Aren’t you overestimating yourself And you think I still had such a trash like you in my memory?

"And this is why I will use this chance to introduce you to my new lover..."

As she said that, she stretches her hand and a boy arrives right beside her with a floating expression.

"He is of course non other than Bryan, a much better man than you"

"I never knew you will go that far for our enmity" Gary gritted his teeth and muttered, it seems all of this messed was created by Bryan to hurt him once more.

"Why did you chose Bryan?" Gary asked.

"Oh that is actually simple, can you buy me an expensive cosmetic set? A new phone? Or can you even buy me some good clothes and the Visual Reality headset that will soon be released?"

Gary is short of words to say at this point... He just listen to her stating all of her excuses and whatever reasons she have.

"You Are just too damn poor"

"So you didn't know I was poor when you dated me? You didn't know I was poor when you ask me for answers during test and you didn't know I was poor when you use to ask me to teach you and also went on a walk with you?" Gary erupted with a flurry of questions of his own too.

"Listen Gary, it is quite funny that you think such a beautiful lady like Alexa really likes you" Bryan said from the side as he move closer to his new found lover.

"That's it, I never love you and I will never love you, I am a materialistic lady, how can I stay with such a poor thing? I don't even think you can buy yourselves expensive clothes talk less of buying it for me" Alexa said.

"So be it then" As Gary said that he turn around to leave.

Bryan hurriedly run towards his side and whispered, "Indeed Alexa is beautiful but what makes me even more determine to get her is seeing how miserable you will be when she denies ever loving you and walk out with me"

Hearing that Gary didn't hesitate to punch the guy straight on the face and that resulted in him visiting the principal's office and been suspended for a while.

Back to the present...

"Why can't you get over what had already happened? That is the problem with you poor people, just because someone shows you kindness and then you thought it is love" She angrily said.

"Aren't you overestimating yourself And you think I still had such a trash like you in my memory?" Gary sharply replied and soon laughter erupted from the class.


"Hahahaha hahahahah!" Travis burst into laughter from the side as he clutch his stomach and soon Michel join in the laughter too as he couldn't hold it back.

"She thought she is some big shot!" Micheal said to Travis.

"And she even thought she had a place in our friends mine but she's nothing more than a trash" Travis replied.

"You..!" Alexa's face is flush red due to embarrassment.

She then walk towards Gary in attempt to pry his hand from Bryan's collar which she failed miserably.

"Do you know what you are doing?" She asked with an angry face.

"Of course I know since even someone as dumb as you can" Gary reply with a grin.

If it was before, he will have at least stop by now in fear of Bryan taking revenge on his family and making things difficult for them but now it is different.

He firmly believe that his brother is someone great in World Online and money will soon not be a concern to them especially now that many things are turning into VR the financial future will soon be VR and VR alone!

So due to his big brother they will not only be rich but will also have connections because for his big brother to earn that much he is not an ordinary player.

Gary is even starting to think that his brother is really Aizen, even though Aizen might not be the strongest player right now, he will soon be and when it comes to popularity Aizen is undoubtedly number one.

So what reason will he have to fear this arrogant young masters, since they dare to use their status to bully him, now that there's no status difference because his brother also got the cash and so the kids will settle it themselves!

Gary's attitude shock Alexa once more.

'I hen did he turn to this? He looks very confident and fearless. For as long as I know Gary, I knew he never pretends so maybe there's someone backing him up' Alexa thought.

"Move aside now" Gary said as he glare at her.

The next thing she saw is Bryan once again on the ground and soon Gary squat down, under her shock gaze, Gary water punching at Bryan's face!

"I will call the teachers!" She shouted but Gary still hasn't stop.

She runs outside to call the teachers because at this point she didn't think Gary will stop his assault on Bryan.