Movement Skill Huh? I Have it!

"So I really did make a mistake..."

"Did the others also think of me as but a foolish disposable object?" Aizen muttered to himself, the face of jwhbsrinvfriygrf, Mask, Vincent, Luna and Brandon flashed across his mind.

"No, they are always here for me especially jwhbsrinvfriygrf, Mask and Luna" Aizen steeled his resolve.

"My my, is it that the great Aizen has lost his will to fight? You are so emotionally weak, have you already see no meaning in all of this?" Raven asked as he laughed in amusement and mockery.

Aizen stayed silent for a while as he composed himself and steeled his resolve, he didn't want to kill this traitor because he was once a friend but it seems that is what he has to do or rather what has to be done.

"Whatever I don't care anymore, it is no linger fun so it's time for you to die, let this be a reminder for you" Raven casually said.

Aizen slowly raised his sword wielding hand that has already fall to his side as he raised his head with a determined expression, "And who the fuck do you think you are to decide my death?!"

Aiden shouted back he is honestly annoyed at this traitor that keep tapping his mouth as if he controls the whole world!


Aizen dash towards Raven with his sword at his side!


To Aizen's shock, instead of dodging Raven charge at him too!

When their blades is about to collide, Raven raised his dagger which collided with Aizen's blade while he step to the side!

'An opening' Raven thought as he stabbed with his other dagger.


Feeling the pain Aizen gnash his teeth and jump back by reflex!

'I'll be a fool to let an escaping opponent catch us breath' With that he caused after the airborne Aizen!


He slashed his dagger horizontally!

'Damn! So fast' Aizen thought but fortunately he is able to bring his blade at he right time and counterattack!

As they collided in the air, their eyes gaze into each other's while they both landed a little far away from each other!

They both stand facing each other while Raven has both his daggers by his sideC Aizen grabbed his sword tightly and dash towards Raven and Raven also did the same!

At the last moment before he clash, Aizen jump to the side and slashed aiming for Raven's neck!

Raven has already see it coming and with skills and agility of a monster he did get it by ducking down!

With the blade flying above his head, he had already see an opening to attackAizen which is on he side of the stomach!

Aizen saw Ravens intention and quickly dodge it by jumping back!

Raven's attack missed but he didn't give up as he dash towards Aizen to stab him in the chest!

Aizen used his free hand to grab Raven's hand and knee him on the stomach!

"Urgh!" Raven shouted weirdly as he felt the pain in his stomach!

'Serves you right!' Aizen thought and with his hand grabbing Raven's hand, he knee him again in the stomach!

Raven has saw the attack but he is powerless to do anything about it, he desperately attempt to break free but the knee still connected with his ribs!

"Damn you!" He shouted in pain, he latest attack on hi stomach even sends him up into the air slightly!

With his body slightly above the ground, he twisted his body at a weird angle with such skill and ferocity that Aizen has never expected!

Seeing the attack, Aizen felt that he has to leave this dude's leg hand or else the the kick will connect with his face!

He released Raven's hand and block the attacks it's his hand! His hand obscure his view and when it cleared it is already too late because Raven has already arrived with a kick to his side!


Aizen's body is sent flying but Raven is not the type that will let his opponents rest and so he runs after the flying Aizen!


Aizen stamped his feet on the ground forcefully coming to a halt but he saw a nigga already about to welcome him!

He 𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺 it with his sword but Raven is relentless with his attacks s he kept in attacking with increased speed while putting Aizen on the defensive!

'Damn it this is not good!'

Aizen find an opening and take an advantage of it , Raven is quick to react as he 𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺 it but it will sent him back a few distance!

"GHOST steps!" Raven shouted and activated his skill with a craze look in his eyes!

'Here it comes! Shits about a to get serious' Aizen thought as he saw the crazed Raven that is hell bent on killing him.

"Any last words?" Raven asked as he is very confident to kill a Aizen soon!

"Lol, how many times did I have to tell you, who the fuck are you to decided my death?!" Aizen said, this traitor is getting arrogant once agin because of his new movement skill.

"This time is different, what gives you the confidence?" Raven asked.

"It's funny that you think you are the only one with a great movement skill, Movement skill huh? I have it!"

It seems h battle is about to come to an end, both of them are determined to win and are ready to get to any length to win!