The Impenetrable Bull! A Losing Battle?

The situation is not looking optimistic for us because the beasts seems like a never ending tide crashing upon us.

'And here I am facing a damn bull' I thought as I grip my sword tightly.


The bull even though large it's actually extremely fast but I managed to dodge it and it's time for a counter.



'Well that's actually a surprised sound coming from a bull' I thought as I felt like laughing at this mismatch, isn't it supposed to be moo?

But my expression soon change because the wound I caused is already healing!

"What the hell is wrong with this creature" I subconsciously exclaimed.


It charges at me in high speed that caught me off guard!


I accurately brought my blade to block!

But what can a mere blade do against a raging bull?!



My body flew backward as blood spurted out of my mouth!

My back collided with a large rock as I slowly slide down.

Before I can catch my breath I saw the damn bull rushing at me again!

'Dammit, not good' I am at a lost of what to do at this moment.


"Water blade!"

I decisively throw my sword enveloped with the water blades at the charging beast!


It almost slice one of the charging beast's leg, that reduce its speed!

It may seem that it is a dumb choice to throw the blade but I've other plans in mind for doing that!

"Force of the malevolent dragon: First form: Malevolent dragon's fist!"


Slowly black aura appeared and encased my fists upto my arms, the dragon's head slowly manifested on my fist while some other smaller dragons appeared with their illusory tails swaying above my elbow region.

'That's the most I can do for now'

I stand facing the enraged bull, I bang my fist together and decided to charge at it too!


The bull snorted as it saw my action as a pointless provocation, it also charges at me!




I jump to the side at the last second which make the bull went past me but before it completely pass me, I pull my fist back and ...



I punch out to its body and a roar resounded from the dragon on my fist while it send it crashing towards the other side!

Suddenly a green aura enveloped it as it stand back on its feet and glare at me with increase hatred And newfound confidence evident in its eyes!

'That should be one of its skills' I thought.

So I charge towards it, it seems the green energy is slowly enveloping it and I've made it my fighting style to get on full assault and never let my enemy rest if I can and besides I get a bad feeling about that green energy!


I dash at it with my fists ready to punch he stuff out of him!


I duck down and hit it on the side of the face and decided to rise up with an uppercut to its chin!


A metallic sound resounded as my fist felt numb!

The bull is looking down at me with my hand still on its chin but unable to progress any further!

The green energy stopped my hand from moving forward!

Without any further wasting time I jumped back and open up the distance between me and the bull.

'But how is that possible?' I asked myself.

The bull charges at me with an increased speed and I figured out that I shouldn't engaged in close combat with it, what I've decided is that I will run as fast as I can and grabbed my sword, that will be he only way for me to be able to keep it at a distance!

The sudden decision of running catch the bull off guard but it seems it is quiet intelligent, when I look back I saw him dashing at same thing I am running towards!

"Dammit! It knows that I am running towards the sword and that's why it charges at it"

Aizen's expression changed as he realized something at this point, he has to choose between getting hit and grabbing the sword or leaving the sword and staying unscathed!

I push my hesitations aside with the unwillingness disappearibg from my mind, I've made my decision!

I am not backing out at this moment and thus I ran fast towards the sword while the bull is running towards me at the same time!

It is just a few distance before I grab the sword and it is also a small distance before the bull crashes into me!

"Hmph!" I braced myself and jump towards the sword with my hand extended to grab it!


"Argh!!!" The massive force crash unto me which send me flying backwards, I shakily stand back on my feet as I grip the sword I painstakingly grabbed.

"Water blades!" The blade take on a blue hue as the skill is ready to be used!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Quickly slashing with my sword, I slash multiple times at the charging bull!

Clank! Clank! Clank!

"How can that... b-be?" I asked myself as I saw all of my attacks been deflected!

I felt the urge to use my void powers but in the end I don't know what will happen later, I have to fight this battle without it!

But the question is how? How can I defeat it if my attacks can't penetrate it?


