advance towards him!

"What is this?! How can it devour everything?!" Gradil's angry and desperate voice is heard.

"Their must be a way! Ahhhhhhhh!" Gradil screamed as the Void energy destroy his arms.

"Why are my arms not regenerating?! How is this possible?!"

"Nothingness" Alan coldly spoke.

The void energy completely covered Gradil's body and totally destroy him into nothingness, it was as if Gradil had never existed!


That us the only word to describe the Void energy.

'So this is the power of the void!' Alan excitedly thought.

"Hey dude! You are still alive?!" As usual the voice of Booklovingwriter's is the first to be heard.

"Bro, you expect me to die?" Alan asked with a raised brow.

"Ah no, you see this brother here is just happy beyond explanation. This damn Gradil is the final boss I guess" Booklovingwriter scratches the back of his head.

"Bro you really look cool with all that glowing mysterious runes on your body" Booklovingwriter grinned.


"Eh?" Booklovingwriter's surprised voice sounded, that is because Alan snatched the wine gourd.

"Hehe, Let's taste how good this wine of yours is" Alan excitedly swirled the wine gourd in his hand.

"Hahaha, bro let's drink as brothers of war!" Booklovingwriter burst into a joyous laughter.

He took out another gourd from his inventory and open it letting the sweet fragrance swept the surrounding.

"CHEERS!" They both shouted.


'What a sweet and intoxicated taste, I should really try the many other dishes of this game and taste how good they are'

On this day Alan gain a powerful brother and On this day, The mighty Booklovingwriter teaches Alan how to drink and how good it felt.

The other group members also saw that Alan is Alive and they also had a face of all smiles as their eyes landed on Alan.