The Mysterious Being

Aizen is stunned and amazed at the high speed and strength displayed by the large blood colored tentacles.

And now he is been dragged into an unknown space, at least it is so dark that he can't even see his own hands.

This monster or whatever existence it is, Aizen understands one thing which is it is not something he can defeat any time soon.

So he quit his attempt to resist, immediately he found out he and little red are gonna die, he's gonna go all out and maybe consume all of the remaining of the flame petals!

Because that's the only way, if not he can't see another way of defeating this thing and there's one thing terrifying him.

He don't even know the monster or the creature doing this, this is the fear of the Unknown!

Fighting against a known enemy even if he is stronger than you is better compare to the feeling of facing the unknown especially the unknown that gave an aura of total dominance.

'Whatever, what is meant to be will be' Aizen quietly wait as the tentacle is dragging yo Lord Knows where.

Unexpectedly Aiden could feel solid ground under his leg, it seems they have reach whatever their damn destination is.

'Phew... I hope nothing goes wrong, at least we should survive this'

Just when Aizen is sighing in relief a cold breeze blew.

"Huh!?" Aizen involuntary let out a surprised sound.

Even for him, he can feel the cold seeping deep into his bones and the terrifying thing about this wind is not their coldness but the ominous feeling they gave.

Slaughter and dead!

That's exactly what Aizen felt right now and to say he is not scared is a big lie!

'Something is happening...'

Aizen is surprised for the second time, deep in his body he felt that he also possessed such kind of feeling hidden deep inside his heart.

The force from his body erupted for a bit and instead of cold and fear, Aizen felt like the cold breeze is something familiar.

"Not bad lad" A deep voice from deep inside the darkness said.

Soon the place is lit up by crimson glowing energy orbs and right before their eyes it solidifies into crystals that lit the dark cave.

Aizen concentrate hard to see the owner of that profound voice but to his disappointment, even the light seems to fear this creature.

'We are really done for this time' Aizen sighed in his mind.

"I am but a mere remnant of a consciousness, but still I am not something the likes of you can even struggle against"

The voice seems to be coming from all directions.

'Let's try to talk our way out of this mess' Since his strength is insufficient, Aizen decided to use his silver tongue to get them out of this.

"Old venerable lord, it is indeed a mistake offending you. This lowly ones hope that Old Venerable will forgive us, we can even run some errands for this great lord" Aizen calmly spoke as he bowed.

"Quite an interesting lad you are, I am not sure calling me "Old Venerable Lord" is tight tho"

"This should help you out" From the darkest depth, a cold energy arises in crimson color, it is infused with thick killing intent.

'Did I messed up or is that he's natural aura?'

Little Red slithers close to Aizen, it seems it also figured out that their best chance is to stuck together.

The killing intent quickly increases and it surge toward Aizen like a tidal wave!

'Dammit! This is it!' Aizen steps forward and stood before Little Red and mutter, "Void Armor"

Void energy appeared out of no where and cover Aizen completely in an impenetrable Void energy shell.

Aizen could still hear he terrifying sound coming closer and it's almost over three seconds now.

The shield disappeared, "Oh shit bad timing!"

Aizen exclaimed and gritted his teeth even though he don't want to open his eyes, his curiosity got the better of him, as he opened his eyes even if he is to die, he will get a glimpse of the mysterious being.

"Boom..." Someone muttered.

Aizen opened his eyes and met another pair of eyes looking at him with a bored expression.

"You sure are overprotective and over cautious" A handsome man muttered.

The man has white hair and crimson colored iris, his aura is rough and filled with slaughter intent, just been near him made Aizen felt as if he's on a battle field where lots of creatures have died.

And yet this dangerous being is looking at him and not attacking.

'I guess that's a good sign' Aizen once more but he quickly stopped his thought, what if he jinxed himself once more? Or worse this dangerous being is also quite cruel and playful, what if he is able to read minds and knows his thoughts?

"Oh Hello young lad"