Deadly Duo | Money | Demon?

"Its show time!"






These two bloody numbers appeared on top of the stone golem.

"Take this!"



» You have successfully killed a stone golem«

+20 stones.

"Piece of cake" Gerard commented.

The combination and co-ordination of this duo is very deadly.

Many stones start shaking.

"Hehehe, little Gerard, you have really jinxed us"

Aizen smile wryly as he saw about ten stone golems glaring at them with their cold and lifeless eyes.

"If they block our way, it means they have a death wish, there is no one stopping us now" Gerard's face flashed with an excited grin.

The duo stood side by side as they faced their enemies.


Seeing the hard golem's fist coming towards his face, Aizen quickly jumped back and avoided it.

The sound of sword cutting and streaking through the air is heard, enveloping it with void power, it successfully connected with the golem's neck!

-12,000 Critical Hit!


A thunderous boom is heard as Gerard successfully destroy a golem and said, "So you finally used your power and combat techniques"

Gerard dodge a punch and attack the Golem, "I must say, it is a very unique and dangerous power" Gerard added.

"Yes I use it because people's lives are at stake here" Aizen parried an attack away from him and slashed with his Throat sealer the neck of the golem, earning another critical hit.


'I should conserved my energy and stop enveloping the sword with Void energy, after all I don't know what we will face in the cave'

As Aizen thought about this, the void energy enveloping the Throat sealer disappear.

"Hey Aizen, identify this idiot here, he and the other five are kinda different from the other golems"

Hearing that Aizen used the » Inspect « Skill and to his surprised they are indeed different.

They are iron Golems, to other players this might sound like a bad news and a very big trouble but to Aizen, he is viewing it from a different angle.

'Iron is much expensive than stone and this guys here are like a very big money bag delivering themselves to me on a silver platter, hahahah'

At this point Aizen's eyes almost turn into dollar signs as he gazed at the money bags standing before him.

"I really hope that more will come, after all iron ores are more expensive than stones, the more the better" Aizen subconsciously muttered.

"Did you just say iron ores?" Gerard asked.

"Uh yeah, it is an iron Golems we are facing now" Aizen spoke.

"Oh so the big bad guys have arrived, Aizen let's deal with them quickly, we have lives to save" Gerard quickly spoke.

"Be careful because they have higher intelligence than the small bad guys" Aizen warned.

"Don't worry I got this, Aura! Force Punch!" Gerard shouted and go all out from the beginning.

Gerard's body is enveloped in a bluish hue and it has already started condensing on his two fist.



The sound of something cutting through the air is heard.

The first fist streaked through the air and hit a golem and the second fist also streaked through the air.





Two bloody numbers appeared on top of the two beasts.

"Your skill is really powerful!" Aizen exclaimed as he saw the crazy damage this kid is dishing at such a young age.

'This boy is just like Gary, no gary is a bit older than Gerard, Gerard has a lot of potential' Aizen thought as he slashed at the vital point of a golem which is the neck.


Unfortunately the beast is not as idiotic as he thought, the beast managed to block his vital points.

"Tsk!" Aizen clicked his Tongue in annoyance.

» Quick Slash «







His trusty old skill came in handy and save the day!

» You have successfully killed the elite iron Golem «

+50 Iron Ores

"Woah! That's unexpected, so that is why it is so hard to kill" Aizen exclaimed as he surprised, pleasantly surprised.

When they defeated the last iron golem, Aizen made sure to pick every loot he could get.

'I am quite rich now' Aizen's mood instantly improved.

"Let's head deeper into the cave" Gerard decided to take a cautious approach.


A large creature dropped down and kicked up a cloud of dust when he landed.

"What the heck is that creature?" Aizen exclaimed.

"Probably a demon, it is very rare to encounter demons but it seems we are very unlucky to encounter one" Gerard made a guess.

'Maybe lady luck is angry with us' Aizen thought.

"Come one Gerard, don't jinx us again, it is probably a much bigger and dangerous Golem"


What did you think it is ? Let me no in the comments.

I promise that the next chapter will be the most exciting chapter so far, so stay tune for the next chapter: Dire situation!

Power stones goal:

50 in a week = 1 bonus Chapter.

100 In a week = 2 Bonus Chapter.

200 in a week = 4 Bonus chapters.

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