I saw the charging green aura covered bull about to hit me once again!

"Disappearing steps!" I activated my skill without hesitation!

I stepped to the side as I skidded on the ground due to the sudden increase in speed, immediately I stopped I slashed my sword at the bull!

But the attack only produce a clanking sound!

"Haaaaaa!" With loud shout I attack with increased speed!


I slashed upward and as expected it produced a clanking sound but this time I am ready for the disappointment as I follow up with another series of attacks!

Another strike as I brought my sword that is already above with an overhead strike, I slashed horizontally again which also produced the clanking sound!


It roared as it headbutts me with its head, in my frenzy of attacks and the improved speed, I managed to parry and jumped back and decided to resume my tack!

Immediately my feet landed on the ground I charge towards it again, and slashed with my blade across its head diagonally!

The green light intensifies around the area as I side stepped dodging its attack, I slash horizontally which also hit but the clanking sound is all that followed!

'Am I truly fighting a losing battle?' Despair clouded my mind.

It push forwards with it's horn aiming to impale me but I've already anticipated and with the improve speed, I jumped back and when he missed and then thrust my sword at its head!


My hands felt numb from the impact as a realization dawns in me!

A blood trickled down its forehead, but before I can smile and celebrate my new find with a new flurry of attacks, it charges and hit me on the chest sending me flying !

As I fly back I balance my body on the air despite the pain and when I landed, I stabbed my sword on the ground to stop my skidding body!

When I attack it extremely fast and then lastly attack it when it never expected, that is when it gets wounded which means only one thing!

I have to hit it with attacks that it never expected and I have to be fast!



My almost black aura appeared as it kick out a cloud of dust.

I stabbed the sword on the ground as I mutter, "Force of the malevolent dragon, First form: Malevolent dragon fist!"

With my hand enveloped by the malevolent dragon fist aura and my overflowing chaotic aura and my hair fluttering in the wind , I bet I look like a hero, as I thought about that I smiled as I pick up the sword.

I hold my sword in one hand while it's tip is diagonally facing the ground, I charge at the bull!

I suddenly swung my blades towards its head and my attack connected which resaulted in a clanking sound, but I already expected that after all it is but a feint attack, just when it's about to hit my abdomen, I raised my knee and hits it's blind spot which is its throat!

Its head jacks back from the attack as I grin and slashed my sword it's eyes, the green aura intensifies once again but then I suddenly drop on my knees and skidded on the ground with the sword!


It shouted as a bleeding wound appeared on its leg while I skidded out of its leg's range I stood behind it and slashed my sword at its leg!

[Disappearing step's has ended!]

"What?!" I exclaimed but my attack still has managed to hit it on the leg and due to the pain It kick back!

'What the heck! Seems my luck has ended' This thought appeared on my mind and a grim expression on my face as the attack hits my chest!

"Argh!" Blood spurted from my mouth, that attack must have break some bones!

Just when my body is about to fly out completely out of the beast's range, I used my aura and propelled my my injured body towards the beast!

Just when it thought I am downed, it saws a figure flying past it's side!

I almost flew pass it, with the malevolent dragon fist on my left hand, I throw my hand extremely fast towards it which slow my moving body!

With the malevolent aura enhancing my right hand that is wielding the sword, I thrusted it towards its neck!


It pierce through the neck which made me felt some relive as my body collapse and hits the ground from the stress!

'I don't think I can move my body' I thought as I felt pain all over my body.

I saw the the bull with blood gushing out of its neck and hatred overflowing from its eyes, it raised its leg in an attempt for a last attack to take me down with him by stomping on my chest!

'I am sure that will make my chest cave in' I thought as I try to move my body but I just can't which frustrated me!

"Descend of the dark lord..."

That's the last thing I heard as my eyes started getting blurry.


Thank you jwhbsrinvfriygrf and Chris_Seekins for the wonderful and continuous support of powerstones.

Add me up on discord so that I can add you to the server: Usfal_Aizen#1799

You all have my gratitude for reading this book!