Gaming Knowledge And Skill Are Not Superfluous, They Are An Essential Form Of Expertise In Games

Whether you are writing about or making games, gaming knowledge and skill are an essential form of expertise that act as a necessary foundation for the medium as whole.

To give some examples of what I mean, when I worked on Gears of War: Judgment the team all shared a working knowledge of both first and third person shooters.

This meant that in a low-level mechanical design sense, if you had to explain an issue or a new feature the shared knowledge based facilitated a very quick turnaround.

Without that shared knowledge base, you'd then have to explain the context in layman's terms. Not only would that take longer but it would also mean you'd have a greater chance of being misunderstood, as it would be conceptually unfamiliar.

It also helps to have a wider knowledge base than the genre you are working within as well, as many issues can often be remedied through the application of lateral solutions from very different games.

Gaming skill then comes into play when you are iterating and balancing a game. While there is a numerical element to balancing, much of it is done off feel as the core mechanics interface with the subconscious and don't always operate in a directly logical way. Again, this also ties into the knowledge base you have.

Now obviously this Gears of War: Judgment example is keyed into one type of game but all of this applies to pretty much every game out there and means that developers, especially the good ones, are very well versed in gaming history and can play games to a high level as well.

To explain, I play pretty much everything I can and that gives a solid generalized gaming knowledge background but I also specialize in mecha games, as I find them particularly interesting. This specialization also helps on other games in an indirect way.

On something like Virtual On Oratorio Tangram, I can play the game very well and the result of being able to consistently beat something like the penalty boss Ajim (shown below) gives me an appreciation of consistency of input, the potency of input macros and the importance of a high framerate.

This is not to say that by playing this type of game means I will make every game play like that, but that it gives an indirect point of reference if it is needed.

This is another big point, a lot of the benefit to nurturing gaming skill and a wide knowledge base is often indirect in nature. Even on genre specific games, there are many instances where one-to-one examples don't exist and you need to extrapolate something new. This is because a lot of the creative process in making something new is inherently chimaeran in approach. As such, having a wide base of gaming knowledge and skill to pool from is hugely useful.

The argument at this point is that without this knowledge and skill you can still make a game, this is true to a point. In that you can make a game but it won't necessarily be a very good one.