Look Deep Within Yourself.

'What a dangerous situation…' Aizen grumbled in his mind.

To make matters worse, his energy levels are low which means he won't be able to use any skills!

He is not different than a sitting duck waiting to be slaughtered unless his comrade will be able to intercept the beast on time which nigh impossible.

Sweats trickled down his forehead as he will his tired body to move but to his dismay, nothing is working the way he expected it to work!

"Look deep within you…" A timeworn voice sounded at this moment.

'Look deep within myself?' Aizen was shocked.

'I'm willing to try anything as long as it can help me survive, the price for failure is too high at this moment and I'm not ready to pay the price' Aizen cast his fears and doubts to the side and focus deep within him, a purple-black ball suddenly appeared in his vision.

He felt infinitely small compare to the ball but at this moment he felt a summoning from this rotating black ball, without wasting time, he proceed to walk towards it!

"Ehh?" A gasp escaped from Aizen's lips as he realized that he is not working but simply floating!

Looking at his own body, he is shocked to realize that he is nothing but a glowing gray ball himself!

'It seems that weather I live or die depended on this black ball…' Aizen smiled and approached the purplish-black ball, his eyes resolute!Whoosh!

The moment he came into contact with the black ball, he felt a suction force and with a whoosh! He vanished.

"Eh? He vanished?" Jwhbsrinvfriygrf asked no one in particular, the Death Vine Lion that just smashed its maw onto a nearby rock was also shocked.

It can't comprehend how the human that was sitting right before him, unable to escape suddenly vanished.

Unbeknownst to Aizen, even his body has vanished at this moment!Jwhbsrinvfriygrf released a sigh of relief but his expression quickly darken, right at this moment, the lion turned its scary face towards him!

"Dammit! I'm just a Ranger for Goddamn sake..." jwhbsrinvfriygrf cursed as he stood face to face with the enormous monster!

'You better survive and get something good out of this… or else ill drag you from the afterlife and kill you myself' Jwhbsrinvfriygrf messaged through the team chat (at this moment he is only able to contact Aizen).

Meanwhile Aizen seems to be in strange state of comprehension, his eyes are complete black, his body exuded no aura… as if he is dead but even the dead exuded an aura of death but at this moment, Aizen seems to be nonexistent.

"What a waste of potential, you call yourself one of the Void yet you don't even comprehend it. Totally ignorant of the power you wield"

A deep voice fill with deep draconic majesty spoke.

Aizen is silent, at this moment he felt that this mysterious figure is capable of obliterating both his body and soul with a single thought- wait, the voice seems oddly familiar.

"Such a disappointment, you are unable to remember who I am even though I'm the one that grant you this Void power. The one that transform you from a weak human into who you are today" It spoke once again but this time with a great deal of disdain.

"Razazil?!" Aizen exclaimed, at this moment the identity of this mysterious creature become clear in his hazy mind, it is none other than the Void Dragon that has giving him this mighty class from the start!

"To use the power of void in such a crude way is a disgrace to someone I chose as my successor" Razazil sighed and focus its cold emotionless eyes on Aizen.

Aizen is beyond terrified at this moment even swallowing his spit becomes extremely hard for him!

"What did you think the Void is?" Razazil solemnly asked.

It didn't take long before Aizen prepared his answer, "It is the ability to disintegrate…"

Seeing the dragon is exuding a dangerous aura, he quickly added, "All other creations into nothingness"

"Just as I expected, that is simply the answer your puny human brain can think of! And that is why a pitiful beast forced you into such a dire situation"

"If you are to truly master the power of the Void, you have to become the Void itself! All I can do right now is help baptize your body and with that… you will no longer have the right to call yourself human anymore!"

"It is a not reversible change, are you willing to take this chance and change your destiny even at the cost of your humanity?" The Dragon finally stopped with his monologue and look down at Aizen waiting for his answer.

'Willing? Hah, don't make me laugh, it's a game so what if I lose my human form?'

Aizen felt like laughing only that he didn't dare to.

"Of course I'm willing!"