Amelia's Punishment | Gary who has chosen a side and Alan in big trouble

"Come on little brother, please elaborate" Alan plead.

"You want me to leave mum's side and jump to your side, no way! This disadvantage is higher than the advantage of joining you, so I will stay where I am'' Gary laugh at the end.

"Please brother, you are my only brother. The one and only, the greatest brother in the whole world" Alan praise little Gary.


"Uhmm Yes mum" Alan has a bad feeling about this, he feels like this is not going to go down well for him.

Now the whole family here and the one who shouted is none other than his mother who is standing in the front with little Gary beside her.

"So because of this game you are now skipping breakfast, lunch and also about to skip dinner?!" Amelia used her hand and knock Alan on the head.

"Ouch! Is not like that, its just that I got carried away while playing"

Even though she look convinced on the face, the pain on his ears says otherwise.

"Will you dare to refuse to eat food again?!" Amelia twisted Alan's ears harder than before.

"Ahh! Ouch! Mum is not like I refused to eat- Ouch!"

"I said answer my question, will you dare?"

"No I will not dare, this is the first and last time! Please don't twist any further" Alan pleaded.


Alan heaved a sigh of relief because of his ear are finally free but he is also able to see the whole family laughing at him especially Gary whose eyes are about to shed tears due to laughing too hard.

"Come down for dinner" Amelia said as she walk downstairs.

"Of course, of course" Alan quick went to the bathroom to freshen up.


After dinner, the family are all together in the living room except one!

"Where is Anna?" Alan asked.

"You know their work is too tiring, so after eating dinner she immediately went to her room and sleep" Amelia Answered.

"And this naughty boy is also supposed to be asleep but here he is busy making noise as if it is morning again" Robert added.

Gary pretended to not hear them and completely immersed himself in the pleasure of watching the Tv.

"We are also fired and sleepy, so we will go to sleep too, good night"

"Aha Sweet dreams" Even though Alan happily said that, his smile turned into a wry smile as he is left with his one and only chattering box brother.

"Hehehe, You will answer a lot of question tonight!" Gary grinned.

'What's with that grin? Even seeing it sends shivers down my spine' Alan swallow hard before sitting beside his noisy brother.

But firstly its time for payback!

Grabbing Gary's two hand and holding them tight, he knocked his head three times and then let him go.

"What's for?" Gary asked.

"Revenge" Alan replied.

"How's the game? Have you played well? Did you heard of a famous player call Aizen? What class did you play?"

Alan quickly put a hand at Gary's mouth to stop him form spewing more questions.

"Why did you keep spewing questions like a machine gun?" Alan asked.

"Guess I am too excited" Gary fiddled with his fingers, a usual thing he do when he felt embarassed.

"Okay ask one question at a time" Alan said.

"How does the game feels? Is it as realistic as how the devs[1] says?" Gary excitedly asked, he still can't hold back and ask two question at the same time.

"Yeah it is, it is very realistic to the point that you will mistake it for the a real life experiance and here's a reminder, whenever you played don't forget to reduced the pain level"

"Is it that painful at maximum level?" Gary curiously asked.

"It hurts like hell, better not try it" Alan shivers as he remembers his experience of beating up by his little friend.

"Which class are you playing? Hope you are not been odd again" Gary asked.

"Pugilist" Alan said.

"Dammit! Just because you dabble a little in martial arts does not warrant you to choose the Pugilist class! It is too hard to play for ordinary people" Gary complained, he complains as if he is the one playing.

"Its not like I am ordinary, if that's all you have to ask, then let's go to sleep" Alan lazily said.

"Hehehe I know something you don't" Gary flashed a mysterious smile.

"What did you know that i did not know?" Alan curiously asked with a raises brow.

"The big brother I know is a complete loner, so you must not have known what is going on the forum" Gary said.

"And then?" Alan asked.

"The question here is, what is trending one the forum? Even though you can check the forums while playing, I know that you will not do that"

"So answer my question, what is going on in the future forum?"