A game is a structured form of play, usually undertaken for entertainment or fun, and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are different from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements.
Development usually starts with a game concept. The game concept is a very important document. The concept outlines the features of the game, the goals, and the overall game play.
NOTE: if you are an intrepid game developer in the making, then you should spend time writing up your own game concepts.
The concept ensures all parties involved with the game start on the same page. This would include: development team, marketing, licensor, etc...
I thought it would be interesting to examine a game concept together.
There are a lot of resources online that talk about game concepts and game design documents. Examples of templates and outlines are available on the internet. If you do a search for "game design concepts" you'll find plenty of resources.
So instead of retreading used ground, I thought we would try something different. I wrote a game concept for us to examine together. And since I have never produced a mobile game, I thought that would be a good place to start. I didn't necesarily follow any established template for this - I had this idea and wrote it down.
by Matt Powers
This is a quick concept overview of the mobile, free-to-play game, PowerBall!
Quick Overview
Player has X number of balls
Goal is to get the ball into the hole/target
Think – pool table to start
Player has a "gun" (which is fixed on the table, always in the same spot) that shoots the ball – always same velocity, player controls angle
Player needs to shoot the ball(s) at the appropriate angle to get it into the hole(s)
As levels progress there are barriers that come up on playfield to block balls
Mud pits that slow ball down
Black holes that suck balls in
Player gains his own toolset of objects he can put in playfield. These objects he uses to help his ball get to its destination
Bounce pads
Acceleration pads
Player has a set of tools which he can use to modify the playfield to assist the balls to get into the holes – bypassing the barriers presented by the playfield.
Now think – reverse pinball machine
Game can become very flashy and noisy (pinball machine) w/ lots of things happening
Score is tallied by completing playfield objectives, using toolbox items, etc…
Multiple ways for player to be successful (can use his tools in many different ways)
When player completes the playfield, a new one is presented with new challenges (and the player gains new tools in his toolset to overcome these challenges
Kinda similar games:
Incredible Machine
Bill Budge's Pinball Construction Set
Angry Birds
Star Trux
Example: Progression of Play
Aim turret, shoot ball across playfield into hole
Playfield puts up a barrier in front of hole
Player must use their toolset (probably a bounce-pad) to modify playfield to his benefit
Aim turret, shoot ball, ball bounces off bounce-pad into hole
Player gains different type of ball – BIG ball – the bigger, slower ball (this ball goes slower but can smash certain objects)
To get this BIG ball across the playfield, player needs to place an acceleration pad on playfield so it can make the distance to the hole
Aim BIG ball, hit acceleration pad, hit bounce pad, go into hole
The hold is now surrounded by barriers (new type of barrier – brick and not steel)
Player places two acceleration pads.
Aim BIG ball, hit acceleration pad 1, hit acceleration pad 2, smash wall, go into hole.
Aim regular ball, hit bounce pad, go through hold in wall, go into hole
Playfield Powerups
There are two ways for the player to add items to his Toolbox. One is using his PowerPoints to purchase toolbox items (assuming they have been unlocked and are available). The second is by picking them up from the playfield. On certain levels there will be Toolbox items represented as powerups on the playfield. The player can pick these up by causing one of his balls to hit/run over the powerup. In addition to being Toolbox items, Powerups could also be items such as: bonus balls, play again, bonus score, bonus PowerPoints, etc…
Themes are how the playfield, the playfield items, and the toolbox items all match and have a common look, color, and styling. Examples of themes include:
Rainbows and Unicorns
Elves and Trolls
At a certain point in the game the player unlocks themes. The player gets to pick his first theme for free. Future themes the player can purchase by using his earned PowerPoints.
Commodity / Money System
To complete a playfield the player must get a certain number of balls (based on playfield specification) into the hole(s).
The player increases his score on a playfield by using his toolbox, getting balls into holes, hitting point target, picking up powerups, keeping the ball in play for long period of time.
Once requirements of the playfield have been met, the player gets a score tally. The score is then converted to PowerPoints.
PowerPoints are used to purchase items such as: more balls, toolbox items, themes, etc…
A player can reply a playfield at the cost of a certain number of PowerPoints (but he can only pick up a Powerup once).
Players can spend real money to purchase PowerPoints.
Each day the player gets a random allotment of PowerPoints (or other special items) – this is to get him to return to the game on a daily basis.
As the game becomes more challenging, the player must find ways to use all the Toolbox items to get all balls in the hole(s) in a certain period of time to get the maximum score. If he does not gain maximum score after a certain number of playfields, he will run out of balls/PowerPoints in which case he will need to replay playfields (or use real money to purchase PowerPoints).
If the player is good enough or willing to replay playfields a number of times, he can continue without spending real money. But to unlock Toolset items and new Playfields quicker, he can spend real money to purchase PowerPoints which can then be used to unlock or purchase in-game items.
Some More Details
When player creates his own "pinball machine" to get his balls from start to finish, it can become very complex. He can make it more complex than needed.
The more of the tools used, the higher score (and hence, more potential PowerPoints).
Players can save their really cool "machines" and show off or share with friends.
Players can use themed art to personalize their machines
Think of players making their own reverse pinball machines to complete challenges.
Development usually starts with a game concept. The game concept is a very important document. The concept outlines the features of the game, the goals, and the overall game play.