Beaten Up Little Red | Flame Lord Recovered?!

Little Red's violent crimson energy is been emitted out of his body as he prepare it for something that only he knows.

"Blood blast!"

"If you think you are crazy, I am crazier"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

He madly shot the blast in every direction bombarding anything around him in reckless abandone without caring for anything.

"Argh!" Suddenly someone appeared out of nowhere, he seems to be in a running motion but was abruptly send flying.

"Little Rat, you are finally out" Little Red grinned as he opened his hand for a blast.

"Ah no! I have something you might want, information, money, portions, I will give you all just don't kill me"

"Too bad, I don't need any of that"

Little Red's hand started to glow crimson once again.



Little Red abruptly used the branch and blocked an arrow attack which prompted the arrow to break.

"They are finally here! Dash!" He shouted as he used the dash skill and disappeared from his position.

"More annoying things"

"Little Red, you have to let me down, I can walk, the damage is not that severe. At this point, you need everything to survive"

"You are right, I will agree with you only this once" Little Red said as he let jwhbsrinvfriygrf out and someone covered in crimson and energy.

jwhbsrinvfriygrf couldn't make sense of who or what it is but the moment he saw the third object he recognizes it.

It is the assassin that attacked Silent Arrow earlier.

"I will erect a barrier over you guys, crush this crimson stone once you reached your desire place, you can rest assure that this idiot will not wake up any time soon"

jwhbsrinvfriygrf grunted as he take up the crimson energy covered object and drag the unconscious assassin.

Little Red saw the barrier erected when they are not far from the fire lord.

"Let's do this!" He shouted as all of his crimson branches are pulled back and ready to shot out at any moment.

"Blood slash!"

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

He shot a lot of blood energy like blades towards his enemies even before they collided.

Soon the second blood spear appeared, "Shorten"

Soon the spears shorten and looked like a sword instead.


A hand flew up into the air as Little Red sever it from its owner that was attempting to attack him.


Soon the owner of the hand follow it to the afterlife.

"Blood blast!"


The blood exploded and wounded a lot of enemies near Little Red.

Little Red suddenly cut his wrist and prevents it from healing as some blood flow profusely.

"Blood Art: Blood needles!"

The blood condensed into the form of needles as they float beside him.


"Ahh!" Miserable shouts are heard as the blood needles pierce through a lot of the opponents team.


In a tricky angle a sword flew toward little red...

He could have been seriously wounded but thankfully he had the heavenly demon blood tree branches.


He moved it extremely fast and deflected the attack... The already cracked blade suddenly broke and only a handle and a short part of the blade remain.

Seeing the blade, it is none other than jwhbsrinvfriygrf's sword, "That coward!" Little Red managed to spotted him at the back of the army running towards the direction they came from.


All of the four branches shot out at the same time in an extremely wild manner as they tore through the enemy's rank.

"I shall put you down!"

A man came jumping from above with his sword as he hold it with both hands, with sword raised high above his head, it came crashing down on Little Red.


Little Red understood that it's not the right time to block, so he quickly dodge to the side while the blade came crashing down heavily on the ground.

A deep gash appeared on the ground, the man slowly stood up and the army back off to give the two terrifying opponents a space.

Little Red came running towards the man with his two spears in their short forms.


His first sword clash with the large broadsword that the man is carrying.


He attacked again with the other one but unfortunately it hit a gauntlet.


A punch landed on Little Red's face as he was sent flying he managed to balance himself while on the air and as he land, he stab his spears in the ground to prevent himself from skidding any further.

The punch earlier even made his mouth bleed, the man is quite strong.


He slashed horizontally without even reaching close to Little Red and a shockwave suddenly appeared as it travels towards little red.


The shockwave clash with two of his branches while he proceeded forward.

The branches are slightly cut but the shockwave has dissipated.

Clank! Clank! Clank! Clank! Clank! Clank!

They clash swords so many times in extreme speed from time to time one of them will slip up and get injured.

The injuries on Little Red are few but deep while the injuries on the large man are a lot but most are light.

Blood slash!

He cast the skills many times as he send them toward the large man.

"Enlarge!" The man shouted as his stab his sword on the ground, the blade enlarge gene though it is large.

'How the hell will he be able to swing that?' Little Red thought as he throw one of his spears.

Immediately the spear flew past the man, it disappeared while little red appeared And slash the man on the face.


He raised the large blade with extreme agility and attacked!

Even though Little Red has blocked the attack he is now left on the ground with his hands numb.

"Nice try kid, but it's time I sent you on your way, I heard the injured flame lord is here?" He said and stomped on Little Red's stomach which lead to little rd vomiting blood


Some of his ribs are even broken!

he is about to swing the large blade at the defenseless little red!

Suddenly an extreme heat radiated outward with a flame barrier at the centre.

A man releasing an extreme heat flew from the barrier, his eyes is white with yellow like flame color circle as his iris, he seemed to have contain the sun in his eyes.

Even his hair strands are like yellow burning flames as they fluttered in the wind, he opens his eyes at this moment everyone stopped.